8、Vicious transformation

It's didn't let them wait for a long time. The grandson of the old man didn't go to bed so late. Maybe he passed the test under the temptation of red envelopes. Then he said: who are you? Why do you want to add my wechat friend?

Zhou Hao didn't hesitate to send the 10 yuan red packet directly, and then immediately pressed the video call option~~

It seems that Yuan Xiaohua hesitated for a while before agreeing to the video request….

Zhou Hao dare not let the old man appear in the video, but let him see the screen of the mobile phone from the side. In the eyes that the old man looks forward to, the mobile phone shows the appearance of a child who is about ten years old. His skin is very white and looks very handsome~~

But Zhou Hao thought something was wrong. Yuan Xiaohua's cell phone should be placed on the table. In the picture, Yuan Xiaohua's eyes were fixed on the front. He didn't know what his hands were busy with. He was moving rhythmically left and right. White smoke came from the outside of the picture. There was a lot of noise all around. The sound of mouse and keyboard was heard all the time. From time to time, a few words called swearing were heard~~

Yuan Xiaohua is in a state at this time. He keeps shouting in his mouth: go on, kill him, hurry up, garbage.

This kind of words is really harsh from a 14-year-old child's mouth, but Zhou Hao knows that this is the normal situation of this place, because he is very familiar with this scene - Internet bar, a place that takes him on the road of programmer. Although the country does not allow minors to enter the Internet bar, there are such black Internet bars in many places, as long as there is money, anyone can enter ..

After two minutes, maybe it's the end of a game. Yuan Xiaohua picks up his mobile phone. Looking at the stranger in the picture, he is alert: "who are you? I don't know you."

"Are you yuan Xiaohua?" Of course, Zhou Hao can't explain the situation directly. He can only delay the time as much as possible. "I'm your classmate's brother. He hasn't come home yet. I want to ask if he is with you ~ ~"

"I don't know. I came out alone to play" ~ "before Zhou Hao finished, Yuan Xiaohua refused and didn't give him the chance to tell a lie~~

"Oh, so ~ ~" Zhou Hao glanced at Uncle yuan. The old man's eyebrows were locked, his face was ugly, and he looked angry. He quickly changed the topic, "it's so late, why don't you go home?"

"I can't go back and do your shit..." Yuan Xiaohua has put his mobile phone on the table and entered the game state again. "I'll hang up if I'm ok. Don't look for me again. It's really annoying."

Finish saying, don't wait for Zhou Hao to respond, he has already hung up the video, but at the end of the video and so on, Zhou Hao still vaguely heard someone beside yuan Xiaohua asking: with whom video? Come on, why so many things~~

And Yuan Xiaohua's answer is: I don't know which psychopath is wasting my time, fuck

Zhou Hao looks at the cell phone that has been hung up. He feels uneasy. He doesn't know what old yuan will do after reading it. But if it's him, he will be very angry if he has such a grandson~~

Sure enough, Mr. Yuan's state was not stable. He stared at the front and said: "this is not Xiaohua, this is not Xiaohua "

Zhou Hao hurriedly backed up two steps, his hands had caught the sticky rice in his pocket, and he cried out: "Sir, calm down first. Children are like this when they play games in the Internet bar. Usually at school, he will be very good ~ ~"

The old man didn't respond at all. He had been defeated by the reality he had just seen. In his mind, his grandson had always been obedient and obedient. It was also the hope that supported him. Now it has become like this. He never thought that what he waited for several years was the result, which he could neither bear nor accept. For a while All kinds of evil thoughts came in his mind, and he could no longer control them~~

Zhou Hao can see very clearly. The outline of the old man has become clear. It seems that the fog that has been enveloping him has suddenly dissipated. Then, black smoke is slowly emerging from all parts of the body. It is getting thicker and thicker. Soon, the originally small bright light area has been blackened by a small half~~

Along with the black smoke came a thick stink. The rotten and stale smell pervaded the whole area. It was disgusting~~

What's more, during the old man's recitation, Zhou Hao saw his teeth gradually become sharp and protruding, especially the two canine teeth rushed out of his mouth all the way, and the cold light flashed heavily. The cheekbones of the old man also began to protrude. The originally pale skin became iron blue, and then they were tightly attached to the cheekbones, and the middle part of the muscles had disappeared~~

Zhou Hao shuddered for a while. He managed to calm down, raised his legs carefully, and retreated slowly. He didn't dare to make too big moves. He was afraid to disturb the evil ghost who was changing in front of him.

"It's you, all of you, who made my lovely grandson become like this. You all die for me!" With a roar, Mr. Yuan's transformation has been completed completely. The old man who once seemed to be kind-hearted has now become a vicious ghost with a blue face and fangs~~

Buddha said: a person's appearance is the same as his mind. Mr. Yuan, in the form of evil spirits, is obviously full of malice and is on the verge of violence at any time~~

Zhou Hao panicked and ran back as fast as he could, but he couldn't run at the moment~~

He just felt that his body was getting heavier and heavier, like he was being pulled by something, he couldn't run at all. In a panic, he didn't care about anything else. With a wave of his backhand, he threw the sticky rice that had been held in his palm towards the back~~

Then he felt his whole body loose, and suddenly he could not control himself. He rushed forward a few steps, and then fell to the ground~~

Lying on the ground, Zhou Hao saw only a few strands of black air slowly dissipated at his waist and legs, which was obviously due to the effect of glutinous rice. However, when he raised his head, Mr. Yuan stood in front of him intact, with the black air lingering around him, the whole face looming, and it seemed particularly scary~~

At such a close distance, the odor has reached its peak, but Zhou Hao can't care about nausea. His hands are on the cold ground, and his heart is cold~~

But now it's not time to give up. He reaches back to his backpack and takes the mineral water bottle containing the blood of the male chicken to his hand~~

"Let's go" ~ "the old man's voice also became low and hoarse," for the sake of you helping me, I don't want to kill you! But there's no next chance.

"I will punish all the wrongdoers in this town!"

After saying this, I walked over Zhou Hao and disappeared in the dark~~

Zhou Hao was stunned. He couldn't believe he picked up a life like this. He didn't get up from the ground until the black smoke and the smell in the air had disappeared. But his heart was still beating violently. It would not be able to slow down for a while~~

"I seem to have messed up" ~ "Zhou Hao looked at his mobile phone and looked to the direction where the gangster left." th