Admitted to ICU

Zola applied for a job in a national organisation.Salary of that institution was very high.She knew that if she got the job ,then her family would not have to suffer.

After three months her father's conditions worsen and admitted to ICU.After three days her mother called her and informed her that the condition of her father is too critical.When she reached the hospital her whole family was crying.Her sister came to her and fainted.Zola knew what is the meaning of these.Her father left them forever.

After four day of her father's funeral ,She got appointment letter of her job.She should be happy ,but her father's struggles for life came to her mind .

After joining to the new job Zola's life drastically changed.Within five years she and Aurthur became able to buy a new car and a big house.She could bought all the modern equipments for her new home .She was happy as all her dreams came true.

Zola gave birth to another son and both of her sons growing very fast.They got admitted to her school.She was busy in her life.But she couldn't forget her love for Neil.She loved her family very much.She know she cannot live without Aurthur and her sons.But she also wanted to meet Neil once in her life.

One day she got three messages from Neil on her Facebook account.He was continously trying to contact her for nine years.But she keep rejecting him.That day she was in her staff room.An unknown number called her.'Zola.Please don't disconnect the phone.I want to talk to you.Please.'

It was Neil.He again called her.She wanted to disconnect the call.But she couldn't .She herself was eager to speak to him.'Speak'Zola replied.

Neil:'I am trying to contact you for nine years.But you never replied.Please forgive me Zola for what I have done.Actually I know you can not forgive me so easily.But our life is not so long.So please forgive me.'

Zola:'Neil ,I don't know what to say.But I know one thing.We are both married now.We have children.It is not good for us if we try to do anything for our past relationship.Past is past.Your wife or my husband,nobody would accept any kind of relationship between us.'

Neil:'Can't we be just friends ?

Zola:'Do you think we can be friends ever?'

Neil:'Zola do you love me till date?'


Neil:'We would try to be friends.Please.'
