Chapter 27: [[Goodbyes.]]

The next day, we were eating dinner at the table. I've finished eating my 10th plate and decided to stop eating. It just to fill your stomach but your not full.

Rudeus: "Father, can I make a selfish request?"

Rudy asked with a serious face.

Paul: "Hell no."

Only to be shot down instantly.

Fortunately, Paul's response earned him a good hard smack to the head from Zenith, who was seated at his side. And a follow-up attack from Lilia, who was seated on his other side.

Ever since that whole mess with the unexpected pregnancy, Lilia had been joining us at the dinner table instead of waiting on us like a maid. It seemed like she was officially part of the family now and I'm very happy for it.

Zenith: "You just tell your father what you want, Rudy. He'll make it happen."

Mother said with a sidelong glare at her husband—who was currently cradling his head in his hands.

Lilia: "The young master's never asked for much. This is a golden opportunity to demonstrate some paternal dignity, Master Paul."

Lilia was also very supportive for Rudy.

Arthur: "Yes father, this is your chance to get back your dignity since you can't even win against me blindfolded."

This time Paul really felt hurt. No one is on his side, and with my finishing blow he listen to Rudy's request.

Rudeus: "The thing is, I've recently hit a dead end in my magical studies. And for that reason, I was hoping to attend the Ranoa University of Magic."

Paul: "Oh?"

Rudeus: "But when I mentioned this to Sylphie, she broke down in tears and begged me not to leave her."

Paul: "Hah, what a little lady-killer! Wonder who you got that from?"

And another smack from the two ladies flanking him.

Rudeus: "The ideal solution would be for the two of us to go together, but Sylphie's family isn't as well-off as ours. I wanted to ask if you'd consider paying for both of us to attend."

Paul: "You don't say?"

With a look of a General of an army his demeanor changed as he looked at Rudeus's eyes.

Paul: "Well, the answer's no."

This time he shot him down again. But this time it wasn't just a joke, and Zenith and Lilia stayed silent.

After that they got into a long talk...

In the end Rudeus asked for a job and Paul finally accepted his request.

It looks like Volume 2 will begin in a month or so.

Arthur: 'Ghislaine and Eris huh... I'm pumped up fighting them!'

This time I also have a request.

Arthur: "Father, I also have a request."

Paul: "What now? Don't tell me you also want to bring Sylphy?"

Arthur: "No! Hmph! I'm not like you who only thinks on his manhood."

Paul: "Then what is it this time?"

Arthur: 'Hmm... Maybe a trainer? Preferably Ghislaine...'

Paul is really just a bad teacher. I feel that my sword techniques are like a man walking on all four limbs. It felt very uncomfortable. If I ask Paul how to do it, he will just say 'You hurumph! it like that then woosh woosh! Understand?' yeah not very helpful.

Arthur: "I want a master who is good in teaching swordsmanship, preferably a Sword King."

Paul: "Ahh... Maybe I can find someone but the fees are pricey and we don't have much money."

Arthur: "Wait here..."

Going to our room I carried a sack of monster material parts that can be sold. I put it on the floor and opened it for them to see.

Arthur: "If I sell this all it should be enough right?"

Paul, Zenith, and Lilia were slack-jawed seeing the quantity of materials in front of them. This amount should atleast be equal to atleast 5 years of everyday monster subjugation quest.

I have this amount since subjugation quest can take days for atmost 5 monsters while I can hunt 15 per night.

Paul: "W-when did you have this?"

Zenith: "Why do you have this many?"

Arthur: "Ahahaha... Well... Snce the cat's out of the bag."

I sighed

Arthur: "I've been hunting everynight since I'm 3 years old... So this are my loot for 4 years of fighting them?"

Paul: "Ahhh... You never cease to surprise me."

Zenith: "Lay down the materials Art. And we can estimate the amount."

Arthur: "Okay~"

Paul and Zenith looked at every parts of the monsters. There are 20 Rare items and 3 Super Rare ones.

Zenith: "By this not including the [Fangs of the Earth gigantserpent], [Branch of the Elder Treant] and [Horn of the Alpha Phantom Wolf] from S-rank magic beasts I think this could amount to more or less 500 Asuran Gold Coins!!"


Lilia: "If this three items(super rare) are sold. Just this three can be sold to a thousand of Asuran Gold Coins."

1000+500= 1500 Gold Coins!!! even a low class Aristocrat will not have a yearly income this high! Atleast in a level of a Baron.

Paul: "W-well this amount should be enough."

Lilia: "You've done a great job hunting this Arthur."

Arthur: "Hehehehe..."

I rubbed my nose and smile brightly. Who's not going to be happy when your not rich? If anyone said they are, I'm sure they're lying!!

Rudeus: "Uwahh... I hope my pay in my job is high."

Hehehe If I remember hidms pay is only 2 silver coins per month... How pitiful, what a commoner ptui! You filthy magician peasant, don't get near me!

