
(R-18) Chapter ideas that were made earlier then needed.

Word Count - 9808


NEXT MEETING – a ring instantly appears on her finger, unbeknownst to her at first.

Sif is angry and yells "why did you just leave after what you did?"

Theoric cleverly bullshits earning sif's sympathy- "How could you expect me not to after such an amazing night, how could I stick around and watch you go back to fawning over thor."

Sif trys to refute him- "How do you know that would happen?"

Theoric- "Well you came to Midgard for him didn't you? I never saw you come for me."

Sif retorts- "He was banished, you left!"

Theoric moves in on her faster then she could react, though she still managed to throw a strike which he easily dodged as he went for her lips. Igniting the long forgotten lust within her.

"Your right though it was a mistake, I made you mine and I should have brought you with me, though I know how loyal you are to Asgard, I should have known that forcing you to follow me would have been the right choice, we both know how you secretly wish to become my sex slave," he said grabbing her hair.

"You dare!"

"No I command!" he said taking her lips.

grabs hair and pulls her back for a kiss where they roughly begin making out before pulling away with her pulling his bottom lip with her teeth,- "Your a bastard."

"But I'm you bastard."

"Are you?"

"If you want me to be." -

Grabs head roughly, kisses her and then says - tell you what, I'll give you a chance to become one of mine, I have something to do, but when I'm done I expect you to be waiting in my room for when I get back do you understand he asks as she nods her head.



Theoric punches hulk away saving Black Widow who in the first time in her life was rattled


Theoric gives her one last passionate kiss now that she's back to normal so she doesn't forget, telling her to stay safe.

She licks her lips savory the best kiss she's ever had but not forgetting herself "mmm, shouldn't you be making sure the hulk doesn't smash everything else."

He grins in response giving her ass a slap as she's walking away, she pauses from it before moving on, if she wasn't in a hurry she would have made him pay for that.


Theoric answers the door finding Black widow in a tightly wrapped coat.

Seeing his stupid grin she grabbed his balls and squeezed catching him off guard.

"Agh, damn woman."

"That's what you get for slapping my ass," she said pushing him inside with her hand tightly wrapped around his jewels.

"Message received." he hurriedly said so she would release him.

Letting him go, she started walking further inside towards the bedroom only stopping briefly as she looked back- "Well you coming?" she asked as she dropped her coat revealing her birthday suit, before sexily walking away, his eyes glued to her ass, he quickly followed along as he stripped naked.

Briefly losing sight of her as she entered the bedroom, he once again was caught off guard as he went in and was met with another swift attack as she flipped him off his feet to his back on the bed where he promptly sat up on the edge in expectation at this fiery redheaded assassin who kept him on his toes.

Excited more then he has been in a while, he waited to see what was next as she approached him.

She then breaks the kiss, backing off of him as she trails kisses down to his cock.

"Impressive," she says inventively when she reaches it, knowing guys loved to be talked up.

"You have no idea," he said grinning.

She thought nothing of his comment as she took him in her mouth, working it back and forth, every once in a while taking it out to lick it from balls to tip, circling her tongue around the top before swallowing it all again.

When she felt him about to cum she grabbed his balls to prevent it, receiving a grunt of disapproval from Theoric.

"Careful now, we just started, there's still more to come." she said not realizing how unnecessary it was, though it wouldn't be long before she learned the truth.

She kept eye contact as she straddled him, briefly glancing at his lips as she leaned forward and kissed him, wishing to experience that feeling she had the first time they did it.

Theoric obliged as he recreated that moment knowing what she wanted, their tongues intertwining in a dance.

Feeling his excitement on her back side as his member hardens, she reaches back and strokes it teasingly.

She then pushed him back as she climbed up trailing kisses, giving him another deep kiss before going further up until her sex was on his face.

He decided to keep playing along as he ate her out, but as she grabbed his hair and pulled him closer moaning as his tongue played with her, he felt that it was his turn now as his hands snaked there way up to her jiggling breast as she humped his face.

Grabbing her tits caused her to moan, he let her have just a bit more fun on top before he flipped her over and took charge, In response she wrapped her legs around his head so he couldn't escape her snatch.

Not bothered by her legs he continued to please her as his hands worked her breasts, her hands moving from his head to his hands as she started to lose control.

Listening to her growing moans as her hands every once in a while rubbed his head, he increased his tongue speed as he brought her to completion.

He then made his way up tasting her breasts as he waited for her to calm back down.

"Are you ready for the main dish?" he asked teasingly spreading her legs and lining up.

Now face to face, he brushed her hair out of the way as he waited for her response with his tip at the entrance.

She hesitated, asking would be a first for her, usually she would either take it or they would give it with out asking, never has anyone asked her before in such a situation. Feeling the tip she grew a little frustrated that it wasn't already inside as her hips bucked up and down trying to take it in only to feel him pull away with a stupid grin on his face making her frown.

He chuckled- "Consider this payback for earlier, now if you want it, just ask me for it, tell me what you want."

Seeing her about to respond in a negative way he passionately kissed her trying to bring back the mood, making her want it.

The kiss was magnetic as she was easily swooned, breathlessly releasing a "Yes."

Thinking that was the best he was going to get he didn't hesitate to thrust in, causing a moan to slip out of the usually silent and controlled assassin.

Not wanting to be passive Natasha managed to flip him, sitting up as she began to ride him, her tits freely jiggling with every bounce. Everyone once in a while leaning close enough to tease him with her tits swinging in front of his face just out of reach.

