
A v A (3)

Over the raging sea, two soaked gods fought.

Athena redoubling her effort avoided a strike by lowering her stance back like a coiled snake ready to strike, sending her spear out in a series of varying speeds, slower at first, letting him get used to it before quickly thrusting, catching him by surprise, and grazing his cheek.

This further enraged the testosterone-filled war god as he pulled back, roaring in outrage,- "ENOUGH! I am the strongest! I am the best! It's time to teach you what a true war god can do."

Crossing both swords in front of himself, a fiery red aura burst forth, evaporating the water off him as he powered up. Armor began to appear in a fiery blaze all over his body, piece by piece as he lowered his dual swords to his sides which doubled in size.

Now fully decked out in an intimidating black and red plate armor set with two hefty-looking swords and a smokey fiery red aura drifting off him, Ares was ready to end things once and for all.

Athena didn't stay idle though as she called upon her own azure-colored magical aura, summoning her ancient magical book as her power conduit that floated just out in front of her offhand while wielding her spear as a staff in the other. Along with a bright blue magical circle appearing behind her with six equally colored magical orbs hovering around it.

"I thought your body was your armor, feeling weak?" Athena asked mockingly, not letting him off, as she once again wore that hateful grin he disliked so much.

"I hate you," Ares said as he readied himself,- "I really hate you ATHENA!" He furiously yelled charging at her.

"The feelings mutual," said Athena who continued to smirk as she flew backward while using the orbs to fire blue magical lasers at him.

Each miss causing explosions and water eruptions as Ares dodged best he could, deflecting those he couldn't while closing the gap between them.

Putting up her left hand, a series of magical circles appeared as Ares swung at her, shattering each one until it was stopped on the final two. His other sword blocked her counter spear only to be pushed away by a magical force blast.

Raising one sword into the air, a red-orange magical diagram appeared around it as he summoned a massive falling greatsword from above,

Looking up, she decided to stay and defend against it to further enrage her brother with each subsequent failure. Summoning two more magical tomes in front of her, she held her spear with both hands, slamming it down on a magical circled platform that formed underneath her, creating a dome around her as another series of much larger defensive formations appeared before her in a line.

With blue magical energy discharging from her spear point along the dome walls, she sent more power to each remaining layer of defense as they shattered one after another.

Still aware of her surroundings, she spotted Ares pointing his other sword at her from the side with the same magical diagram, her eyes widening slightly when another massive greatsword flew towards her.

Picking up her staff she slammed it down once again as a flash of blue light went off right as the two huge greatswords met with a loud booming crash.

Waiting for the dust to clear, Ares instinctively swung behind him, catching Athena's spear with a grin underneath his armor at having forced her to flee, only for it to be wiped away upon noticing the 6 blue orbs light up.

"You cowardly bitc..." was all he got out before he was blasted away.

Knowing things were still far from over, Athena maneuvered her Tomes back out just behind her levitating spear as her free hands hovered over the books, casting.

Ares's slightly damaged armor regenerated with a burning fire, as his eyes glowed with red rage, glaring at the chanting bitch who did it.

Putting both swords together he combined them into a flaming greatsword, his fiery red aura increasing wildly as it fed off his growing rage.

Taking off in a heated explosion, he blazed forth with a fire trail left in his wake, following behind his every movement now, more than ready for another round.

Athena's spear rotated down, pointing at the incoming man with her 6 orbs moving around its tip with each of the 7 points glowing brightly, linking to a central location in front before firing a big powerful blue energy beam that moved the sea.

Using his greatsword, Ares roared in defiance as he took the hit which stopped him only briefly before slowly pushing on.

Furrowing her brows, Athena increased the strength, watching in amazement as Ares soldiered on. When he was close enough, she changed the properties of the beam, making it explode right on top of him rather than try to contend against him.

The massive explosion tearing a hole in the sea as she erected a barrier to keep the wind and dust away.

Catching her spear, she squinted her eyes, trying to peer through the smoke only for them to widened in surprise as Ares burst through swinging diagonally down at her with all he was worth, completely unfazed by her attack.

