
Z v M v P

Poseidon watching from the coastline had a bad feeling when he saw Metabo crackling with the same azure lightning as Zeus.

"You Dare!" Shouted Zeus, eyes glowing electrically blue with angry discharges, right as Metabo zapped in front of him throwing a fist.

Catching his punch, Zeus scoffs at the growling menace- "I don't know what trickery this is, but I'll make you regret it..." He says while channeling electricity and squeezing the fist, attending to ruin it,- "...You can't even dream a hope of a chance to use my power, you'll be begging for forgiveness before this..." his words trailing off as he begins to struggle to hold the fist Metabo hasn't given up on.

Gritting his teeth, Zeus puts in more effort to keep it under control, but the more he put in, the harder it became.

"Enough!" Zeus yells, push-kicking Metabo away.

Raising his hands, Zeus exclaims,- "Die!" Unleashing a spray of lightning onto the 4 arm grey vermin, not believing for a second that it could truly absorb his power.

Spreading his arms wide, Metabo welcomes it, basking in the empowering shower of would-be death with eyes closed.

After a while Zeus relents, his mood rapidly souring.

Noticing he wasn't gaining any more strength, Metaob slowly opened his now electrically glowing eyes with a big stupid grin on his face as he saw Zeus's face fall further.

"If you think for one secon..." He starts to say only to be cut off as Metabo charged up and unleashed his own lightning spray right back at Zeus who sneers. His temper rising to new heights at the sheer gall of this grey thing basically doing the equivalent of spitting back in his face.

Unharmed and beyond furious, and still in denial, his ego not willing to accept what's happening right before him, Zeus clenches his fist and zooms through the attack. No longer holding back as he nails Metabo right in the face, blasting him away, causing a loud air force explosion that blew away debris and the closest fighters underneath the immediate vicinity.

Catching up to him, Zeus begins pummeling him, knocking him around, venting all his built-up animosity.

Fully conscious of how his ability works now, made more than abundantly clear fighting with the lightning god. Metabo allows it to happen at first until flashbacks from his time at the temple pop up. Feeling strong enough with the punches giving him less and less, a scowl forms over his face as he charges up, zapping away, causing Zeus to miss his latest punch.

"Impossible!" Zeus curses, completely flabbergasted and angry. Unable to think straight as he fails attempt after attempt to hurt him.

A second later Metabo appears behind him, sneak attacking him. Throwing a hard left in the backside of Zeus's face, sending him soaring for the first time in this fight.

Metabo now flashes towards him, intending to copy what happened earlier, give him a taste of his own medicine, but Zeus wasn't having any of that as he roars in defiance, releasing an electrically charged shock wave, throwing Metabo off as Zeus spins around and attacks.

They clash in a nasty brawl in a desperate attempt to get one over on the other, Zeus not in the right state of mind, is unwilling to relent even as Metabo's punches hit harder and harder as time goes on.

Not since the titans did he have so much difficulty, and he refused to believe that a minuscule amount of their blood could create something this dangerous.

Their clash took them all over as they reshaped the land around them, crashing through mountains and rivers, and any poor town or village that happened to be unlucky enough to be in their way.

Eventually, it came full circle as they found themselves back over Athens. A lightning-clad figure could be seen tearing through the acropolis, causing the whole entire centralized plateau to crumble.

This 4 arm individual then crashed through the fighting armies below, taking out a small portion of them before coming to a stop. Metabo let out a furious roar, jumping back into the air to meet Zeus's incoming follow-up attack.

They clashed a bit more causing significant damage to all those still fighting for supremacy below before backing off and taking a minute to size each other up again.

Both individuals sporting their azure lightning aura, staring at each other. Neither looking worst for wear or gaining any significant ground over the other. Despite absorbing Zeus's best punches and at this point pretty much an exact copy of him, Metabo still highly lacked in overall fighting skills and experience compared to his god foe. While Zeus despite not being able to soak up damage like his 4 arm grey-skin counterpart was also near invulnerable, being highly resistant to all forms of physical injury while his regenerative healing factor took care of any small harm instantaneously.

Both were more than capable of going on for days, weeks, maybe even months at this rate.

Poseidon seeing the problem and knowing his brother's temper decided to intervene, flying over while in the back of his head reminding himself not to compare him to his son Ares or risk his endless wrath.

Shaking his head at how pigheaded his brother could be at times while brilliant at other times. Aware though it likely stems from him being at the top too long without a challenge, otherwise, this would be titan wouldn't be giving him so much issue.

