Chapter 18: The Accident!!

The music was still on and everyone was so happy.

Many people had wish Tzuyu for the best, including Mr Yang Hwang and Kim Yugyeom.

The birthday cake was late to serve. But it was very beautiful stawberry flavour cake with cherry topping. It was surrounded by candles.

Tzuyu made a wish and blew out the candles.

The night was getting deeper and it was time for guests to go back to their home. Tzuyu sent off everyone with polite goodbyes. Then, it was Yugyeom turn. He wanted to say something. But he could not.

He just said good Tzuyu and about to leave. However, Tzuyu said, "You promised to tell me. Please do so...mister!"

Yugyeom looked around. They were at garden entrance fence. Many people had already left and other were busy. They were alone. Yugyeom took a deep breath and looked at Tzuyu for seriously now. She was very beautiful in light pinkish dress.

"Please don't be alarmed, miss. I have very special feelings for you since long time ago. That is as strong as any men would feel for their women...."

He was silience for a moment.

Tzuyu did not know how to react what she had just heard.

"You dont really need to answer now!" Yugyeom said quickly.

"If you allow me ..time will tell that my feelings are true...Good night!"

Then he was gone joined Bam Bam who was waiting for him outside already near car park.


It was Sunday again...Lisa, Micky came to visit Tuan's cottage again. The little had grown up now but it still had fun playing with Micky.

Lisa helped Tuan with plantations again. Lisa sensed that Tuan was very quiet and not playful like before. It made her uneasy. She had not seen him as serious as this. But at that moment, another man came to visit.

"Tuan, Tuan....there's a letter for you.!"

When Tuan read the letter he was even more serious. It was from his uncle Dong Min Si. Dong Min Si told him to come to their home in Taiwan (in another city) in order to discuss about very important business.

Tuan sighed. "I need to take days off for a week!"

Although, not wanting to Madam Chou finally allow him to take days off.

Lisa and Micky came to say goodbye to Tuan at the bus stop.

"I dont know what is the seem very serious ..but I will be looking forward to your happy return..."

Tuan just grabbed and hugged her tight. Micky was surprised. "I will ..Lis...please wait for me!"

Tuan said. Then, he just got on the bus when it came.


Tuan got from the bus at certain bus stop. It was in front of the well hotel. In the lobby room, a man in suit was waiting for him. He bow to Tuan then. The man was Dong family driver. He was sent here to take Tuan home.

"Master..would you like to have some drinks now before going!"

"No..we will just leave now!"

The two left the hotel.

Tuan sat at the back seat. "Actually, you dont need to wear suit while driving for me". Tuan said. The man just smile and drive on. But just then there was a car seemed to following them. The driver tried best to make the car behind lost track. However, that made the car lost out of control. The car finally hit a big tree beside the road to stop. Both Tuan and the driver were taken to hospital.

Luckily, the two did not get hurt seriously.

Tuan opened his eyes. He was lying on bed hospital. His uncle Dong Min Si was just beside him.

"You wake now...nephew..."

and he shook his head.

"About the bussiness..." Tuan began.

"Hmm..dont think about it right now...young man, Dong Yi need to take some rest..."

"...dont worry I also have plan to make you and Miss Tzuyu to get near...I have just ask Madam Chou in permission to let Miss Tzuyu to look after you at our home"

"But that will make her know.."

"I have plans for that if you dont mind...who would see a man wrapped in white cloth sheets because of accident"

Tuan understood what his uncle was saying.

Somehow, he did not dare to say his true feelings to his uncle yet. Tuan just thought he would just tell Tzuyu and made up with her to go on each own ways.

Tuan came to his home. As Ming Si had planned he disguised himself as a disabled man needed to be wrapped up in white cloth sheet.

It was the day, Tzuyu had to come to his household. He was feeling so much anxiety. He looked through the glass window of his room on second floor of the house.

Then the lady arrived. The man in suit opened the car window for her. There she came out holding a little blackcat in her arms.

Tuan could not believe his eyes. The lady was Lisa.