Grinning when he grew frustrated enough that he forcibly brought her down grabbing a mouth full, biting a bit hard for punishment which only made her moan louder as she clenched down even tighter with her already tight pussy on his member in response.

As Natasha came to another orgasm Theoric flipped her back over and started to roughly make out with her. He then proceeded to ravish her far past her breaking point as revenge for stopping his earlier orgasm, he finished with one last release inside her mouth before finally letting her rest.

---The next morning Natasha tried to sneak away before he woke up unaware he was secretly watching as she stumbled her way towards her coat. Pausing to cough up some cum that was still present in her throat as she turned to check she didn't wake him. Inwardly sighing when she saw his sleeping face she slunk out the door, silently closing it, freezing when she heard his laugh, her face blushing in embarrassment. She cursed him for riding her so hard that she couldn't properly sneak away before escaping the area.



"I will give you asgard, I will give you the power you seek, and I ask for nothing in return, I do this because you are my queen."

He says as he spreads her legs, giving her a kiss before thrusting in.

Hela his warrior queen, meets his warrior princess lady sif,

sif learning the truth swears her oath to Hela and begs forgiveness to hela for sleeping with her man

Hela laughs "I like her."

Hela takes him and sif to bed, uses sif to get him ready forcing her head down on his cock, then kissing her ruthlessly after she finished choking on his dick and throws her to the side as she prepars to impale herself on it.

"I've missed this" she says riding him, her hips moving hypnotically, grinding on his dick.

He takes charge and seeks revenge for their past escapades. Starting off slow to give her some true love, which she comments on and he laughs before taking charge and ravaging her, pounding her into oblivion.

Next day she says when she gets her power back she'll get revenge on his revenge, but he says good luck with that.

Takes her to bath for royal treatment cleaning everything.

Hela comments on how stupid odin was pretending his eye was sacrificed to give him great wisdom when it was actaully lost in battle… Wonders if Thor will say the same bs.

Theoric is surprised to learn this.



"Don't worry about thor he's only attracted to blonds/lighter colored haired women or he would of eaten you right up. In fact I think he likes blondes the most because they remind him of himself, but your friend is a nice change of pace for him, maybe he's growing." He said bring a grin to her face.

Dacry asked - "Are all Asgardians as good looking as you two?"

Theoric boasted- "Well not as good as me, but there are plenty like Thor."

Darcy snorted- "Well someone knows how to toot his own horn."

Theoric grinned as he moved closer to her- "I never toot my own horn."

Darcy gulped.

Thor surprisingly understanding laughed- "Yes that's true he has a beautiful wife."

Darcy face turned gloomy while Theoric's face fell at his stupid companion.

Theoric looking at Darcy tried to explain- "We Asgardians don't always have one wife, trust me, my wife would love you as you would love her."

Darcy feeling slighted, retorted- "Alright there hot stuff put it back in your pants, we earth girls aren't that eas..." she trailed off watching him strip his armor off revealing his chiseled body that was just hidden by a light shirt that did little to hide it.

Theoric not missing anything drew closer to Darcy as she backed up into a wall not taking her eyes off his chest, abs and arms. He placed his right hand on the wall as he leaned in closer, using his left hand to stroke her face.

Darcy feeling him stroking her face snapped out of it as she looked up at his face that was now inches away from her causing her to blush as their eyes met.- "I, huh, I have to go." she managed to say before ducking out and hurrying away back to her room.

Theoric not letting the opportunity go, followed closely behind.

Entering her room just behind her, he reached around with a hug, firmly grabbing her tits, letting her know exactly what he wanted as he pulled her back into him.


"Ah," a surprised Darcy half way moaned out, "What do you think you're doing?" she asked while grabbing his hands, unsure if she wanted to peel them off or pull them further in.

Taking his left hand off he brushed away her hair out of the way as he began kissing her neck, moving his way up to her ear lobe, whispering,- "What do you think?" he asked as he turned her around to face him, taking her wonderful lips into a passionate kiss.

He then tore her shirt and bra off before she knew what was happening.

"Hey, that was my favorite shirt." she playfully whined.

"Well they were obstructing my favorite suit," he quipped, as he gave her another kiss while gently massaging her right breast before moving down to take the stiffening prize within his lips, his tongue working around it before sucking passionately.

"Ah, yes the girls, no one can resist them," she proudly said.

"Mm," she moaned, while holding his head, "Damn your good, your wife must love you," she said trying to come to grips with him having a wife, still eternally struggling with whether or not she should continue as he pulled her pants off.

Theoric quickly moved back up giving her a kiss,- "Shhh, this is between you and me right now, don't think about anything else." He said giving her ass a squeeze before lifting her where she instinctively wrapped her legs and arm around him as he took her to the bed.

"I don't know," she said as she appreciated his incredible body while wondering if she should believe him about his wife not caring or not, she didn't want to be apart of cheating.

Gently laying her down on the bed, he leaned over to kiss her again,- "Trust me, you won't regret it, don't think about anything, don't worry about anything, just relax and enjoy it, I promise we aren't doing anything wrong."

Finding it hard to say no, wanting this as much as him, she knew there really wasn't going back now that they've gone this far, so she sighed, resigning to the situation while promising herself to make him regret it if he was lying as she closed her eyes letting herself loosen up and relaxed.

Theoric grinned as he felt the tension leave her, happily giving her another kiss before moving down once again to her breasts, giving each of her amazing globes a full work, letting the nipple plop out of his mouth as he began his way further down, between her legs.