Hahahaha Of course I'm kidding. I'm just rich right now.

Then what should I buy? A new sword? New and High quality clothes for my little sisters? 'High quality' maid outfit for mother Lilia designed in Japan's moe culture? Clothes for Zenith? Magic Items? Grimoires for Rudeus?..


Light Novels? Mangas? Rias Gremory limited edition figurines? Doujinshi? Cosplay outfit? Roxy-sensei in a Dakimakura(Body Pillow)?!! Or maybe I can rent Roxy-sensei being my wife for a lifetime!!!

Wait this is not earth anymore... Renting people are not a thing but hiring adventurers are.


(One Month later)

We're practicing the sword drills as usual...

Me and Rudeus are in a green jumpsuits with a hair in a bowlcut(Its our imagination).


Me and Rudeus who is also training beside me also shouted.

Arthur/Rudeus: "YOUTH!!!"

After an hour of practicing, a letter addressed to him arrived at our home.

Arthur: 'Is it going to happen right now? Luke Skywalker V.S. Darth Vader?'

(MC's mind)

Paul: "I am your Father."

Rudeus: "*gasp*... Noooooo!!!"

(back to reality)

Arthur: "Father I want to play with Norn and Aisha."

Paul: "Oh... Okay."

I walked to the house and saw my two Mothers silently spying outside.

Arthur: 'Ehehehe... Even if Paul attacks Rudy by surprise right now he won't stand a chance against him.'

There is atleast 3 hours before Paul will attack Rudeus right now.

I go to where my little sisters are. Right now they are in a crib full of toys that I made in my spare time. There's even a [Musicbox] for several nursery rhymes.

Arthur: "Norn-chan~ Aisha-chan~ Its Big Brother here~"

Norn/Aisha: "Agagga aha *Happy noises*"

Arthur: "Today might be the last time you will see me so I'll play with you for the whole day~"

They are very happy as I played with them. Both of them can crawl now so they're energy is atleast enough for the time I will leave.

Right now I'm telling them stories where heroes save princesses from the evil wicked dragon, and they married happily ever after.

After that I used [Observation Haki] and saw that Paul barely knocked out Rudeus.

I saw them a little sleepy as we played for hours...

I decided to sing a lullaby for them one last time before we go.

(🎤*Mudicbox* Twinkle twinkle little star🎧)

Arthur: "Twinkle Twinkle little star,

how I wonder what you are,

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky..."

I sang the whole song as they fell asleep with a smile on their faces as a tear go down rolling from my face. Their faces can make your hardened heart go soft as you see their sleeping face.

As I was about to leave I remembered something.

Arthur: "Oh yeah..."

I turned back to them and I reached out my hands to their small head.

Arthur: "[TraceOn]"

{'Judging the concept of creation'}

{'Hypothesizing the basic structure'}

{'Sympathizing the experience of its future growth'}

{'Excelling every manufacturing process'}

Arthur: "With this, even if your body encounter a lifethreatening situation you should be fine with my Vitality, Touki, and [Conqueror's Haki] marked within both you."

Arthur: "As for the Teleportation Incident. I'll give you this"

I gently put both of my index fingers on their small wrists.

Arthur: "[Projection Mind Rune Seal]"

[Projection Mind Rune Seal] -> A Special Magical Runes I created for both of their educational stories(Math, language, science, magic, swordsmanship, good manners and right conduct), nursery rhymes, our family photos and videos I accumulated with them on it for a year, and most importantly a message for the teleportation event that will tell the little girls wherever they are I will save them... no matter what it takes... As it might be possible a butterfly effect happens and someone might not be in a place they are supposed to be...

Arthur: 'Then Its a goodbye now my little sisters...

I hope that we will meet again...

Eat lots and grow strong like your big brother...

Make sure to take a bathe everyday and stay warm...

Also, don't stay up late... You two need lots of sleep, unlike big brother always in insomia...

Be nice too each other and don't fight okay? Or I'll be sad...

And make friends, just a few that you could trust is enough...

Be good to anyone whoever that will be with you in the Teleportation incedent 3 years from now okay...

Be strong and protect yourself, be it a bad persin or a magical beasts...

I'll do my best going back home if I have to and hug both of you with me so I can protect you two...

*crying* There's... there's... there's so much I want to tell you... to teach you... I want to stay with you longer... I love you both girls...'

I was exhausted as implanting those Magical Rune Seals and Tracing On their bodies made my body feel heavy.

After saying my final goodbyes I went downstairs.


I saw the Paul, Zenith, and Lilia holding the unconcious Rudeus.

I also saw Sylphy with uncle Rawls holding hand on hand.

Sylphy: "Rudy?"

Seeing her playmate bound hand and foot, Sylphy immediately flied on the air held her bow and knocked 3 arrows powered with touki and Intermediate-level wind magic raining Paul with arrows in rapid succession.

Of course with Paul exhausted fighting Rudeus he can barely fight a mini Gilgamesh spamming magic arrows like the Gate of Babylon.

