shadow world

"most times, a ghost is a wish",i have heard somewhere, only i wish it could be true. but no, now i know for sure a ghost is anything but a wish. what am seeing here, what i touch and feel in every sense is all out of a ghost story. where is this place? what happened to me?!, perona was looking around her everywhere. the fear that she felt gripping in her heart was so real but she couldn't exactly pinpoint what caused it.

"ah" she sighed. she was exhausted. all those emotions were draining her. she vaguely remembered seeing herself the last time she woke up before losing consciousness, only to find herself in this weird place. but she was sure what she saw was not a mirror but herself, only it was an out of the body experience. She felt like she was in a confined space. there was something solid above her, what was it, she could not figure out. she tried moving and surprisingly or more shockingly she moved through the solid as if it never existed there, but oh, it was there, it was definitely there! she looked around. the area was dark, several waist high stone blocks stood in the barely visible light from the moon. it is neither late night nor daylight, there was some light only enough to make out of the desolate graveyard. her heart chilled, eyes widened, a scream arose but she didn't scream, yet. she looked down to from where she rose up, she found only freshly dug up and closed dirt there. she had a premonition, a bad feeling, she tried so hard to go in there again and she did but it was dark all over again. she drifted out, she was floating half an inch above the dirt, it was unsettling. she tried to look through the dirt, since she could already float through it.

she strained her eyes so much that her pupils almost became a slit, she wanted to find whatever that was underneath the small mound from where she rose. 'this is a nightmare i never expected.' her thoughts were telling her, but a small voice was denying it all inside. she saw, a pale skin slender figure resting, covered with mud all over. the loud scream escaped now. her vision blurred, her thoughts muddled, she fell down but never hit anything. all of it blacked out.

she opened her eyes to this shadow world. she had no sense of time nor sense of space. all that existed here, was something she never saw before. there were other persons like her there, but something else, several things also existed alongside them. she had a doubt budding inside her mind,'what are the odds of me being dead?' and her surrounding adding only more reason to that doubt. 'how long is this despair going to last? the creatures in the shadow are scary! somebody help me!'



"astral world also called shadow world is the world which lies in between this world and the other side. it is more like a dimension in between life and salvation after death. lost souls, souls bitter from their unexpected death, angry souls all linger in this space and try to find an opening to re-enter into the world of the living even if they find sliver of a chance", mina was reading from an unknown site that writes blogs on paranormal and supernatural activities.

Mina was collecting contents and informations for her ghost fictions. It's been two days since that dreadful morning that she couldn't sleep. she recovered well from her shock. Robin dropped by the last evening and she didn't want to hide anything , anymore from her friend. she told all that she was experiencing for the last week. Robin was speechless and also worried. She made mina promise her to tell if she experiences it the next time. She wanted to make sure what is wrong, either something really external forces are messing with her friend or whether she is affected in her mind and started imagining things, either way it is a concerning matter involving her best friend.



she had decided. Mina decided to pursue sanders miller. She decided to persevere however long it takes, whatever method it takes not anything shady of course, she decided not to stop until she had a place in his heart. She once loved a liam from the same year as her in college. He used to be her classmate in high school but they never spoke more than ten words to each others face. Somehow her classmate friends from then ended up teasing her saying that liam may be interested in her and this teasing match up had been etched in her heart subconsciously.

with social medias getting more popular among young adults, she also took to it and made friends with him in facebook. she was completely smitten with him and told him so,she was a merciless bulldozer with her affection! her clinginess only started to get on his nerves. they were in the junior year of their college and in different departments. it was a relief for him while a torment for her. He avoided her as subtly as he could until one day he erupted and just told her to stop her advances because he thought that she creeped him out. His exact words were "i have reached my saturation point. you have gone beyond your limit. please stop talking to me" aaaaand he blocked her.

She was sad over his scoldings but later started getting obsessed and stalked him in various accounts. She realised her wrongs with the help of robin and her parents sometime later and stopped talking to liam since then. they never spoke another word till graduation. they just fell out like that, she didn't even get a chance.

even though she have never dated before she had an idea of what not to do in a relationship from her prior experience. she didn't want to come off strong but then also didn't want to suffer alone like she is suffering now. it is better to confess to him and get accepted or get rejected and have a closure. either choice seemed better than her current condition. She wanted to go directly to his place and say it straight to his face. going over to his workplace seemed uncomfortable and meeting in public felt like stalking. His home it is. she can go to his home, talk to him and fathom his personality and choose to confess or pursue secretly from his reactions. this was her rough plan. perks of being a millionaire in a small but wealthy town. it is easy to find his address also easy to enter since it is a friendly neighbourhood. she already cheered up imagining about future happy days with sanders.