She moaned as his lips made contact, her hands rubbing the back of his head as he worked her.

"Fuck," she moaned.

Her hands tightening the closer he brought her to completion, the moans ringing out as the waves of pleasure rolled over her.

"Holy shit your good," she said.

Noticing her hands moving towards her breasts, he snaked his around to take control, making sure the only thing she had to worry about was enjoying it as he worked his tongue in and around her lower lips while not forgetting about her clit as his fingers worked her nipples.

"Oh my god, yes," she moaned.

And then it hit her as her back arched up while gripping the sheets, her moans reaching new heights as she just experienced the best orgasm of her life.

Taking in her sweet nectar, he continued to work her into another despite her feeble protests.

"Wait, ah, give me ah minute," she moaned as another wave of pleasure hit her.

Giving her a few more licks, he waited until her body stopped spasming before licking his way back up, once more tasting her amazing globes as his hands moved down to keep her warm.

Hearing her moan again, he moved up to kiss her, allowing her to taste herself as his tongue slipped in to wrestle her own.

Moving between her legs, he easily slipped in with one long thrust as she moaned into his mouth.

Starting slow, he warmed her up with soft humping, nice, slow, and deep thrusts that she could appreciate his size that seemed to somehow fit so perfectly.

When her arms and legs wrapped around him as if asking for more, he only increased the strength to keep her on edge as he gave it to her slow and hard.

Each thrust slamming into her, causing her boobs to jiggle and her moans to leak.

Entranced by the sight, he bent over to suck on one of her tits before moving back up to kiss her again while his right hand took over.

"Ah, Ah, So good, give me more." She moaned.

Not one to disappoint, he placed both hands down, looking her in the eyes as he gradually increased his pace.

Watching as he humped her into another round of uncontrollable pleasure, loving her reactions as her eyes lost focus, arms and legs dropping away, her moaning screams, music to his ears, all the way up until he exploded inside.

His warmth filling her, completing her, putting her right into a blissful lull.

Next day Darcy and Jane were having breakfast alone, Darcy- "Last night was amazing, that was definitely what I would call a god fuck." she said rubbing her vagina and boobs while recalling the experience.

Jane foster looking at her embarrassingly agreed with her- "Yes, but would you stop that, don't be so crass."

Darcy noticing Jane wasn't still feeling it like her smirked- "Maybe your experience was a bit lacking or you would still be like this, here feel my heart beat I still can't get over it." she she said grabbing Jane's hand, placing it on her breast where her heart was buried under."

Jane went red as a tomato peeling her hand away- "Stop it… Thor was also great." she mumbled trying to defend him.

Darcy snorted with a grin- "If you say so, and why are you so red from touching my boob, I know they can be quiet intimidating to some women, but you've been around me long enough by now."

Jane didn't have an answer for her as she turned silent, keeping her head down to hide her face as she concentrated on finishing her breakfast, while Darcy continued to rub herself much to Jane's continued embarrassment.

Its true Darcy has always been out there in your face with everything, and Jane has even gotten use to it, but this was a whole new level, even for her.

Darcy might have thought it strange to if she wasn't still in dream land thinking about Theoric ravishing her.


A bare chested Theoric comes down to say hi to the two ladies, walking next to Darcy who swallows her food watching his body closely along with Jane.

Standing next to her, Darcy reaches out to feel his abs,- "Oh yes, mommy likes, mommy really likes, how about you and me go back to the bedroom and this time you let me lick you all over."

Jane face turns completely red in extreme embarrassment.

Theoric chuckles,- "Sure, if you didn't rush down here so fast, I would of already taken you a few more times."

Darcy needing no more convincing, took his hand and rushed him back to the room, not caring how crass she was being in front of Jane who looked on with envy, wondering if Thor was done snoring.

OR pulls down his pants and begins sucking him off in front of Jane?????

Eventually becomes couple with Jane with Theoric aloud to join them freely whenever he wishes.

Asks if Jane is jealous which makes her scoff, please you think to highly of yourself, Thor is just fine.

Not bothering to address the obvious just fine, Theoric smirks saying he was talking about him, causing Jane to do a spit take and blush speechless.

JANE FOSTER – "Are you sure you can use that?" computer.

Theoric- "Are you joking? How could I possibly not use it?"

Jane- "Well Thor seemed to say something along the lines of, what is this infernal contraption how do you use this."

Theoric - "Thor? Hahaha, of course that big baby wouldn't know how to use it, he doesn't he even know how to feed or wipe himself without someones help."

Seeing the embarrassment on Jane, he smirked- "It's strange how someone as intelligent as you ended up with him." pointing out she just wanted him for his body.

"Your right he's not what I want, this is." she said kissing him.

Darcy surprised didn't say anything as she watched.

When she was done kissing she looked at Darcy- "And This." she said kissing a surprised Darcy

Darcy- "Wow, okay now wait just a min…" but was interrupted by Theoric who was liking where things were headed.

Darcy then caved in- "Well okay then, fuck it, we'll talk about this later," she said breathlessly.

"Yes, for now let's just enjoy." Theoric remarked as he pushed the two to kiss again, before kissing one then the other.

Finds out later she was actually attracted to Thor's power which was destined to end up with her. Do to a mysterious power that allowed her to duplicate it for her own.


Theoric calls thor a dufus and then tells him it means great warrior, thor agrees and says out loud I am a great dufus, which sends the girls into fits of laughter with theoric grinning at his accomplishment until thor pats his shoulder and says he's a great dufus to which made him freeze under the instant karma as the girls burst out into another round of laughter, barely managing to stay standing.


