Chapter 9: Time For A Cave Adventure

For the rest of the day Bei Xing works closely with his father and Jin Zhung to create a plan for the exploration. In the midst of their planning Bei Xing mentions the cavern he found the amulet in, but does not mention finding the amulet. Lao Xing decides to let his son and Jin Zhung lead a 7 man team to find this cavern and explore the deeper parts of the mine from there.

At this point, the mining teams in the village have only ventured roughly 1 kilometer deep using the various tunnels and cave systems. All the teams who tried going deeper were stopped in their tracks due to the labyrinth-like tunnel system at that juncture. Some were even severely injured or nearly lost within them which is why Lao Xing was so hesitant at first to agree on the operation. However, his confidence in his son was at an all-time high considering the incomprehensible feats Bei Xing was achieving in recent time. Surely he could place trust in his son to insure the safety and completion of such a task, but even then as a father it is not easy to just send his son into the mines like this willingly.

"Father this will work, trust us."

Bei Xing looks at his father who is obviously still distressed over agreeing to this idea. He's stroking his chin and tapping his foot at a rapid pace, making it sound like the pitter-patter of rain on a tin roof.

"It does not matter how many times you say that my son. I worry because of the risk this mission carries."

"Lord Lao, between the experience of my mining team and both the mind and skill of your son, this mission is almost a guaranteed success! There's no need to worry seeing as how the young master says he knows the route well."

"Jin Zhung you are too calm about this. As a father and noble lord I have a lot riding on your guys' success."

Bei Xing laughs at his father's intense look and worried face.

"These tunnels are nothing to me, a future adventurer!"

His chin is held high and his hands rest on his hips.

"I've explored far more than the village miners have and my knowledge of the deeper levels is more than enough. Add that to my new cultivation level and nothing can go wrong."

"Being confident is good Xinger, but being overly confident is dangerous. Know your limits and act with humility."

Lao Xing always enjoys giving these types of life lessons to his son at the most ridiculous moments, but in this situation it fits the mood perfectly.

Bei Xing bows to his father and asks to dismiss himself.

"Now that we're done with this meeting I want to get a good night's rest before we go into the mines tomorrow morning. Is there anything else you need of me father?"

"No Xinger, go get some rest do not worry about anything else other than the success of tomorrow's mission."

Bei Xing nods his head and then heads home as he's followed by a guard, leaving Lao Xing and Jin Zhung alone in the town center.

"This may sound weird considering he has a higher cultivation level than you, but please protect my son and keep him safe tomorrow. If anything were to happen to him then it would…I can't even think such thoughts..."

Lao Xing looks out a nearby window and into the night sky. His thoughts become lost in the cool breeze that pours in from the windows and rays of moonlight that follow. The North Star is shining brightly thanks to the clear sky and when Lao Xing's eyes meet the star he gazes onward emotionally.

"He has always been the best son a man could ask for, to me he is the North Star that guides me through life. With him around I have high hopes for the younger generation."

The soft tone that Lao Xing uses displays the love and emotion he holds toward his son, Bei Xing. Jin Zhung picks up on this vibe easily since his noble lord is usually calm and cool, so seeing him like this one could tell he was acting different.

"Nothing will happen to the young master on my watch Lord Lao. His life is more important than my own."

"I appreciate you saying such words, but please value your life as well. None of you can die or go missing tomorrow otherwise the mission is a failure in my eyes."

The fact that Lao Xing cares about the survival of more than just his son reassures Jin Zhung that he cannot fail in protecting everyone on the mission. Lao Xing's respect for the villagers is something no one in the village wants to betray. Thus if his noble lord asked he would even walk to the ends of the planet and fight the strongest of demon beasts should it be necessary.

With their final thoughts exchanged Lao Xing and Jin Zhung depart from the town center and head home. The remaining guard outside of the building follows Lao Xing, leaving the entire area empty...or so they think.

