Chapter 6: Strength Is Everything

Pen Yushui had long since turned an unhealthy shade of purplish red and was breathing intensely through clenched teeth.

Eric swore he could see a heatwave-like cloud leaving his mouth. Almost like the mist that occurs while breathing out in cold weather. The only problems being that it had warmed up outside during his conversation with Ying Yue and this mist's transparency seemed... like he wasn't supposed to be able to see it.


The now growling Pen Yushui said through clenched teeth, "Xiao Shu, shut your mouth, you're not match for this wench."

"And you are?" Eric could almost hear Ying Yue's raised eyebrow in her rebuttal.

"Why you! Y-y-you!" A near primal *gah!* of exasperation left his mouth. "I'm not here to quibble with you, witch! Witnesses have seen the stranger has awoken and has been seen standing outside your house. The chief instructed you to bring the stranger to him as soon as he awakened. Do you care to explain why you have failed to do so?" The words left the large fellow's mouth at a speed that allowed no interruption.

"Etiquette dictates that I show him hospitality and kindness, before forcing him to do something he neither understands, or is compelled to do." Her leisurely paced answer contrasted his hurried question to a comical effect.

Eric could tell that this Pen Yushui was struggling to remain composed in front of Ying Yue. It seemed like he would rather be anywhere but here, despite his aggression. Like the simple act of keeping eye contact was painful.

"Clan law dictates that the word of the chief is rule within our boarders and beyond for all who serve. 'For strength is everything.'" Pen Yushui then slammed his right fist on his chest, exactly where his heart was, hard enough to leave a resounding echo.

The movement was repeated immediately after by all others present, including Ying Yue, followed by a thunderous "STRENGTH IS EVERYTHING!" from every mouth.

Eric wasn't sure, but it almost seemed like the sound coming from Ying Yue was the loudest of them all.

"That being said" Ying Yue followed, "chief Feng deserves a guest that is fully prepared and aware of his situation, let alone fed..." She glanced back at Eric, who was in the midst of finishing his second bowl of rice, the spoon frozen half way to his mouth due to the new attention. "As you can see, the chief will have an ideal guest before the day is gone."

Pen Yushui visibly chilled when Ying Yue's eyes returned to his. "See to it that it is so." The words were more of a grumble than spoken word. The brute then turned and left as quickly as he came.


Ying Yue pulled on the dark wooden door, gently closing it. She took a deep breath and allowed herself to relax before turning to face Eric. "Um... about that..."

"I don't mind going. I'm sure my presence is quite a burden of sorts."

She sighed in relief. "Thank you. I didn't mean to be deceitful. I just figured it would be a lot for you to go there without your bearings... I apologize." She bowed slightly at the waist.

Eric waved his hand while reaching for his cup of tea. Downing it in one gulp in order to clear his throat. Following a slight gasp for air he then said,

"I understand completely. There's no need to explain or apologize."

Ying Yue seemed to brighten up from his response.

"While I am increasingly intrigued by all that just transpired, I believe an audience with the chief would be a superior way of clearing any unnecessary drama."

Ying Yue noticed his thinly veiled smirk and remarked, "You are making fun of me!" Her look of shock due to the realization was priceless.

Eric chuckled.

"Only slightly. I do think it would save a lot of trouble for the both of us if I headed there immediately after..."

He glanced at the remaining half of food.

"... you finish eating."

Ying Yue giggled and divided her portion by another half, offering it to Eric. "Eat it, please. As a cultivator, the amount of food I need to consume is minimal at best."

"Then I won't be a nuisance and accept this with grace."

She squinted her eyes at him. "Are you always this sarcastic?"

"Only when I'm comfortable with the company in my presence, or confident in my position..."

'Two things I haven't felt in a long time.'

Ying Yue tilted her head slightly. "So you don't feel ill at ease? I know you heard how they referred to me." She began eating with a noticeably learned etiquette.

"And I also know you cared for me for seven days and that the face you've shown me is different than the one they know. Witch or not, as far as I see it, I'm indebted to you, which is not something I take lightly."

Her eyes seemed to become misty and slightly red as he spoke. "Thank you. I haven't heard such kind words in a very long time." She lowered her head and continued. "In this clan, the phrase 'Strength is everything' is taken as our one true philosophy. Our lives, our relations, our positions... our subservience. Without strength, you have nothing. Without strength, you are nothing."

"That's quite intense. So this chief..."

"Qianggong Zhufu Feng." It was a name she clearly respected.

"Chief Qianggong Zhufu Feng... he is the strongest in the Thunder clan?"

Ying Yue nodded, raising her head in enthusiasm. "By far. He's the only one in the Thunder clan to have reached the early Houtian stage in the last century. Even if he's too old for another breakthrough."

"I see."

Ying Yue fidgeted in her seat, looking back down. "So you still won't ask? Why I'm called a witch, I mean."


She looked up in shock, making direct eye contact. "You really don't care?"

"I do. But my previous curiosity was put off by that impressive display of yours. I'm sure I'll hear their side eventually, and you will tell me yours when you're ready."

Ying Yue simply stared at the dark skinned oddity before her.

"Now eat before the food gets too cold, we have an important meeting to attend."