[AN: I got 200 coins and it said from Activity Reward. Anyone know what is it? Is it Win-Win event?]
[AN2: And do you want to know something frustrating? My alternative account, two of them, got a daily mission to watch ads to get fast pass but my main account don't get it!?]
[AN3: That new "The Love of Mona Lisa" frame make me drool. I want it but I don't want to lose my coins!]
Further national government influence unofficially restricts employment opportunities to those who remain in the closet. "Homosexuality works against the accepted norms of social morality and can be thought of as contributing to the breaking down of the established sexual public order of society. Consequently it should not be sanctioned in modern society."[24] This example of government preference on education presents one example of employment opportunities lost to the LGBT populace of Japan. Furthermore, many Japanese organizations are incorrectly informed on LGBT issues which restrain and influence performance reports and promotional possibilities.[26] These problems place pressure on sexual minorities to accept their diminished reputations or leave a company due to unrestrained bigotry from those in the workforce.