Lurking in the shadows outside the town center is She Xing who was listening in on the entire plan.

A sinister smile creeps up She Xing's face and a maniacal chuckle can be heard bringing life to the shadows around him.

"Would you look at that? My nephew Bei Xing will be entering the mines tomorrow morning in an effort to save the village. What a noble boy, just like his father…"

She Xing looks up at his brother Lao Xing who is still walking down the street on his way home, only visible thanks to the dim light emitted by torches on the path.

"It is such a shame that accidents happen all the time, it could be dangerous for Bei Xing to enter the mines...he could even be killed."

She Xing's low, evil laugh continues as he fades back into the darkness, leaving the streets of the village truly empty now.

The next morning sounds off well thanks to the support from the villagers. Every man, woman, and child within the village is out waiting for the exploration team to set off. The air may be a little thick due to the complex emotions of all the people, but nonetheless it is still lively. Children play through the streets, the market is full of activity, and non-stop chatter can be heard across the village. For such a small, remote place, it did not feel as such on this morning.

At around 9 in the morning people begin gathering outside the entrance to the mines as they await the arrival of Bei Xing and his team. Each person in the growing crowd speaks in high hopes of the mission succeeding, and not a single soul dare nurture any thoughts of bad possibilities or outcomes occurring.

Time continues to tick until Bei Xing arrives alongside the rest of his team. As they walk through the crowd they are showered with praise for their courage in taking on such a task.

Bei Xing wears light weight cloth clothing and leather guards on his ankles and wrists. Upon his back rests a leather bag as well which houses some tools and other basic items.

From the crowd one large man emerges and sure enough it's Papa Fan who's accompanied by Wu Fan. With him he carries a small package of bread bites for Bei Xing, just like he promised to give him the day before.

"Xing gongzi here!"

He holds up the package and shakes it violently to get Bei Xing's attention.

"Huh? Papa Fan!"

Bei Xing notices immediately and runs over to greet the old baker.

"Are these the bread bites you promised me?"

"Yes gongzi, in this package I have prepared a dozen bread bites for you to take on your adventure into the mine. Do not worry about paying me for them either because this is purely a gift from me to you."

"Thank you Papa Fan, I am extremely grateful for your sincerity."

Just as Bei Xing is about to reach for the bread bites Wu Fan makes her presence noticed by letting out a large sigh, grabbing Bei Xing's attention.

"Little Wu, I didn't see you there!"

"Hmph! Of course you didn't you meanie."

Wu Fan faces away from Bei Xing and stomps her foot to pout.

"Aw, what's the problem?"

"I wanted some of those bread bites but Papa Fan insisted they be given to only you. Yet you call me meanie."

Bei Xing erupts in laughter.

"Ha ha ha! Little Wu you ate all of the bread bites in the bakery yesterday. Eat any more and you'll turn into one!"

Wu Fan's eyes widen and she stares at her hands.

"I mean...that wouldn't be too bad."

Bei Xing realizes that Wu Fan is being serious about becoming a bread bite and reels her back in.

"Wait, what? No you silly girl that wasn't meant to be taken seriously."

"Whatever, you better just take Papa's gift and go. The other big guys over there are waiting for you. Don't mess up in there or else!

"Yes Little Wu I promise."

Bei Xing nods his head to thank Papa Fan and pats Wu Fan's head before grabbing the package. Drool slips off of Bei Xing's lips due to the urge to eat the bread bites right away, but he is barely able to resist the temptation. He quickly puts the bread bites in his bag and returns to his team.

Looking at the mining team one may be thrown off by the appearance of a young boy in the mix. After all, the miners on the team are all goliaths of men. Each over 1.5 meters tall and extremely strong, giving off an intimidating impression. No one in a million years would even begin to think that Bei Xing was actually the strongest and most formidable person in such a group.

