Chapter 16: Reunion- Part 2

Eric looked down at his index finger and thumb with apprehension...

Only to find nothing wrong. He looked up at Ying Yue, who had ran up to him in worry, and saw that her concern was genuine.

"So I'm guessing most people can't touch your bare skin without consequence."

He had avoided this topic as much as possible, but it seemed that, in order for their friendship to continue, a little nudge was necessary. He only hated the associated trauma that was tied to the truth.

Ying Yue seemed to be in a daze as she confirmed that nothing was wrong with Eric's hand before she answered, "Yes... Yes. Normally, the slightest touch is enough to cause whatever body part, that made contact wih my skin, to have its primal essence forcefully removed, causing it to wither and freeze..." She squinted her eyes, as if she couldn't believe them, "Are you sure you're okay? It's already odd that you can stand so close to me without consequence before the Flesh Training stage. Normally you would have to be at least a Pulse Condensation level cultivator to not have any issues."

Eric raised his eyebrows in shock.

"You pinched me first though."

Ying Yue blushed before saying, "It's fine as long as I don't make direct contact with someone's skin. That's why I was able... to... um..."

"Wash my body without killing me?"

The already rosey cheeked young woman's face turned bright red before she said, "E-either way! Even though I pinched you first, there's not many in our culture that would retaliate in such a way... there's no way I could have expected you to do that." She was practically pouting by the time she finished talking.

A chuckle escaped from his throat as he realized that he may have been too forward in his actions. The customs and etiquette of this world weren't too different from what he was familiar with at their core and if he was being honest with himself...

'I would never have pinched someone I'd only known for less than a month on their cheek either.'

"I guess I did get a bit lost in the moment. But I'll still maintain that you started it."

Ying Yue's blush spread to her neck, "W-well, I got lost in the moment too! I mean, it's been so long since... since."

Eric swore he could see steam coming out of her ears as her worry, shame and fears waged war on her mind.

"Okay, okay. Let's take a deep breath and take things one step at a time."

Eric looked around and found a simple stone bench that was positioned to enjoy the view of the river and mountain. He walked over and sat down before patting the left side of the bench in invitation.

After a moment of hesitation, Ying Yue came over and sat down with her feet crossed at her ankles and tucked beneath the bench. A cautious gap remained between the two, accompanied by a prolonged silence.

Neither faced the other, electing to admire the scenery directly ahead.

Eric allowed his mind to wander. He wasn't in a rush and waiting never really bothered him.

'There are worse things than the practice of patience.'

Some of Aaron's favorite "words of wisdom".

Their intended use were to make Eric pace himself when his workouts would get too intense while preparing for a fight. They were later twisted by Eric's need for revenge, repeated in his mind like a mantra as he waited in the shadows for an opportunity to strike his next target. Now... Eric felt that the weight of his anger was somewhat lifted, so much so that things like Chief Qianggong Zhufu Feng's impossible test, the raging Primeval Boar and Pen Yushui's provocations towards Ying Yue and himself barely fazed him.

This feeling that a new start could only bring, helped him appreciate those memories of his brother.

Yes, there were much worse things than practicing patience while waiting on a young woman's words.

It was a different story for the young maiden in question, however. Her constant fidgeting and irregular breathing were more than enough to communicate her discomfort.

'Seems that this topic is very difficult for her to talk about.'

Eric wasn't happy about making her feel distressed, but their playful actions had just shown that if their friendship was to grow in any way, the truth of her situation would need to be brought to light.

'Maybe it is unfair, since I can't possibly share my secrets.'

Not until he was strong enough to at least protect himself and defend against any harm that would fall upon her. Eric still had no idea what ramifications may befall him and those he associated with if he was revealed to be a reincarnated person from another world. Only time and research and power would allow him to live without worry.

'Well, seems that I should cut her some slack anywa-'

A voice as soft as morning rain beat him to the punch, "You probably think I'm crazy by now..."

"Not at all."

Eric spoke firmly, but with an unmistakable kindness. She was the one that had watched over him when he arrived in this world, and he was sure that it was her influence alone that had given him the small chance he had been afforded.

Ying Yue smiled slightly, she took a deep breath to steady herself and she maintained a forward gaze as she spoke, "I suppose I should start off by saying that I am currently at the Pulse Condensation realm, at least technically."

Eric was still facing forward as he blinked in surprise. Several questions raised to the surface of his mind at once, but he decided to stifle them in order to not interrupt her.

Ying Yue seemed to appreciate the gesture as the tension in the air lessened. "I say technically," she continued, "because I am essentially crippled now. Have been for three or so years. I was actually going to be the next of our clan to reach the early Houtian stage, and at an age that would qualify me as a genuine genius..."

Her gaze seemed to drift beyond the river, the mountain and the moon. Far beyond the present and into a painful past.

"I was revealed to be a prodigy at the age of fifteen, something that would be a good thing in any other clan than our own. As you can probably already tell, our clan is one of subservience. We are not allowed to study combat techniques or skills. The old fighting style of the Thunder Sect is long lost, purged from any records by the Lightning Sect..." Ying Yue's voice grew more sharp as she continued.

"I was told, while growing up, that the Lightning Sect used to kill any child that showed any potential for greatness. It was done in secret, of course. The Lightning Sect can never let their reputation be ruined due to such things, the whole reason this village was afforded to the remains of the Thunder Sect was to keep up appearances, after all."

Eric looked up the mountain towards the distant lights, realizing yet again how blatant one's position reflected one's power.

Ying Yue was oblivious to Eric's musing as she went on, "But this practice caused many of our clan to flee over time, which in turn cut down the production of ironwood trees. So a new solution was presented. One that ensured the Lightning Sect would be able to maintain their moral image and their labor force, while still being able to keep our clan weak and beneath them."


Ying Yue nodded at Eric's guess, "Exactly. Every year the Lightning Sect sends an inspection team down in order to check everyone's age and level. If they find anyone that meets their standards, they are taken back to the sect and 'offered' a chance to serve directly under the Lightning Sect in the Outer Court. The conditions are harsh, and you spend the majority of your time doing hard, thankless tasks, but you are still allowed access to cultivation techniques and resources. The downsides are that you must sever all ties with the Thunder Clan, you must do your duties without fail and you must accept a soul binding contract."

Ying Yue's words left Eric stunned.