Zenith: "{Let this divine power be as satisfying nourishment, giving one who has lost their strength the strength to rise again [Healing!]}"

Zenith started chanting while the arrows just released, as expected of a veteran S-class adventurer.

Paul warded most of the arrows but a few arrows managed to hit him as the arrows changed trajectory in an unexpected angle. But Paul prioritized protecting his vitals that could be lethal.

Arthur: 'It looks like Paul and Zenith worked together to take down Rudeus... How did they manage to defeat him if he can just fly and bombard Paul with magic spells?'

After that I saw Sylphy pulled back the bowstring as far as she can as an arrow powered with ridiculous amount of Mana and Touki for the finishing shot.

Arthur: 'Caladobolg?'

Magic spell name: Caladobolg

Class(right now): Saint-class

-> An arrow powered by charging it with mana and touki. It travels in a straight line with overwhelming piercing power and it will not change trajectory or it will reduce its attack power.

Paul: "Ughh..."

Arthur: "Luffy! Ahahaha you sure are fiesty one throwing that move out of nowhere~"

I stretched out my right arm and started chanting my defensive trump card. If that will be left alone itight destroy the house with Norn and Aisha inside with Zenith, Lilia, and Paul here.

Deflecting it will be foolish as it will damage the fields and the Greyrats will take responsibilty. The only choice is to take it head on.

Arthur: {I am the bone of my sword}

Dense amount of Touki converged at my arm ready to be released.

Arthur: [Rho Aias]

6-layered flower formed a shield as it take the attack head on.

Paul: 'What? How can that attack have so much power? And this shield...'

Zenith: 'This shield, is it King-class Barrier magic? I haven't seen a barrier-magic in layers at Milis country.'

The arrow broke through the first layer but it loses half of its penetrating power as it hits the second layer.

Paul: 'Damn Rudy Arthur... Don't go teaching her that crap... Mana combined with Touki can only be heard in the legends... Even veteran magic warriors have difficulty doing that.'

After that Sylphy fall down to the ground unconcious due to mana exhaustion.

Arthur: "*phew*... By the way Father..."

I asked as I looked at him teasingly

Arthur: "Isn't it to shameful asking help from mom on knocking down Rudy?"

Paul wiped off his sweat as he still not recovered fighting Rudeus and warding of Sylphy's attacks. His breathing is also ragged inhaling as much oxygen as he can.

Paul: "He created Golems towering 3 meters while bombarding a bunch of spells in less than a second, who will not get exhausted for that?"

Ahhh it seems he's used it now, the golems.

Paul: "You'll be going with Rudy too. I arranged a strong master for you, a Sword King too."

Arthur: "And just like Rudy I can't send letters back home right?"

Paul: "Yeah... I'm sorry"

Arthur: "Its okay... Lilia-okasan?"

Lilia moved near me as I'm about to faint out of exhaustion to Touki deficiency.

Arthur: "I'm looking for a cure to heal your injury and I just found a solution. Can I see your leg? I want to heal your injury before leaving home."

Lilia brought her hands on her mouthas she showed her left foot to me.

Lilia: 'Oh Athur, helping me find a cure for my sake...'

I can see that her face flushed with respect and awe for me.

Arthur: "[Trace On]"

Analyzing her injury I didn't find any defects at first. But it seems it was different, It was a low-grade curse.

Arthur: 'It looks a stab strike from a cursed dagger'

After analyzing the curse I tweaked it and decoded it and finally it was gone. Its just like a virus program in a computer being cleaned by an anti-virus.

Arthur: 'Thanks that it was just a lowgrade curse. If it was in a level higher I might need more time and Touki.'

Arthur: "And mum... Can you give this letter to Syphy..."

After doing that my conciousness fades away as I feel my body fell down. But I felt a warm sensation as I drifted yo my sleep.


(3rd POV)

Zenith: "I'm sorry Art, Rudy..."

She kneels down and started sniffing as she embraces her boys. The letter is on her hand.

Zenith: "Its going to be hard and painful times ahead... take good care of yourself and help each other out... Make sure that you train hard, achieve your dreams, and live your life with no regrets... Don't toy a woman's heart and treat them well... I love you Arthur Rudeus... If you feel lonely and sad, remember that you have always a place to return at home."

Lilia moved towards Zenith

Lilia: "Be brave, Madam. This is a trial we must endure! They're not your only child!"

Zenith: "You're right, of course. He has two little sisters now."

Lilia: "Two?! Oh, Madam!"

Zenith: "Of course, Lilia. I'll love your child as much as mine! As much as I love you!"

Lilia: "Oh, Madam! I feel just the same!"

As he saw his wives on their own world Paul is on his ow and sighed.

Paul: "Still… I guess Arthur and Rudeus won't be around to watch the little ones grow up, huh?"

The Greyrat family gave farewell to the boys with their own goodbyes.


(Next chapter-> a little sidestory after that meeting Eris)