The Major was just as surprised as the orc who looked down to see a sword shaft had suddenly grown out from his chest! It then quickly reseeded back into himself causing blood to gush out violently. Then a sudden flash of steel lopped off the orcs head and he collapsed.
The Major was in shock. She should have been killed but looking up she saw the Captain reaching down to her smiling. Dirt and sweat was smeared all over his scarred face.
"Nearly got you that time." The Captain said as she grabbed his hand and he pulled her up on her feet.
"Th-thank you Captain!" The Major said, her breath was still a bit knocked out of her. "I thought I was a goner. What could happen next?" She asked resting a hand on her hip and whipping her hair out of her vision.
They looked at the battle behind them, but the last orc was being killed. The human forces let out a triumphant yell signaling the end of the town invasion!
"Well done everyone! The orcs here maybe dead but a few might remain." The Captain called out patting a solider in the back. "Gather up your strength and catch your breath. Excellent fighting everyone!"
The soldiers and townsmen smiled glad to be alive, while others cried seeing their fallen comrades at their feet.
The sun light was now fading fast and night was approaching. The orcs had all been defeated and the townsmen erected a temporary blockade of debris sealing the gateway. To give the townsfolk a rest the Captain ordered his troops to man the lookouts along the walls.
Of the one hundred troops that had travelled to the town now numbered sixty-eight battle capable soldiers. Of the thirty-two causalities twenty-seven were dead and five had major wounds and might not survive. But if they did, they might never be able to fight again.
The bodies of the fallen soldiers were lined up in the town square with small sheets covering their faces. Several soldiers were looking at the scene with blank or sad expressions. The Major stood at the feet of three young men. Her former recruits.
The Captain saw this and knew it was hard seeing a former comrade that was standing and smiling next to you only hours before. Now they were gone. He walked over and stood next to her.
"It never gets any easier, Major." He said looking down at them. "It happens quickly and most of the time there's nothing we could've done to stop it. But we must live on and remember them, so that they are never forgotten."
The Major nodded silently, her eyes never looked away from her comrades. She was a tougher woman than the Captain expected though she looked said not a tear could be seen in her brown eyes. Deciding that it would be best to leave her alone for now he turned to go to the Mayors home.
The streets were still littered with objects tossed and burned from the attack, but it was still well lit by torch light. The Mayors residents was still partly destroyed. It's doors to the courtyard and front door we're both hacked to bits. However, once he stepped inside the bodies and blood from the battle had been removed, leaving the wooden floor spotless.
Two soldiers he had left to guard the house were there and saluted him when he entered. One of them then knocked on the door behind him. "Mayor Sir, the Captain is here now."
"Thank you. Come in, come in!" The Mayor called from inside.
Entering the room, he found it to be large office with three bookshelves on the walls and a large desk with piles of paperwork on it. Behind these paper piles was the Mayor smiling and standing behind him was his daughter.
Now that he wasn't fighting, he could take a good look at her. The woman looked to be either in her late teens or early twenties. Her blond hair was medium length and her eyes were dull blue. Her face was slender and smooth. Clearly, she grew up well and didn't live like a commoner. The Mayor must belong to some noble family, but why where they out here? Shouldn't most nobility be near the heartland of the Human Empire?
"Again, I wish to express our gratitude for saving my daughter and I from those horrible orcs. Not to mention saving the town too, of course." The Mayor said standing up, the Captain noticed that she was nearly a head taller than her father.
"Think nothing of it." The Captain said. "All in the name of protecting the lives of The Human Empire and Mustang Company's honor." He finished with a salute and the two guards did likewise behind him.
"And thank goodness for our luck that my request got to your General in time." The Mayor said happily. "If my daughter hadn't convinced me to ask for military aid, rather than hiring mercenaries, we would have been in trouble." He pulled a handkerchief out of his red vest pocket and dabbed his forehead. "But enough of that. We need to discuss what to do next about our poor town."
The mayor gestured to his daughter who then handed him a clipboard with a list on it. He then turned it to show the Captain.
"Here you can see after my daughter recovered from the orc attack, she walked around town and made a list of what needs to be fixed if we wish to survive another attack. She is so talented." The Mayor said proudly, and his daughter blushed a bit embarrassed at her father's praise. "It's no wonder the townsfolk call her the Lady Major."
"Hmm," the Captain said skimming over the pages quickly. "Yes, fixing the gate and wall would be the current priority but I think that training the survivors to defend themselves should also be listed here."
"I had thought of that." The Lady spoke in a soft quiet voice. "But we have no means to have them trained. Besides you and the soldiers will be too busy guarding us, right?"
"Yes, but once the gate and walls are repaired, I will have plenty of time to teach the basics to those willing to learn. It's not as if all of my men will be manning the walls at one time." The Captain said.
"Wonderful news." The Mayor said clapping his hands together. "How long do you plan to be staying here in our town?"
"Either until the orcs are proven to be dealt with or until I receive new orders from my General." The Captain replied.
"You mean there's more orcs?" The Lady said covering her mouth with one hand and her eyes were filled with concern.
"Most likely." The Captain said flatly. "The flag they carried belongs to an orc by the name of Helgrath the Defiler. He had sent a similar orc army that destroyed another her town only a few days ago. Fortunately, it's been defeated. If he had this army as well it's not too farfetched that he has even more orcs under his command."
"Well this is quite troubling." The Mayor said rubbing his forehead again with the handkerchief.
"Don't worry, this is what we are here for." The Captain said reassuringly. "Now if you will excuse me, I must tend to my troops and get our living quarters prepared. It looks like we will be here for some time."
"Yes of course. We can continue this later. I will send for you when needed." The Mayor said politely.
The Captain saluted again and turned to walk out the door and as it was closing behind him the soft voice of the Lady called out, "Thank you again, Captain."