Quickly erecting another series of defensive formations, she watched him blow through all of them with ease. Lifting her spear just in time to defend as he went through her last one. His sword, detonating upon impact, blasted her away. The book and tomes forcibly unsummoned after receiving too much damage.

Athena's body flew a good distance away, skipping along the sea's surface before crashing into an uninhabited island.

Getting up coughing ichor, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand while looking around, clutching her spear, knowing he would be right behind her. Not at all surprised to see another massive greatsword descending from above.

Taking off, the small island could be seen being destroyed behind her, sinking into the sea.

A waiting Ares ambushed her shortly after, smashing his fire greatsword into her back causing another explosion upon impact, destroying her magical circle and orbs while sending her into the depths.

Holding his greatsword with both hands, he began to charge it with more power, the flame's flickering faster, brighter, and more condensed as he patiently waited for the slightest surface movement.

Water began to bubble and churn, a couple of sprouting geysers did nothing to move him. Well aware of her tricks, he patiently waited, ignoring her attempts to distract him.

Seeing a blue glow rising rapidly towards him, he readied his strike, before smirking as he dodged last second out of the way of the incoming beam. Spotting her surface a distance away seconds later, he swung down with all his might, splitting the very sea in half, releasing a powerful crescent fire energy blade.

Pulling her aegis cloak off along with some water that was swept up by the movement, she threw it out in front of the incoming attack. Creating a frost shield just in front of her cloak for a bit of extra protection, always making sure she didn't rely too heavily on her items.

Thinking ahead, she placed her spear on her back while turning around, resummoning her tomes, and as predicted Ares showed up in all his burning glory.

Focusing on her magic, she steeled herself from the incoming explosion behind that shattered her ice shield as she took control of the sea, willing water hands up to grab Ares, slowing his advance while simultaneously turning the shattered ice into sharpened projectiles. Freezing the water on and around him in place so he wouldn't be able to escape.

Just as the Ice spikes were about to hit, Ares increased his fiery aura, bursting out of his prison with an angry roar, destroying them in the process.

Athena not nearly done then called down thunder to shock him, stunning him briefly as his mind instantly thought about dad.

Taking advantage of his lapse in cognitive functions, she increased the gravity several folds beneath him, pulling him straight down through the ice into the sea below where she refroze him.

Knowing it wouldn't hold him long, she readied her next series of spells, not forgetting to buff herself after sending several big blue orbs out to surround the area.

Unsummoning the tomes and re-equipping her spear, she checked to make sure her cloak was secure for the fight ahead.

A rumbling noise shook the area as Ares once again burst out, sending water and ice flying away, roaring madly,- "ATHENAAAAAAAA!"

Seeing her smirk, everything went red as he started going full berserk. His aura spinning out of control as his power skyrocketed. Another flaming Greatsword appeared in his off-hand as he now dual-wielded two of them, each charging up an attack as he rushed her.

Happy to see him completely lose it, she reminded herself of his increasing power, aware that even though it was easier to dodge and lead him by the nose in his berserk state, taking a hit now would be disastrous.

Flying forward to meet him, she called in the circling orbs into a tighter formation around them.

The ones behind Ares shot ice, lasers, and lighting while the ones behind Athena blew wind.

The shots connecting right as he was about to engage with her, throwing him off with a grunt, allowing her to easily parry the first strike. The force of which split the sea as she rotated around his right side, sending a strike with the back end of her spear only to have to back off as he continued to flip forward. His swords now coming from down below, forcing her to back off as he twisted around to face her, continuing to rush at her for another strike.

Looking at his glowing empowered swords, she knew any straight hit would likely activate them as she recalled the explosive hit that sent her flying earlier.

Doing her best to avoid any straight clash, she flew back towards one of the orbs while the rest stayed a safe distance away, maintaining their circular perimeter.

Watching as his sword edged ever closer, she disappeared into the orb, reappearing out another one on the other side as his swords connected with it, causing the biggest explosion yet as her orb detonated along with his swords. Tearing another giant hole into the sea as the surrounding water was instantly evaporated.