SUSAN STORM – changes name to Alba, for a meaning of a new sunrise and a dawning of the past.

"Am I ugly? Then why doesn't he look at me, I even dyed my hair and he still ignores me,"

"No, no, your absolutely stunning, and its a shame you dyed your hair when your natural color is so much better, *waves hand* There much better, I don't know who's foolish enough to neglect someone as amazing as you but if you were mine I would never let you go."


"Really," he says as she goes in for the kiss unable to resist any longer which he accepts hungrily. Tasting her soft full lips, his tongue venturing out, eager for more, wrestling her own as they met each other.

"And now your mine, don't expect to escape me any time soon," he said as he shoves his dick inside her.

She moans,- "Ahmm, Yes, I would never, ah, wish to," she answers completely swept away in the moment, but quickly learns the truth of those words as he ravishes her.

Susan (jessica alba) gets fucked during new york war after being saved, because she feels less pretty because of how reed was treating her and missing their date which was why she was alone.

Theoric fucks her, and then face fucks her.

[[[Theoric lifted her off the ground with his dick thrusting in deeply carry most of the weight causing her to instantly give a mini orgasm as he placed her back against the wall.

He started by kissing her deeply, greatly enjoying her beautiful luscious lips, his tongue exploring every inch of her mouth, inside and out as he suck on her lips.

He didn't forget to thrust his hips every once in a while, slow long hard thrusts that made her mind go blank for a few seconds at a time when his dick knocked hard against her ends.

Coming to completion he bucked forward as deep as he could releasing with a grunt as she gave an orgasmic moan in response.

Taking his hands he grabbed her face lovingly giving her one last deep kiss, sucking her bottom lip out at the end before saying,- "Any one ever tell you, you have a beautiful fucking face?" he asked as he rubbed her lips with his thumb.

Still reeling from the strongest Orgasm she's ever experienced and the first time receiving one from a man, didn't have time to respond before he pulled out of her eliciting another moan, then started to lower her to the ground shoving his dick down her throat much to her surprise as she looked up at him once she gather herself from her previous pleasure.

He only smiled down at her enjoying the view of her wonderful lips rapped so snuggle against his cock- "Yes a very fuckable face." he said thrusting down her throat despite the worry in her eyes.

She thought it would hurt, but was surprised to find his cock was perfectly sized so she didn't unnecessarily choke or cause pain, which confused her cause the dick that was in her earlier would surely be difficult to swallow.

These thoughts soon left her though as he started pounding her mouth pussy, his cock seemed to go deeper with each thrust as she grew accustomed to it.

This was actually her first time ever having a cock down her throat and she started to enjoy the feeling, the scent and taste of his manhood as he worked his way further into her.

The tightening of her throat around his cock's head felt amazing as she quickly adapted and gave it her all to please this man who made her feel wanted again, special and oh so good.

Each thrust bringing him more pleasure as her natural skills improved, cleverly stretching out her tongue to tickle his balls the slapped against her chin.

He grunted as he picked up the pace- "Get ready my dear, make sure you take it all, don't waste my gift." he said looking down at her, their eyes connecting.

She was now fully enthralled by him at this point and was more then ready to do what was needed to make him happy, she wanted these feelings to last forever, she never felt so loved, so wanted, never having experienced such passionate sex with any of her previous boyfriends who just did normal boring missionary that soon ended with her unsatisfied.

One last deep thrust he poured it all down her throat, instinctively holding her head so she wouldn't pull away as he kept his cock fully enveloped by her all the way to the base.

Looking down as their eyes connected again he found this to be an unfounded concern as she looked to be in heaven, she did everything possible to give him more pleasure as she squeezed her mouth around him tighter sucking up every last drop, her tongue caressing his balls as if asking for more.

He couldn't help but grunt- "Damn girl if I didn't know any better I'd say you practiced this all the time." he said lovingly petting her head as she gave it her all.

She was made for this, he thought as he closed his eyes to enjoy her cleanup process soon feeling like this was the best blowjob he's ever had quickly determining that he would never let her go now.

She was now doing her best to clean up his dick after taking the time to suck out all his delicious baby batter, wanting to show her appreciation for the best sex she's ever had as well as being introduced to a new mouth fucking experience that she quickly took a liking to, even coming to an orgasm from it much to her surprise, not understanding how that was possible.]]]

She found her true calling, his new little cock sucker.

Reed shows up later and she dumps him.

Sometime later – she's on her back with her head hanging over the edge mouth open waiting for him to take her, he obliged thrusting in, liking how he could see her throat expand as his dick entered.

Susan brings captain to meet her friends because she's coming to get her stuff, or captain comes to meet the 4, sent to investigate them for avengers.

Ben (Kronan joke) meets captain in angrily thinking its jonny

captain flips him, confusing ben who realizes his mistake

sighs when jonny arrives to meet him

jonny goes on about how of course the serum would make him look like himself cause he's the best.

Ben leaves before jonnys big head explodes.


FRIGGA - Takes Frigga's body and saves her from death, making her younger with plans to use her to torture Loki… Convinces her to kill loki which brakes the self inflicted curse, freeing her and turning her into his woman.

Frigga becomes addicted to theoric from all the love making after reciving little to no sex with odin – she helps get Idunn to fall for theoric after he saves Hela who falls asleep from the backlash of Asgard being destroyed.

"How dare you, I am your queen."

