Chapter 9

The orc invasion of the town had been underway for what looked like all day. Fire arrows had burned portions of the wooden wall and from the black smoke rising from behind the walls, some of the buildings were too. From a quick glance the Captain counted approximately one hundred and fifty orcs. They had taken some losses from trying to bust down the wooden gate by using a tree trunk. The gate had suffered considerable damage a was starting to swing weakly signaling the end was near.

The humans on the walls were doing all they could to stop the orc battering ram. They hurled rocks, arrows and spears at them, but the orcs shields were holding up well against these counter attacks. If an orc was hit by such attacks another quickly took his place at the battering ram.

But luck was still on the Captains side. Not only did the flag of the orcs match Helgrath's symbol, but there was nothing to stop the calvary unit from attacking them from behind. The battle could be ended quickly if they could route the orcs before they could enter the town.

"Form rows!" The Scar Faced Captain called out to the troops. The men lined up in three rows quickly and tightened the horse's reigns. "Major stay behind me, it's too soon for you to be in front." He said motioning for her to back up. The Major did as she was ordered appearing to be nervous.

"All Mustang Company advance. Don't let them enter the town! Charge!" The Captain bellowed spurring his horse forward at the exact same time.

The calvary flooded forward in an uneven fashion through the farmlands lining the path. Fortunately, the fields on both sides were corn and being late summer they hadn't reached maturity. They only came up to the horse's bellies.

Their cries quickly caught the attention of the orcs that were waiting outside of the town's defensive attacks. The leader orc quickly dashed about ordering them to line up, spears and shields up and other such commands.

They were halfway across the corn field when the sensation hit the Captain. The sensation of adrenaline. Everything slowed. Everything muffled. Everything appeared crisp.

With every breath his horse took he matched with his own. The reigns held loose in his left hand and his sword hand rose up and down remains level with the ground. From his peripherals he could see his troops silently shouting, their eyes full of anticipation, fear, and bravery. The horses kicked up clogs of dirt flinging them far behind in jets of power. Before him orcs leveled their spears at them. The sun glinting off their tips gently.

The rush of battle, unparalleled!

Just before they collided with the hasty made orc lines, everything returned to normal.

The Captain jerked the reigns to the left quite suddenly and swung out in front of his horse at the first orc aiming his spear at them. The spear was cleanly cut through and its holder as well. The horses charged and crashed into the orc army like water flowing throughout the grass. The Captain continued to swing and weave between the orcs and in a matter of moments he had breached the other side of the enemy lines.

He turned to see many of his men plowing through behind him. He raised his sword and shouted, "Rally to me, rally to me!"

The troops after making it through quickly did so and gathered in a mass about the captain. "Form up again, quickly! Don't let them reform!" He shouted urgently.

Many of the men were still in battle shock and were slow to realize the orders, but the majority were able to turn to face the enemy. The Captain yelled out the command to charge and at that moment the town gate collapsed.

The orcs at the gate flooded inside attacking the defenders with such aggression that the humans inside were quickly being overrun. The orcs understood that in the town the horses would be much less effective against them. Seeing this, both the Captain and orc leader turned to the gate, army's in tow.

The initial attack had killed roughly sixty orcs and a dozen or so humans or horse. Several horses were wounded badly by the spears and had collapsed before making the second charge, leaving twenty men to attack on foot.

As the orcs were closer to the gate, many made it inside, and some tried to block the calvary at the gate but were quickly overrun. Once inside, the situation was chaotic for everyone.

Orcs were charging down every street, some attacking town defenders, others chopping down house doors and a few were trying to take out the remainder of the humans on the walls.

"Major?!" The Captain called out after taking out an orc, providing a moment of safety.

"S-Sir?" The Major called out from behind him. Even though all this chaos ensued she managed to keep behind him.

"I need you to take the men on foot and help the defenders on the wall, then secure the gate. Call any defenders left to assist you. The rest of you men, take out the orcs in the streets before they get to far in. If you see any go inside homes immediately go to protect the citizens inside. Move out!!"

"Yes Sir!" Everyone chanted and immediately scattered in smaller groups attacking any orc within range.

The Captain and a two dozen men followed him down the main street toward the center of town. The orc leader was likely trying to destabilize the town as much as he could before making a hasty retreat. Any plans they may have had before were likely utterly crushed once Mustang Company had attacked.

Towns men were running out homes to fight off orc invaders and these skirmishes hindered the advancement of the horsemen. Several homes had been lit on fire making it hard to see further ahead. Then they entered the town square. The smoke was thinner here and the Captain caught a glimpse of the orc leader and many orcs entering a large building. It appeared to be the town mayor's residence.

"Half of you stay with the horses and assist any towns folk nearby. Everyone else follow me!" The Captain said dismounting quickly.

He rushed toward the large house sword in hand. If the mayor was killed it would be difficult to maintain control of the town after the invasion. He had to secure his safety first then save the town.

At the door four orcs engaged the human soldiers they didn't last long due to the humans' numbers. Inside was a large entryway with six columns supporting a tall ceiling. The interior wasn't plain but decorated in an orderly fashion. On the floor several personal guards were lying dead on the floor as were some orcs.

There came a sudden fearful cry that came from the far side of the room. The orcs must have found the residence. Also, at that moment ten orcs re-entered the room and shouting charged the soldiers. The Captain and his men did the same.

Swords and spears collided and in a furry of attacks. Clashes of metal and thuds of shields being struck mixed with the grunts, shrikes and yells of human and orc were absolutely deafening. The Captain quickly dispatched the first orc that attacked him, lopping off a hand and finished him off with a slice across his neck. He then quickly turned to help one of his men that was struggling to dodge the orcs spear thrusts.

In a matter of moments, the fight was over the orcs had been defeated, but only five humans and the Captain could continue fighting. Four humans were dead, and the rest were wounded badly.

"Hold it right there!" A shout caught the Captains attention and he turned to see the orc leader and another each holding a hostage. The other orc had what the Captain assumed was the mayor a short balding middle-aged man. While the leader had a young blond woman at knife point.

"You're going to let us pass or these two are worm food!" The leader said with a snarl.