Zeus after all did have more of a repertoire than just his lightning abilities, though he hasn't needed anything more than that for a very long time now. Which was likely why he didn't want to use anything else for something he thought was so insignificant. Plus he is the lightning God, and to fail at that and have someone else take/copy it must be a bit of a blow after so long without facing any threats.

Finishing his thoughts, Poseidon calls out as he approaches,- "Brother! I think you're having a bit too much fun, at this rate you'll level this entire continent, allow me to take over, my power is not so easily copied… er I mean it's not energy-based, it's physical so he won't be able to copy it… What I mean is you could have easily finished this if you weren't playing around with him, let me have some fun so that not too many mortals accidentally die." Sweating as he fumbles with his words.

Zeus's glare finally relents, letting out a snort, "Fine you deal with it while I clear my head taking care of the rest of this trash." Not bothering to tell Poseidon that Metabo could absorb all forms of damage, including physical, though copying it was a different story.

Confused by another showing up, Metabo paused, pondering what to do, if he attacked now he would be fighting two which could get annoying, but wouldn't he also get stronger?

With this thought, Metabo let out a roar and flew over, his two top arms outstretched in front-firing lightning.

Prepared, Poseidon spun his trident around with each pass of the 3 pronged head creating defensive water streams that swatted away each of the bolts, catching the lightning and redirecting it as the water soaks it up and takes it away.

Some unlucky fighters below got splashed by the electrified water falling from above and were fried dead.

This stopped nothing though as the vampires continued to fight for food or orders, and the rest were simply unable to escape the chaos around them. On the other hand, the deviants now without leaders and Kro nowhere to be found, didn't know what else to do but fight with no portal to retreat through, unaware of Zakka having long abandoned them. The only thing that kept them from falling into despair was in fact Metabo the grey 4 arm deviant, their one and only shiny star of hope keeping them going.

That wasn't the end of their trouble though as Zeus now turned his focus onto them. Feeling a bit embarrassed, though he would never admit it, and wishing to wash it all away. He looks at everyone and everything below with disdain in his eyes, believing all to be beneath him.

Powering up, he stretches out his hands unleashing a storm of death upon those who were foolish enough to stain his eyes with their presence. The dark clouds above answered his call as a rain of lightning poured out, incinerating all it touched.

Fearful screams rang out as everyone now ran for their lives, some seeking cover under ruble that did nothing to stop the bolts of death, exploding and destroying any rubble that got in the way.

Enjoying his work, Zeus's eyes were drawn to the strange firey remains of a garden out of place on a battlefield.


Glad to see Grani make it though he would never admit it, if mostly for Sigyn's sake, however, he questioned that feeling moments later when Sigyn cried out in joy "Grani!" catching the shrinking green guy and hugging him as they ran.

Theoric and the girls slowly made it to the edge of the city after cutting through waves of enemies when the lightning began.

Reacting quickly, Theoric formed an energy umbrella to protect them. Noticing Lydia, in particular, didn't take it well as she started shaking. Slowly grasping her shoulder, she flinched, asking her- "Are you okay?"

Shaking her head,- "No," she rushes into his waiting embrace, recalling a memory from her childhood during one particularly nasty storm.

"Not a fan of lightning huh? Well that's okay we can talk about it later, but we can't stay here," he said picking her up in a princess carry as she retreated closer to his chest with each strike around them. On the upside, it was taking out unprotected enemies left and right.

They didn't get far outside of the city before Poseidon and Metabo's clash followed.


"Bah, all you can do is charge and swing, and swing some more, you're far from my match," Poseidon said gliding backward while creating another jet of water with a swing of his trident to sweep the grey deviant away. Biding his time as he lets him burn his stolen energy.

"Your power is only good as a surprise, but once known it's all but eliminated, I can tell your running low, your swings are coming slower, your lightning aura is waning, soon you'll have nothing left," said Poseidon looking down on his foe.

Struggling to reach his enemy, Metabo angrily roared, the hits of water doing nothing to replenish his power. He may not be the smartest but he knew what he needed to do. Powering up everything he had left, Metabo put everything into speed, flashing behind the water god, catching him by surprise, his arms wrapping around Poseidon's body and arms in a tight bear hug.

"Damn you! Get your filthy hands off me you damn dirty ape!" Poseidon yelled while his skin produced water so it was harder to hold onto him, and then used a water force blast to get him off.

Spinning around, seeing Metabo wide open, Poseidon didn't hesitate to seize his chance, not thinking twice before throwing his trident. Two of the three prongs pierced right through the grey deviant's eye sockets, stopping him dead in his tracks as he fell from the sky like a bird with its wings cut off.