"I'll take that as consent." he said forcing a kiss on her. Which she tried to fight at first, even biting his invading tongue, but relented under his assault as the taste, the feeling grew on her. It being the first time she was ever kissed so passionately.

Upon his stopping she came to and slapped him, "What consent?" she angrily barked.

"You becoming my queen of course." he said playfully.

She remained mute to the comment as he grew closer.

" How long has it been, a 100, 200 or a thousand years?" her body visibly shivers from the question as he removes the dress off her shoulders allowing it to fall revealing the bounty within, her exquisite nude form enchanting to say the least.

She closed her eyes as his face approached, as she internally debated what to do. It has been so long since she last slept with a man, and it was only for the sake of bearing an heir, their was no love loss between the two, it was an arrange marriage. Though spending so long with someone you were bound to grow attached.

He slowly leaned in, moving his lips closer to hers till they were just touching, waiting for her to give in. giving her a small peck has his left hand went to her back drawing their bodies closer, his right hand gently rubbing her left breast as he softly brushed against her nipple, feeling it harden underneath his touch.

Her new youthful body made the decision easier as she lost her self in the feeling, finally relenting she opened her mouth to kiss him back as Theoric took full advantage with her guard now lowered, passionately kissing her back, their tongues intertwining, tasting each other.

He slowly lowered onto the nearby bed, gently making love to her, something she has craved for since all those years ago she was forced to marry Odin.

"Keep your promise, help me get revenge on Odin's killer, I may have been forced together with him, but he didn't treat me unjustly."


Breakfast Sex

Sigyn in lap as he kiss and drinks from her breast, with his dick being sucked by Nina who takes a load before putting it into Sigyn's vagina and eating her ass.

---His tongue swirling around her nipple along the aerolea before giving it a good suck, his lips pulling at the hardening nipple. The tip of his tongue now tickling her hardened nipple as he flicked it back and forth, and then swirling it around once again before taking as much as he could into his mouth, sucking the sweet treat down as he pulled her boob with his mouth until he could pull no more, where he then caught he gently tugged a bit more with his teeth before letting it bounce back.

She practically squirted right then and there as her breast had an orgasm of their own, discharging sweet nectar all over him. Unable to take it she pulled his head back into her bosom wishing for more...

Lydia arrives later, joining Sigyn and a kiss before kissing Theoric who shares a mouthful of milk with her before sharing the unoccupied the other breast with her as he slowly pulsates within Sigyn, finishing another load he then waits for Nina and Holland to get into position each lying over the table with their ass presented out, filling each of them with load of their own before starting his day.


ALECIA - princess of Yugoslavia. One day, she was kidnapped by the Pixies

He got up nude at night having to pee only to find Alecia naked on the toilet taking a piss herself.

At first he didn't see her as she widened her eyes watching him approach with eyes closed yawning.

Then looking down to aim he noticed her staring up at him, he only hesitated briefly before he spread her legs a bit so he could piss into the toilet, amused by the situation at hand, wondering why she didn't say anything.

As he pissed he noticed when it splashed on her vagina her nipples grew hard as her hands moved to rub herself.

A grin broke out on his face realizing her fetish as he held back some of his piss and stepped closer to her face.

Now at eye level with the urine dripping penis just in front of her she instinctively stuck out her tongue to taste the dripping penis.

...Grows hard, unable to pee anymore he face fucks her and then as he softens he pisses the rest down her throat.

Seeing her enjoy the taste rather then pull back, he pushed her head closer as his dick slid into her mouth where he pissed the rest of his reserves much to her delight as she drank it up while playing with herself.

Once he finished, she looked up wondering what now as he remained inside her mouth unwilling to leave.

He stroked her head with a grinned- "You had your fun, now it's my turn." he said as his dick began to expand and harden, proceeding to face fuck her to completion, making sure she swallowed everything before leaving the tear eyed woman to clean herself up.



He found her nude sun bathing and decided to strip and join her as he walked over.

She watched as he approached but made no move to leave or say anything.

Taking her unspoken consent he laid down on his side facing next to her where she turned her head to watch him.

He reached over to stroke her face his thumb brushing her lips as it slowly and teasingly made its way down to her ample boosum.

He just avoided it as he teased her some more to try and get her excited as he just went around down her stomach, just stopping short of her secret place before moving it back up to her breast where he finally started to carres it.

Hearing her breathing increase slighty due to the teasing he grinned as his hand worked around her breast just avoiding the nipple that was now fully erect in anticipation.

He then move his thumb around her areloa before finally brushing against her nipple which made a soft moan escape her lips as he gave her breast a squeeze.

Seeing her like this made him more excited as he moved his hand down to caress her bottom lips, moving them up and down the slit while stimulating her clit.

She leaned back enjoying herself as her heavy breathing made her chest rise and fall hypnotically.

Unable to take it anymore he leaned over to take her breast into his mouth as he greedily began to suck, his tongue swirling around her nipple.

Her hands involuntarily grabbing the back of his hugging him closer as her hips began to buck, right before she released an orgasm, her legs going wide with toes curling as her back arced up into his greedy mouth that never stopped.

Feeling his hand fully wet now as she came off her first orgasm, he moved between her legs and began rubbing his member at her entrance.

Not prepared for more as she tried to recover from the first one, still heavily panting, she moved her hands down as if to make him wait, but he only grinned all the wider as he grabbed her wrists and used them to pull himself in with one hard thrust, making her release another loud moan.

