Chapter 5: Dong Yi Eun

In one living room of a mansion, a young man was playing a piano. The sound of the piano made the late afternoon even more romantic. Just then Dong Min Si came into the living and saw his nephew playing the piano enthusiastically.

" come you could come here today... how about your job at Chou Mansion?"

The young man stopped playing the piano.

"It's all going smooth... Everyone seem satisfied by my services. And I love gardening too..!"

Dong Min Si looked at his nephew.

"Well I hope they don't catch you then..!"

"They won't!"

"Umm..I don't know why you have to do it all this way... you can just get to know them normally!"

"No...not as much as if I am near to them as now ..!"

Dong Min Si nodded.." the is Tzuyu?"

"She is very nice and beautiful!"

Dong Min Si made face as he wanted to hear more, so that Dong Yi Eun continued.

"I don't get a chance to talk to her much!"

"But you are her driver now!"

"Maybe I was too shy to start talking..I will try again to get more into her just like I am now friendly her two younger cousins !"

"You mean Miss Lisa from Thailand and young Micky?"

"Yep... how are they!"

"They are very friendly.... polite but also's noticeable they relatives. ...but umm.... Miss Lisa seemed lonely at sometimes....but i guess I made her more cheerful now then. !"

Dong Min Si looked at his nephew again.

"Dong Yi Eun, you are engaged to Chou Tzuyu and not her cousin!"

"I know!...But it has not been my own choice. Well I will try best to get to know Miss Tzuyu!"

Dong Min Si did not speak further but inside he was thinking even if Lisa was a Chou too, things would go quite messy if Dong Yi Eun fall for her instead.


At Chou Mansion..

Tzuyu entered the living room of mansion. She just came back from University.

She found her dad speaking with a good looking man in suit eagerly. She had not seen this young friend of her father before. The conversation finished as Tzuyu passed by them.

"Hi Tzuyu ..!" her father began. "Welcome back home.

"Hi father...!"

"You come back early today..who drive you home... !"

"Chief Gardener!"

"Oh the way I would like to introduce you to Mr Yang Huang, my new business partner!"

Mr Yang Huang smiled at her.

"'s pleasure to meet you Lady Chou!"

He said.

Tzuyu noded.

"It's nice to meet you "

Tzuyu wondered why her father was introducing her to his business partner which he had not done before.

And before Mr Yang Huang left, he spoke softly to Tzuyu.

"It's really nice to be able to meet you finally, Miss Tzuyu. I also hope we will soon meet again. "

Tzuyu did not say anything but she felt a little strange towards this man.

Mr Yang Huang came out of Chou Mansion to get into his car.

Lisa noticed him. She was watering the flowers near the mansion.

This man who also looked at Tzuyu at Madam Chou party too. There should not be any wrong with it. Lisa told herself. Tzuyu was already engaged to a man whom she had never seen before. There were still men who seemed to be interested her in that way despite knowing her engagement. However, Lisa throught maybe anything could happened.