Chapter 20: Yang Hwang Met Don Yi Eun

Lisa was unexpectedly very happy at the Don mansion. Sometimes she even felt guilty about it.

The garden outside of the mansion was vast with different types of gardens and plants.

Everyone was kind. Lisa could felt her free spirit once again.

She loved going around the garden. The mansion was quite modern, a little more modern when comparing to the Chou's mansion. Nonetheless, Lisa could feel better air here.

Lisa was a bit guilty that she enjoyed living here. She was surprisingly feel at home with a more friendlier people.

She did not get to meet Don Yi Eun much as most of the time he was living by himself in the room because of his health and only nurse went inside his room. But Lisa did sometimes got to meet him and even had long conversation with him sometimes. Lisa enjoyed being with him despite not having seen him or his appearance. This was when then she started to wonder why there was no picture of him standing in the mansion. It was abnormal.  She began to wonder why. When she asked the housekeeper, she just got the reply that Don Yi Eun did not like photograph. Lisa tried not to think too much. And Don Min Si was very friendly as much as the housekeeper as always. Lisa thought Yi Eun was lucky had an uncle like him.

Lisa got more chances to spend times with him. Sometimes taking on the wheelchair and sometimes taking him the hospital for medical check up. The more she spend times with him, the more she can't help missing Tuan. Moreover, the little black kitty seemed to be very familiar and frieny with Don Yi Eun.

One day, Lisa and the housekeeper took Don Yi Eun to the hospital.

That day, Yang Hwang also came to the same hospital. 

They greeted with one another. But later the housekeeper was called by the doctor and Lisa got a call from her parents in Thailand. She left happily to hospital balcony to feel free in talking.

For sometimes, Don Yi Eun was left alone in hospital room for awhile. At that moment, Yang Hwang came up to  him and sat down to meet Don Yi Eun face.

"Finally, we got to meet!"

Tuan/Yi Eun stayed very still and quiet.

Yang Hwang's voice was cold.

"You are too lucky while the other is have many things already .... let the other have some too... leave Miss Tzuyu..."

"Who are you?" Tuan/Yi Eun asked.

Yang Hwang gave a cold laugh and looked coldly at Yi Eun's being disablilty.

"Ask your uncle about your father history with other woman besides your mother.....and I will soon come to take my rights with the Don family"

Without saying another word, Yang Hwang left.

The housekeeper and Lisa both came back.

Lisa was a bit suspicious about Yang Hwang appearance.

"Do you know Mr Yang Hwang? What did he say to you"

"Yang Hwang? Who's he?" The housekeeper asked.

"Its nothing. We met he just came to greet me.!" Yi Eun replied.

"Let's go home..the medical check up is done right?"

They all went back. But Lisa thought Don Yi Eun must be lying. There must be something.

But she did not get to think about Yang Hwang case as much. She was busied getting visits from Micky, Tzuyu and Liufei, all her cousins. Even her parents from Thailand came to visit her although they had not come to see her at Chou family mansion. Lisa was very happy.