Feeling generous he let her adjust as he leaned down to take her mouth, his tongue invading her insides as it explored every inch, tasting all it could.

He then starting thrusting slow and hard as he worked her mouth, her neck, then back to her tit where she released another loud moan from how sensitive she already was.

He moved back up to give her another kiss before he began to concentrate on humping, moving harder and faster with each thrust.

At first she tried to participate, her legs wrapping around him, her arms feeling his hard body on top of her, hugging his back, but the endless pounding soon had her at his mercy.

Her legs going limp, her arms dropping away, her eyes rolling back, her mouth agape while releasing pleasurable sounds with each thrust.

Nearing completion he slowed down as he began to give deep hard thrusts as he arced his back and grabbed on her breasts for leverage he gave the deepest, hardest thrust yet, sending her into the wildest orgasm she's ever had as she felt his seed release inside.


Meets JESSICA JONES in a bar and gets jumped by her as they fuck in the bathroom.

Feeling good, but growing frustrated with the public bathroom sex, she takes him back to her place.

Next day he wakes up and walks out naked to the kitchen to get something when her friend walks in calling out to her only to freeze seeing his naked form.

Begins to awkwardly talk to friend when they hear Jessica Jones wake up mad, before also walking out naked happy to see him still here. Commenting on how she didn't remember much, but what she did, she wanted to experience sober and was happy to see him ready to go for another round, looking down at his member.

Noticing her friend she questions/jokes whether or not she was interrupting something out here seeing as how he was still naked. Ignoring her flustered she tells him to wait for her back in the room giving his ass a slap as he walks by, where he comments, you'll pay for that, and she says I can't wait, biting her lower lip watching him leave.

Seeing her friend also still staring at where the man left who stuttered friend she asks "see something you like?"

"Um… what?, oh, no, no, we were just talking."

Talks with her friend about why she's here who just wanted to check on her, who awkwardly points back with her thumb at the door say she's going to go.

"Are you sure? I know you haven't got laid in a while, and you need it, stick around, I'm pretty sure this guy can go more then one round, you won't regret it, I'm telling you from what little I remember about last night, he's a god in the sack." she asks half jokingly.

"I'm good, we'll talk next time."

"Alright, I'll just get his number for you and you can get with him later." Jessica calls out as she exits, grinning when the door slams.

Then runs back to the bedroom hoping he was still ready to go, stepping in, she was happy to see he was still hard as her eyes wandered lower.

"Good, let's get this party started." she says before jumping him, pushing him down to ride him as they begin a day long round of sex.


Betty Ross (Jennifer Connelly) - sister Liv Tyler – Bruce's Cousin Jennifer Walters (She Hulk)

After spending a good deal of time with the scientist participating in the hulk creation, he grows close to Betty and sleep with her. Her sister watches from the doorway as he finishes screwing Betty to sleep.

He then walks out naked, opening the door, as she was trying to finish herself off, sitting against the wall with eyes closed, surprising her as she pulled her hands out embarrassingly.

Smirking he walks over bringing his wet member towards her face, still glistening from the mixed love juices of both him and Betty which only excited her more as she inhaled the sexual scent.

"Go on, you know you want to, don't worry about your sister, she'll be out for a bit longer," he said enticing her while inching the tip ever closer to her lips.

Chuckling as she parted her lips to accommodate him, her tongue coming out to test the waters first. Releasing a satisfied sigh as he entered her warm mouth,- "That's it, don't be shy, start sucking, use that tongue."

Grinning down at her when she looked up as if to ask if she was doing a good job, like a cute little puppy.

Unable to stop himself from encouraging her as he stroked her head,- "That's nice, your doing good, keep it up, I'm almost there, mmm, good girl."

(Give Details like he tells her to breath deep, loosen her throat as he slides in deeper, gagging a bit when it reach the end, pulling out to tell her to loosen again before sliding in again.)

While it wasn't any where close to the best he's had, it got the job done as he released into her mouth. Telling her to swallow and suck more making him hard again.

Just in time as they heard Betty stirring behind them, her hands discover an empty bed as she leaned up on her elbows looking around for where he went.

"Theoric?" She called out worried he just left her after doing the deed.

"We'll continue this later, consider everything I do next a preview," he whispered, bending down to give her forehead a kiss before turning around, "I'm here," he said strolling back in while leaving the door wide open where he just left her sister to watch.

"I thought you left me," she said hurtfully.

"You must be joking, we've only just started," he smirked as he grabbed her legs, pulling her over to the side of the bed so Liv could watch better as Betty gave a startled little yelp. Spreading her legs as he quickly slipped in, still wet from her sisters mouth.

"Oh wow!" She moaned.

Liv watched him pound into her, his amazing hard body pumping into her sisters delicate soft flesh, her amazing mounds bouncing with every thrust, making her wonder how she was lucky enough to catch his eye. Promising to thank her sister at some point about catching and bringing such a stud back for them to play with.

...A nasty thought entered his head as he looked at the passed out beauty bellow, his head swiveling over to the sister in the hall who dared not leave.

Calling her over he had her eat out his latest load from her sister as he pounded her from behind without fear of her waking up, the corrupting view driving him wild as he slammed into from behind.

At some point he takes it to far as he has Betty tied up and blind folded and has her sister once again join only to finally reveal the surprise and take what he wants before freeing her and stopping.

And the next day after the high of sex fades Betty becomes mad at what happened...…..

In the coming days he got with Liv behind her back, thinking it was fun, though if she ever asked he would honestly answer.

