Chapter Two (Re-Living Old Times)

After we arrived at school Amelia and I knew our schedules, we had gotten them over the summer and most of our classes were together except two of them.

By the time lunch came which was fifth block Amelia needed a restroom break, so I waited by the door for her. I wanted to go in and check to make sure she was okay but it was an all ladies' bathroom. It wasn't one of those high schools where we had a restroom for kids that didn't go by a certain gender, we had nothing but a men and woman stall, But I was growing impatient. ten minutes later Amelia was coming out asking for gum.

"Hey Amelia are you sure you okay because I'm getting this feeling that you're not good" I said,

"Yes John, I'm okay I promise''. Amelia Assured

Most of our lunch break was gone, but I Really wasn't that hungry. I felt it deep down that something was wrong with Amelia but I just brushed it off.

The rest of the day we were introducing ourselves to the same people that we've been seeing the last three years of high school. The last bell rang and Amelia decided that she wanted to go to our old motor home and talk until the sun goes down.

Soon after the bus dropped us off we gathered our homework and told our parents that we were going to the motor home. Which was on an empty yard that neither of us had the right to be on, nobody ever moved on that yard for as long as I could remember and all our parties that we had was there for every year we aged.

But when Amelia and I were six we decorated our motorhome with all of our old toys, clothes, covers and my old TV.

Our parents even let us slept in it a few times as long as we locked it when we were sleeping.

It just brings back everyday memories. Like yes, we had gotten older. And anytime Amelia and I had an argument we ended up in the motorhome apologizing and spilling our guts about who was in the wrong. But eventually the motor home stopped being our designated hangout when we reached seventeen. By that time we were staying out late, going to the movies, hanging out at parties and sometimes visiting our friends Carla and Colby. They were twins. Who moved in next door to Amelia and I when we were four.

Although Amelia and I were Inseparable we had also met two great friends who also had the same bond as us, so we kind of all understood each other.

Until our tenth birthday Carla and Colby dad had got stationed in Kuwait, and, they had to move.

Even, after the move all four of us were still so Inseparable we still Skype some days, but mostly text. We sometimes even wrote letters. And a day before me and Amelia's birthday week they stay with us for a couple days then fly back home it's been like that every since their big move. But we understood how things were. For their birthday their mom would rent them out a penthouse closer to vacation spots, so we could see them and enjoy their birthday with them, but also give our parents the vacation that they needed. It was so much joy when all of us were together.

When I entered the motor home Amelia had the very first snack that we ate inside the motor home after we had just finished decorating it when we were younger. Ants on a log which was considered to be celery, peanut butter and raisins, and an apple juice.

It was quite strange that we were reliving moments that we assured our future kids were going to. But it was also nice just being our younger self and doing everything for the last time again.

When Amelia and I decided that we were going to college, we actually had the same college in mind. After we finished our junior year of high school they had sent us our scholarship papers in the mail. If our GPA maintained on a college level throughout tenth grade then we were able to get our scholarship papers the summer of our sophomore year.

My GPA was a little over Amelia's but both of them were on a college level. Her GPA was a 4.0 and my GPA was a 4.1, so we had the same list of colleges to choose from Harvard University, Brown University, And Yale University. because, if one of us were to change our mind, It still would have been fine.

At the end of the night, we decided to write our colleges down, and we assured one another that we will make our friendship work no matter the distance. When It was time for us to go back in our house Amelia gave me her paper with her preferred college and I gave her mine. I swallowed before I opened her note. Trying to assure myself at the same time that it's cool. We have the same goals, hell I never did anything without her growing up. so if she did pick somewhere further from me, I'll be okay, we could make it work and that will be just fine.

After I opened the note my eyes scanned the paper reading three words I love you, I folded up the note feeling so relieved. Afterwards I smiled and drifted off to sleep.