The next morning the Captain awoke in a cold sweat. He had that dream again. From the time he had lost to Helgrath. The sun hadn't even risen yet, only a thin line of red was glowing on the horizon. It's light slowly grew in strength and yellow light soon followed the red light as it absorbed then night.
He wiped his brow and sat up. He knew that he had to get his revenge, or these dreams may never stop. Getting up he dressed himself slowly. The light was still too feeble to move about quickly. Then he washed his face by the well, and it stung him just as bad as ever.
After the pain subsided, the Captain headed for the main gate. He was expecting his scouts sent to watch the orc cave entrance would be arriving soon. Yesterday two scouts were sent to replace those before them. Each pair of scouts would be observing the cave for a week or until something worth reporting happened. If something majorly important happed one scout would return to the town while the other would go to report to the General.
However, the cave entrance had been surprisingly quiet. The scouts only reported that small hunting parts would come and go from the cave. They only ever were gone long enough to hunt food then return. Also, the number of orc guards at the cave never decreased nor did they relax their guard.
This was a bit odd to the Captain. If they had sent out such large numbers before to raid the nearby towns, why hadn't they continued? Could they actually be lower in numbers now? Or were they preparing to send out another massive attack? This is the reason the Captain had mainly be staying here stationed in the town, or at least that what the General ordered him to do.
As soon as the Captain arrived at the main gate the sun finally showed its golden head above the crest of the earth. Walking up on to the walls he saluted a sentry who saluted back promptly. Looking out at the dark woods beyond the nearly full-grown crops in the farmland he searched for any signs of the returning scouts.
The light was increasing slowly and he soon spotted ted movements coming through the rows of corn. They were back. The Captain order that the gates be opened and stood waiting for their report. When they finally arrived and gave him the report, all his expectations were dashed. Nothing had happened, again.
Returning to the military camp discouraged he soon ran into the Major who was looking for him.
"There you are Captain." She said with a salute. "You weren't at your tent or the command tent."
"I couldn't sleep well last night." The Captain replied. "I went to meet with the returning scouts."
"Anything of interest?" The Major asked inquisitively. The Captain shook his head. The Major sighed, "Well in that case let's go ahead and practice out training session."
"Might as well." The Captain said reluctantly. "There's nothing else planned for the rest of the day and I am not that hungry yet."
The Captain had been teaching and practicing with the Major to help improve her skills. As she was to be his second in command, he needed her to be capable of defending herself before leading others into missions or battle. They would always go to practice sparing in a small square surrounded on three sides by military tents and the other side by town buildings. They rarely practiced alone, as several dedicated soldiers would also join them or practice with each other.
The proceeded to stretch and do some warmup exercises before they got started. Soon the two were facing each other holding long wooden training swords. Each starring at each other sword tips raised and pointing at the other. Neither moved.
It was important to see how their opponent was to move first, if the one moving first didn't attack at the right spot or to slowly then they would be vulnerable to counterattack or dodge. But if one didn't move first, they could become overwhelmed by the attack and miss the advantage. It was the Major who struck first.
With a quick jab she targeted his chest. But the captain flicked the attack aside with his sword and slashed at the Major. She neatly leaned to one side dodging the attack, but the dodging motion left her vulnerable. The Captain swung back again forcing the Major to step back rapidly. She was unable to attack back as he continued to swing at her. She could only dodge and parry as she took half steps backwards. Soon the Captain had her nearly backed up to a house wall. She couldn't retreat any longer.
The Captain swung down in a chopping motion for a heavy attack and the Major grasped her sword handle with both hands and raised it. But when the strike landed it was only a small hit. Then next thing the Major knew was that the Captains foot was firmly planted into her middle and she was flung back into the wall. The impact was hard, knocking the wind out of her and she loosened her grip on the sword. The Captain knocked her sword out of her grasp and raised the tip of his wooden sword under her chin.
"I win again." The Captain said giving a small smile. "You should have tried to lock swords, Major. Right after I swung at you after you'd stepped back. You shouldn't let your opponent control where you retreat to. You didn't notice how close you were to the wall either. That why you fell for my fake heavy swing. If you'd seen the wall you could have pushed off it and tried counter attacking me."
"You attack so fast." The Major said resting a hand on her knee, to catch her breath. "It's taking everything I got just block you."
"You have improved much at doing so. Also, your foot work has improved, taking those small steps rather than full ones let you deflect my swing much better." The Captain continued his lecture. "But you need to find more ways to stop my attack and not just block and dodge them."
The Major nodded and held up her hand to the Captain. He grabbed it and pulled her up on her feet. Over the next hour they continued sparing and soon were drenched in sweat. A dozen other soldiers had also joined in and the square was getting crowded. The Captain signaled for a break and turned to go rest under a nearby tree. Only to find that the Lady Mayor was already watching them train.
"Hello there." The Lady said giving a small wave. "You two seem like you're working hard. Here," she said holding two cups of water. "You must be thirsty."
"Thank you." The Captain and Major replied at the same time. They took the cups from the Lady and sat down and leaned in the tree trunk. They drank the cups up in two or three big gulps and the Lady Mayor refilled them from a bucket she had drawn earlier.
"So Major?" The Lady said to her after a few moments, "Are you just going to get beat by the Captain all day or can you prove that you can beat someone else?"
The Major gave an irritated look and stood back up, "He's the only one here that can beat me. Just you watch. Hey you!" The Major called to two soldiers that were sparing nearby. "Spar with me for a moment." She left the two alone under the tree.
The Lady smiled to herself, "At last some alone time with the Captain."
Then she spoke to him, sounding slightly embarrassed, "So Captain, do you have anyone that your…"
But she was suddenly interrupted. A young soldier warring light armor walked up to that Captain.
"Sir are you Mustang Company's captain?" The young soldier asked.
"Yes I am. Hold on just a moment Lady Mayor." The Captain said getting up. He could tell this young soldier was a messenger.
The soldier gave a salute and then said, "I just left from the Generals office yesterday to deliver these two letters." The young soldier reached into a travel bag that was slung over his shoulder and pulled out two small letters.
"Thank you. Go and get some rest." The Captain said taking the letters and giving a quick salute. The young soldier nodded and left.
The Captain opened up the first letter and skimmed it quickly. From its contents he found it was new orders from the General. They were to redeploy from the town and set up a new base in the woodlands between the town where they were and the main base. They were to go to a large outcropping that had been marked on a crude map in the letter. From there they would setup a fort and prepare to use it to counter or launch future attacks on the orc cave.
It seemed that the General had finally listened to all the reports from him and from the previous raids of the other towns. But what was odd was that the Captain was to build a new base rather than make the attacks from the town. It would take time and money to build a new fortress. Both of which the Captain didn't have! Not to mention that the General didn't give any indication on how he would be assisted in funding the mission.
"Perhaps this is mentioned in the next letter." The Captain thought. Then he looked up to see that the Major had won her duels with both soldiers. "Major cone here. We have new orders."
The Lady Mayor looked worried. "Are you going to be leaving the town?" She asked.
"It looks like we will, but we will not be far. So, we will be visiting here often." The Captain said opening the next letter.
The Major sat down next to him and he handed her the first letter. He then read its contents. As he read, he suddenly drew the paper close and read it intently.
The Lady Mayor noticed this and ask, "What's it saying?"
The Captain looked up from the paper with a faraway look, "Lilly is at the main base. We need to go now." He immediately jumped up and hurried away.
The two women looked at each other in surprise, "Who's Lilly?!" The said in unison.