His made up excuse was that he wanted both, but didn't know how to go about asking her without losing her.

Betty says it over between them and moves on to thinking about Bruce, though whenever she got an itch she would seek his comfort until finally he managed to get both sisters in bed together.

He finds Betty after a party leaned over the sink massaging her aching neck/back.

He approaches from behind,- "Hey, tough night?" He askes.

"What do you want?" she asks without looking back with a bit of an edge to her voice, still not completely over what happened with him and her sister, but does nothing to prevent his advance. Unknowingly letting out a sigh of acceptance/recognition as she felt his familiar touch. His hands falling to her waist as he stepped closer.

Taking advantage of the situation,- "Here let me help you, I hear these can really weigh on women over time," he said, sliding his hands around, grabbing his favorite fun bags causing a moan to escape her lips.

"You're a bastard," she said.

"I know, but I can be your bastard," he whispered into her ear as he brought their bodies flushed together, kneading her tits.

"If you really want to help, stop massaging my tits and work on my back," she snorted.

"Sure I can massage you," he slyly said as one of his hands drifted lower, underneath her clothing, through the secret garden as her pussy and clit a good rub.

"What, Ah, do you think your doing, mm," she asked,- "That isn't my, ah, back."

"Shh, relax, I'm just getting you ready, don't worry, I'll give you the best back massage of your life," he said right as he brought her to orgasm. Holding her tightly as her body shook from the release after so long without one???

"There, now that your ready let's get this off you," he said zipping the dress off as she rested her head on the sink counter, panting. Turning her nude and slipping his dick in before she knew what was happening.

Moaning once again as her juices flowed free from the all to familiar feeling that filled her, dare she say completed her.

His hands finding there favorite perch as his fingers found her nipples, pulling her back as he pushed forward.

Then using a bit of imagination, he created a rocking construct that he placed her face down on as he sat behind her still connected.

A bit confused, she just went with it, to busy enjoying the feeling in her crotch to worry about anything else, though moments later she received a happy surprise when his hands began working her back with a deep tissue massage.

A few happy moans later, she lost it when he added a bit of healing and a lot of rocking, receiving her first actual massage, best fuck ever.

Future She Hulk is good friends with the sisters and learns of their interesting dynamic and says she wants in which he happily accepts with her only having minor guilt for the spineless Bruce who only talks and looks at Betty rather than do anything.

Betty (red) and Jennifer (Green) are found after the accident, (sister dead before or after???)

Theoric comforts them, telling how they can shift it on and off, and how he knows a great way for them to relax, making Betty red face redder, where as Jen just grins.

After they both nervously get naked, he remarks how Christmas came early making them happily jump him.



Is interested in both captain and MC, doesn't like catching Captain almost kissing blonde girl. After showing captain shield and he leaves, Mc takes her by the hand flipping her around and taking her lips. She slaps him then kiss him again then slaps him once more with one more very passionate kiss. He then strokes her cheek and says you can't decide yet, but that's okay I can wait.

He then finds hot blond and fucks her outside in the woods.

Lyndsy Fonseca (Russian spy pretending to be a waitress looking for her acting break.)

Seduces Theoric and then later Peggy to show her worth to him.

Telling Peggy she has a lesbian acting gig, but's never kissed a woman before and wonders if she would help. Peggy hesitates but says yes looking over to Theoric who nods happily causing her eyes to roll.

He then innocently asks if he should leave despite not intending to. This is where Lyndsy Fonseca cleverly says it may actually be better if he was here, since it's suppose to be a threesome.


Nurse/Dr. Rachel Mcadams

Sigyn is excited by all the good Theoric is doing and when she sees a sexy nurse/dr. Who also excited she takes her to a private room and seduces her, tasting her tits before eating her out and then kissing her again making her taste herself right, moving away dripping saliva down right which gives her an idea as Theoric walks in much to the woman's embarrassment only for Sigyn saying she was warming her up for him and then tells the woman to watch as she goes down on Theoric which excites her.

Sigyn then walks back over with a full load in her mouth over the other lady's mouth playfully slapping the other woman's cheek till she opens her mouth and lets it fall into her, catching it all surprised by how great it tasted before they end it with a kiss as Theoric walks over and takes her with Sigyn joining in.



Coined the phrase beauty mark to explain the one blemish above her lip on an otherwise flawless body.

Theoric takes his time breaking her, taking almost 2 months, around 6 weeks. Unable to handle the pleasurable pain.

She finally broke on the last day when you roughly grabbed her ass and bit her nipples, slamming her up and down on his two dicks, each slam sending pleasure and pain as he forces her down while her tits get pulled having her nipples securely planted between his teeth.

She passes out with her tongue out as he gently lowers her, letting her nipples finally slip out as he moves a hand up to grope them one last time as he moves up to kiss her a bit more before calling it quits.



High Priestess of the Sovereign (Guardians of the galaxy 2

Theoric smirks thinking about how all the royalty in the universe is obsessed with gold and now he was going to one up them all by acquiring a golden queen, impressed they weren't already conquered by someone for similar reasons.


Mary Jane

After enjoying her performance, unable to resist a pretty redhead, he finds her door marked with a gold star with her name and opens to find her sitting in chair in front of large mirror with a counter.

Walking over naked as she turns her head, he shoves his dick in her mouth glad to find she practices something more than just acting as he then strips her, lifting setting her naked rear on top of the counter after pushing away all the stuff.

Making out with her as he rubs his dick along her pussy before dropping down telling her to let him thank her for her performance as he begins to eat her to completion.