Looking down at the body, Poseidon grunts in victory as if there was never any doubt in what would happen, stretching out his hand to call his weapon back. It jiggles for a bit before a big grey hand jumps up to grasp it.

"What!" Poseidon exclaims with widened eyes, changing seconds later to a scowl at having his weapon touched by another.

Changing tactics, he Rushes forward, taking hold of his trident before Metabo can pull it completely out, and crashing into him with the force of a mountain as he pushes the trident in further in, searching for the brain as he drives the head further through the ground followed by the body.

This proves futile though as the cumulative damage empowered Metabo back up.

Growling, he keeps hold of the trident with his right top hand, while the bottom two grab Poseidon, flipping their positions while punching him in the face with his top left.

Losing what little cool he had left, Poseidon wildly fought back as he activated his power, flooding their artificially created tunnel.

Tearing out his trident in the confusion with the introduction of the foreign element, Poseidon shot back up to the surface wishing for nothing more than to escape that dry claustrophobic space. Exiting with a water spout, taking to the air as he waited for his foe to resurface.

He didn't have to wait long as 4 arms came crashing out as the panting big grey deviant looked up with fully healed eyes.

This put a frown on Poseidon but didn't miss the fact that he was now panting as a slow-moving grin took his face.

Unable to fly anymore, Metabo jumped at Poseidon who used his trident to sweep him up and trap him in a water orb prison of which he could not escape try as he might.

Slowly watching his 4 arms flailed wildly, trying to swim out as his few remaining air bubbles escape his mouth.


Spotting Poseidon, Nina turned livid, almost not believing that he was practically right in front of her, drowning a Deviant a little ways off.

Losing control, her eyes shifted as she grabbed her bow and ran, screaming,- "POSEIDON!!!" Drawing her bowstring, revealing an arrow filled with power like none before, not that she noticed as her focus remained on the target ahead.

Theoric cursed,- "Damnit, no one look at her, she's lost control, wait here, I'll go get her," he said placing Lydia down.

"Be careful," Sigyn calls out.

"This is dangerous, if I'm spotted things could get ugly," says Thena.

"It'll be fine, I'll take care of it," says Theoric dismissively before taking off. Strangely comforting words for the confused woman.

"NINA! Come Back!" He yells rushing after her, reaching just as she lets loose her arrow.

Pulling her around, their eyes met, Athena's amulet gift glowing in protest, protecting him from her deadly gaze while also activating his healing power as a failsafe, hoping that his ability to heal others from it will protect him from being turned.

"Nina! It's not time yet, I promise we'll get him but it's not now, we have to go," Theoric quickly says covering her eyes and carrying her away.

Behind them, Poseidon's face is struck, breaking his concentration, yelling,- "Who Dares?!"

Turning to try and spot who did it, only to see the disappearing shapes as Theoric reaches Thena who hurries them all to grab hands, whereupon she directly teleports them all away.

He didn't have time to investigate though as he's tackled out of the air by Metabo who's been freed since earlier.

Mounting Poseidon, he begins to wail on him until he's grabbed by the back of the neck and thrown into the distant sea.

Poseidon opens his eyes to see his brother overhead with arms crossed mockingly.- "Letting yourself get distracted I see, that's not like you."

Poseidon squints his eyes briefly, keeping his thoughts to himself, before answering simply,- "It's been a while since I've done so much."

Zeus scoffs,- "You could say that again, anyways, I just threw him into the sea, hurry up and go finish this."

"Consider it already done," Poseidon says evaporating.


After appearing at a new destination a good distance away from where they started, Theoric asks,- "Since when could you teleport? A lot of things could have been much simpler if used sooner."

Thena, however, was laid on the ground panting heavily,- "That, takes, a lot, out of me... And I hate doing it."

Everyone then takes a break, Sigyn finding a tree to snooze under with Nina and Lydia by her side resting their heads together with Grani asleep at their feet.

Theoric goes off with Thena to look back from whence they came, watching out for any pursuit.

"Do you really think that drowning will work since he absorbs all forms of damage?" Thena suddenly asks.

"Maybe, if he needs to breathe it should, but if not, I think that after all that fighting, the only thing supporting him now is the foreign power, should he run out of it at this point, there's a good chance he'll receive a huge backlash," Theoric answers.

Thena,- "Hmm, I've never come across someone so dangerous, to think he could actually contend with the Olympians, that's some power he has."

Theoric.- "It's too bad he's an idiot."

Thena,- "It's too bad he's a Deviant."


"Father, Zeus... My King!"

"What is it now Athena?" Asked Zeus as he watches over Poseidon finish drowning off the grey 4 arm Deviant.

"They're coming!"