Bei Xing and his team approach the mine entrance which is covered with a wooden housing and stone finishes. It may look simple, but below this shaft entrance is one of the largest, most intricate cave systems in the world. Standing outside the entrance is Bei Xing's family as well as the 3 village elders who anxiously stand waiting for his arrival.

"Father! Mother!"

Bei Xing calls out to his parents and they wave to him. Within a few seconds he reaches them while the other members of his team also greet their families and loved ones.

"Xinger, your mother loves you and is extremely proud. I never would have guessed you would grow up so fast! Just over a month ago you were still my little boy…"

Meili Xing reaches out and caresses her son's cheek.

"Mom don't embarrass me I'm just now starting to get everyone's respect!"

"Yes honey leave him alone to let him save face."

Lao Xing laughs at his wife's tease toward their son and comforts him.

"Your mother is right though son, we are extremely proud of you and no matter what happens down there we will love you unconditionally."

Bei Xing smiles and hugs his little sister who now stands beside him tugging on his shirt

"All of you worry too much, I will succeed today no matter what by bringing back good news."

"Yes you will Xinger, yes you will."

Lao Xing has a confident look in his eye while staring at his son who's playing with his sister and talking to his mother now.

"As your father I will always be confident in your abilities. You are a remarkable warrior and son, what did I do to become blessed by the Gods?"

Lao Xing gathers himself and then projects his voice to gather everyone's attention. Despite only being an Apprentice Realm Layer 2 his abilities are shocking, being able to shout so loud without even using a technique.

"Attention villagers of Luse Village! My son and the mining team have arrived!"

The crowd around explodes with chants and wishes of good luck. Each villager looks at Bei Xing and his fellow explorers who line up behind him with hopeful eyes.

Should they fail today Luse Village would be doomed.

"My son Bei Xing has promised to find good news during his exploration today, so let us all pray to the Gods for their success and give thanks to them for showing such courage!"

Many within the crowd begin praying in the name of Qing Shen to give Bei Xing and his team luck on their journey, but this annoys Siwang.

"Ridiculous, praying to Qing Shen when in reality it should be me. How unsightly!"

Siwang speaks directly to Bei Xing in his mind, thus no one is able to them converse.

"They don't know any better so don't talk down on them. We'll expose your brother and shed light on the real history of our world in due time. Until then you'll have to live with this because it's pretty common."

Siwang sighs heavily and uses an annoyed tone to let Bei Xing know of his distaste for the situation.

"Well we better hurry up then because if I have to see this anymore I will begin throwing up…"

Bei Xing lets out a laugh which his family hears.

"What's funny Xinger?"

"Ha ha, nothing mother I apologize."

Bei Xing grabs a barrel from behind the shaft entrance and places it in front of the crowd. He climbs on top of it and addresses the many onlookers.

"Today my team and I will do whatever it takes to find more resources within the mines. This mission will be dangerous, but we have the will of you people backing us up. Have faith in us and we will return the favor soon enough!"

Although not as experienced as his father, Bei Xing is obviously good at giving quick motivational speeches like this. His energy and eager look make people even more attentive and focused on his words.

Satisfied with the effect of his words Bei Xing leaps off the barrel and signals his team to pack up and get ready to enter the mine.

Each team member carries a leather bag with various materials and items in it for the cave. Their plan is to explore the labyrinth for 7 days tops and return no matter what should they not find any veins of resources. They have food, water, and other necessities that will last them that much time, so should they take longer than that they will begin risking their lives even more.

After a quick bag check everyone in the exploration team is ready to go and gathers outside the shaft entrance.

Bei Xing faces his family and the villagers.

"Goodbye everyone! We'll be back soon so enjoy yourselves!"

The crowd begins waving goodbye and cheering them on, making Bei Xing feel like he's on top of the world.

"I can do this, WE can do this. Jin Zhung's team is talented, plus I have my skill and my master's. This will be a cake walk."

Bei Xing looks up and gives one last wave to his family before turning around and walking into the cave.

"Let's go everyone, time to go on an adventure!"

Chapter End.