Then goes up to play with her tits while she recovers, jiggling them as he sucks them slowly one at a time, popping them out of his mouth playfully before moving back up to kiss her again as he playfully rubs against her pussy again before piercing into her.

He then humps her to another orgasm before releasing his own and then leaving her slumped back against the mirror panting while cum leaked out of her pussy. Using his power to lock the door from the inside so no one accidentally walk in on her in such a vulnerable state, lamenting the fact that she was just a human.


Diora Baird

If he didn't know any better he wouldn't be surprised if she was Aphrodite herself, her sexy velvety smooth voice that was music to his ears, matching her equally velvety smooth inner walls.



Wakes up with girl in his arm, he maneuvers her over carefully not to wake her as he begins to stimulate her. His mouth latching on the closest nipple as his buried hand reaches around to stimulate her other nipple.

His free hand gliding down to stimulate her clit, giving her happy wake up call as she slowly awoke to a building orgasmic pleasure.



Carefully spreads her legs so as to not to wake her up to early as he gave her a happy morning surprise.


You know the price,

She drops between his legs but he says wait, I want to kiss you. And they passionately make out, saying, I can't wait any longer let me rail you now as he slips inside her, he then licks her neck saying I think this time I want to go until I break you.

She says without arguing, if that's the price. The pleas that came later where brutally ignored.

Hours later he continued to rail her, her mind long broken despite the healing that kept her body in top form, he wasn't even close to being done yet, would she ever be the same?


"You're an asshole,"

"No this is an asshole," he says sliding out of her pussy and back into her ass before she knew what hit her.


Fucks a girl to exhaustion, completely enjoying her body, then as she closes her eyes at the end thinking its over he gently slaps her face awake saying not yet dear there's still so much more to do, now open that pretty mouth of yours, and shoves his cock in face fucking her as she looks up with tired eyes as he says now swallow, good girl, stroking her head, seeing her close her eyes he grins saying, ah ah ah, not just yet, there's still one hole left, her eyes snap open as she tries to deny him saying she's never done it there and she can't handle more, but he ignores her as he flips her around and guides his cock in, reaching around to grab her tits and smacking her ass as he rails her from behind, fucking her into complete an utter submission before falling happily asleep toegether.


"Hmm, it's not very big is it, but why do I have feeling it'll fit perfectly," she mumbled causing him to grin.


His thumb runs along her lips, giving her a deep kiss before lowering her down, watching those same wonderful lips engulf him.


Two girls suck him at the same time, one on balls while other deep throats him.


69 position, he rams his cock down her throat as he cums, after the drool/cum faced girl says she loves choking on a dick while cumming.


He fucks one while another sucks his other.



Lays down in her lap happily sucking away at her breast while she jerks him.


Girl sits on lap nude as he eats breakfast and drinks from her tits.


Both dicks in her pussy and ass, his hands on her tits, pinching her nipples with his tongue in her mouth, she never felt more fulfilled then she did right now.


Sigyn? Lydia?

Eating out naked girl on top of his desk, legs draped over his shoulders as he plays with her tits, girl underneath table sucking his dick.


He had a habit of taking out his dick and shoving it into any girls mouth who happened to have her head leveled with his dick.

"do you really think I want to suck your dick just because I'm down here?"


She sighed,- "I guess it can't be helped" and starts sucking.


Sits girl down, holds hand above her head against wall and fucks her mouth.


Grabs the back of the head, slapping dick on her face, sliding it up and down before guiding into her waiting mouth.



Walks up to girl backing her into the wall as he makes out with her. She tries to talk but his hand covers her mouth.

"No need for that, I want you and… You clearly want me," he said slipping his other hand down her pants, feeling her wetness,- "So let's just enjoy ourselves," he said flipping her around facing the wall.

Then pulling off his and her shorts he rubs her butt giving it a nice squeeze before playfully slapping it as he moves his rod into position, rubbing against her moist lips, before plunging into her depths, eliciting an erotic moan from her.

Taking hold of her butt cheeks, he pounds into her smooth, wet, tight warmth, accepting him completely as he increased the pace.

Feeling close he reaches around to stimulate her clit, bringing her to completion first as he slows a bit to let her ride out the waves of pleasure before increasing again, rougher than before.

Moving his hands underneath her shirt, he finds her delicate mounds, squeezing the nicely sized orbs as he neared the end. Pinching her hardened nubs as he thrust once, twice, thrice more into her, emptying his load deep inside.

He slowly humps her as he softens, until he slips out, then spins her around for one last heavy make out session.

"That was wonderful, I hope we can do this again soon." he said pulling his pants back up and walking away, leaving a spent, breathless woman behind.



Sitting naked with a naked woman in his lap, just above his hardened penis, he lets another suck it while he plays with the woman in his lap, letting the woman sucking alternate between his dick and her vag.



Girl sits on his lap as they make out before he can't take it and slips his dick in. Another girl comes as his 2nd dick grows which she takes in her mouth, not minding the others butt as they fucked in front of her.

It was his first time getting one sucked while another was in a vagina and it was amazing.

(Possible Punishment) Continuing this thought process he lays one down and really starts throat fucking her while fucking another right over her face which is soon covered by the many sexual juices leaking out.

-Another for the balls?



While he's fucking a girl another has her face nearby to suck his dick whenever it accidentally falls out or whenever he likes to switch it up.



Find someone sad in a dress at the sink where he turns her around makes out with her, lifting her dress as he places her on the edge for a quick desperate fuck.