Athena could only sigh looking at the destruction they were causing, thinking about what Poseidon would say to them once this was over.

When the smoke cleared, Ares looked relatively unharmed with his slightly scuffed armor having taken the brunt of the attack. Immune to his own power, he took far less damage than she would have liked, thanks to his explosions counteracting most of hers.

Seeing him stand there in the air looking at her with his Greatswords charging back up while his armor self repaired doing his best to mock her, caused her to sneer inside, feeling nothing but contempt for the mad man.

Activating the orbs, she had them draw closer while bombarding him with varying magical attacks, excluding straight fire-based forms.

Right before the first wave hit, Ares flew at her, ignoring those that landed on him as he swung early.

Mindful of his power, she dodged anyways, since each of his strikes now had the power to split the sea, sending out a destructive force she didn't want to contend with if she didn't have to.

The orbs were now close enough that Ares could no longer ignore them as the bombardment continued.

Curling up behind his greatswords he defended against them, unable to think of a solution in his berserker state. When it grew to be too much, he let out an angry roar as he spun around like a tornado with his greatswords, sending a bladed wave of force out, destroying half the orbs as Athena willed the rest out of the way.

He then charged her once again, swinging away as she did her best to dodged and parry his strikes.

Willing the rest of the orbs closer, she entered one, appearing behind him as he missed, striking at his exposed backside.

She was unable to fully pierce through his armor though before he spun around to attack again.

Ducking under his strike she came up with a new plan as she went through another orb, escaping to one she kept a distance away for an emergency.

Watching Ares look around for her, she willed the other orbs closer to him as he spotted her, but surprisingly he didn't rush her. Instead, combining the two greatswords over his head into an even bigger greatsword with explosive energy rapidly crawling all over and discharging off him and the sword, ready to unleash a destructive force the earth hasn't seen since the clash of the titans.

And just when she thought it couldn't get any worst, a familiar but much more complex series of magical formations appeared around his sword from top to hilt as he continued to hold it up.

Wasting no time, she speared through a nearby orb and out the one she moved to Ares face, whose eyes were starting to glow, getting ready to deal with the annoying blue glow in his face, only to be caught off guard when a spearhead came through piercing his helm.

However, she didn't get far as he disappeared in a fiery eruption, reappearing far overhead.

Athena quickly sent the orbs after him, combining them on the way, in a last-ditch attempt to try and stop him from finishing while wondering in the back of her head just how far Zeus will allow this fight to go.

Powering up her spear, she took a moment to calm herself, while watching the giant orb draw ever closer to Ares in a timely manner.

The power discharging off the sword was growing out of control as he pumped more and more power into it. The magical formations spinning rapidly around it as the sky darkened overhead.

The blue orb was mere moments away when suddenly everything stopped, Ares's grand power show ended, the dark skies, the crackling energy, the now crumbling giant greatsword, gone just like that.

His body quivering as a terrible backlash hit him, ichor bleeding out his orifices as his armor cracked with the helmet falling off right as the blue orb swallowed him.

Waiting on the other side, Athena struck, spearing him halfway in the guts before his hand caught it,

She smirked seeing his pathetic state,- "Not looking so good there Ares, terrible timing that was with your champion falling, you're a fool for ever thinking a single Deviant could take an Eternal, especially after making them a crazier version of yourself, I mean look at you, you can't even handle going berserk, what did you expect from a mortal," she mocked, twisting the spear in a bit further.

Ares coughed up some ichor as he tightened his grip, glaring at her,- "Athena! This isn't the end! Next time don't expect to get so lucky" he seethed through labored breath.

"Save it for someone who cares, you've brought this upon yourself," Athena said as she increased the pressure, pushing the spear further in against his struggling grasp. Wanting nothing more than to humiliate him by holding his impaled form over her head, for all the times he's caused her grief.

Right then a giant Orange fish scaled, three webbed fingered hand shot out of the water towards them.