I will leave

"Zola,I am sorry.I didn't know that I would tag you to this situation."Aurthur said sadly.

Zola smiled,"Don't worry dear.Although we have done arrange marriage by this situation I am feeling like we have done love marriage.It is not your fault.I can bear upto my limit.When I could not bear it I will leave."Aurthur hugged her and kissed.Although the were not lovers but he loved her.And Zola also tried her best to spent her new life with Aurthur without any problem.She wanted to be a faithful wife.She let not come Neil to her mind.She knew Aurthur loved her very much.

One day when she was taking rest someone called her.She checked the number.It was an unknown number.


"Hello my love!"It was Neil.She disconnected the call immediately.'How can he call me?It is almost six months.He knows I am married now.He should not creat problems now.He said he had left.Then why has he returned?'Her mobile rang again.'Same number.No I can not speak to him.I should be faithful to my husband.'She switched off the mobile."Zola darling ,Who is calling?"Aurthur asked as coming out from the bathroom.

"It was a wrong number.You get ready.I am bringing your breakfast."Zola replied hurriedly.She could not tell Aurthur about Neil's call.Although he has accepted her every fault,he would not be happy if he know this.She took her mobile and left.

Three months passed.She forgot about the call.That day she was dusting her room.He father in law called,"Zola,Is your mobile not working?One of your friend is calling my number.He said that your mobile is switched off."Zola's heart skipped a beat .'My friend?It must be Neil!Only he can call to my father -in -law's mobile.But how could he got his number.I have to talk'

She took his mobile and goes to her room.She called back to the number.It was really Neil."How dare you?You spoiled my life and left me.Now you have come back to creat problems in my married life.In future never call me.I am dead for you."

"listen ,Zola...."

"Don't try to speak."


She disconnected the call.She was confused.'Why is he trying to call me?He told my uncle that it was me who loved him single sidely.In my life there is no need of his love.I am only Aurthur's.'

After this day Neil tried to speak to her time to time.But she never accepted his call.After two months she shifted to a rented house with Aurthur as his family keep torturing her.She was three months pregnant that time.With Aurthur's small salary it became tough to spent their life.But she tried to be happy.Her mother was keep crying for her condition.She knew it was partly her fault.She choose Aurthur from Neil.But may be it was Zola's luck that she had to suffer.Zola had applied for various jobs.But got none.After six months Zola gave birth to a baby boy.Every one was happy.Her in laws came to take her home ,but she denied.She was not interested in returning to a place where everyone tortured her.