~ Chapter Thirteen - Season I ~

Grandpa Ben didn't seem to be furious with Laura. But she was still in trouble because she took so long. And it wasn't even her fault, it was mine.

"Pardon, Grandpa Ben?" I spoke from behind Laura.

Both of them turned in my direction.

"Oh, hello there, dear boy," Grandpa Ben smiled. "Were you here all this time? Come closer," he continued as he gestured for me to come closer to him.

In haste, I stepped forward. "Grandpa Ben, please don't give Laura such a hard time. It was all my fault that she took so long in the marketplace. I was the reason behind it," I explained without giving Grandpa Ben any moment to speak.

"Is that so?" he asked with his arms still crossed. "And why is that?"

"I was taking a stroll in the marketplace of Bullingar when I heard her arguing with the vendor," I answered. "I paid for the barrel and on our way back, we had a bit of a misunderstanding about who's going to ride on Lady, my horse. That's what kept us in the marketplace."

"And why were you arguing with the vendor?" Grandpa Ben asked as he turned to Laura.

"A barrel of apples now costs twenty gold pieces. The money Ronald gave me was ten pieces short," Laura replied.

"Twenty gold pieces?!" Grandpa Ben's mouth hung open as he exclaimed. "For a barrel of apples, that's the new price?"

"Unfortunately, yes, Grandpa Ben. I knew right then and there that it was overpriced," she answered.

"Why were you arguing with Robert in regards to his champion?" he asked another, his hands now on his waist.

I entered the conversation, explaining, "I offered for her to take the horse along with the barrel. I decided to walk instead and pulled Lady on foot to get us moving. She didn't want me to do that."

Grandpa Ben turned to Laura, a brow arched.

"What?" she asked, her brows knitted in the middle of her forehead.

"You mean to say that what took your time is because of you, arguing with different people?" Grandpa Ben asked, unfazed.

"Grandpa Ben, please. I don't want to have another discussion about this," Laura groaned as she throwed her head back.

"Laura, how many times must I remind you?" Grandpa Ben scratched his forehead. He continued, "Somehow, you have to allow a bit of your walls down. Let go of your pride. Accepting help from other people doesn't make you any weaker."

"Grandpa Ben, I don't want to argue about this," she replied.

Grandpa Ben let out a defeated sigh. "You, young lady, have to find a solution for some of your traumas," he said. He then turned to me and asked, "Are you headed off somewhere after this, son?"

Should I tell him the truth? That I came all this way, just to see Laura? I might come as too forward, too aggressive, too desperate even. Perhaps, it was best not to tell them the real reason. And besides, I didn't want to stay if my presence was unnecessary.

"I'm currently undecided on what I should do next. I can just return home if I can't think of anything. I just wanted to make sure that Laura came back in one piece," I explained.

"Why don't you take Laura for a quick trot somewhere?" he suggested.

"Grandpa Ben, I don't want to!" she protested. She continued, "I still have work to do here in the bakery. You saw how awful Ronald is in making pies."

"And you need to learn how to take a break from working. Have a life outside of the bakery," said Grandpa Ben.

Grandpa Ben said "trot". Did that mean that Laura had a horse of her own?

"If you don't mind me asking, shall we take my horse? Or you have your own?" I asked Laura.

"Oh, she never mentioned it to you? She has her own champion," Grandpa Ben answered with a smirk.

"Grandpa Ben, please," Laura protested.

"Oh, shush, dear one. You need to have something different to do, other than baking apple pies for the bakery," he replied.

Laura answered, "I don't need to go on a trot. I have work to do."

"I'll have Shannon take over your work for you. I'll assign Ronald to a different task," Grandpa Ben said.

"But, Grandpa Ben–"

"Please, Grandpa Ben," I intervened, "If Laura doesn't want to come with me, I completely understand."

"Robert, you are taking her for a stroll," Grandpa Ben insisted, giving me a stern look. "And as for you, Laura," he quickly returned to her, "I'm warning you: don't push me any further."

I was absolutely confused at the moment. I didn't know who I should listen to. If my presence was a bother to Laura, I would prefer to leave her alone. However, I wouldn't want Grandpa Ben to think that I was being disrespectful towards him.

Right now, probably the best way out of this conversation was to simply follow the old man.

"So," I said as Laura turned to me, "Do you have a stable for your horse?"

She looked back to Grandpa Ben once again. It was as if she was trying to break through his warning glare. But, as her attempt failed, she let out a sigh and said, "My horse is placed at the back of the bakery."

"Show him, then," Grandpa Ben gave Laura a slight push forward towards me. I could see that he was pulling back a teasing smile.

Laura shrugged with a sigh and went on ahead of me. I grabbed Lady and followed Laura, smiling at Grandpa Ben as we went to the back.


When we arrived back at the bakery, we were greeted by a narrow alley. Loaded sacks piled up beside crates that contained glass bottles. At the very end of it was a stable with its door open. There, a horse quietly feasted on apples within its reach.

"Hello, Leo," Laura smiled as she walked up to her champion.

"Leo?" I asked as I followed right behind her.

"Yes," she turned to me, smiling as she scratched the horse's neck. She returned to Leo and continued, "I have this certain fascination for lions. Hence, my champion's name." She then ran her hand down Leo's long mane.

"Well, his name fits him very well," I agreed as I reached them.

"How can you tell?" Laura asked as she prepared Leo for the stroll.

"Lions are known to be kings of the jungle, am I correct? That means lions are of royalty, class. And I can tell that your champion has a majestic flair to his aura," I explained.

"That was very kind of you, Robert. Thank you," she smiled.

I nodded briefly, an acknowledgement of her response.

She looked back to Leo as she continued her preparations. "Did you hear that, Leo?" she asked the horse. She continued, "Robert said you were majestic. You should be proud of yourself." As soon as she locked the saddle in place, as well as everything else, she quickly hopped onto Leo.

"Shall we?" she asked as she looked down onto me.

I nodded and mounted onto Lady as well.

"The last one to the hills is a rotten egg!" she teased as she ran ahead of me.

"Hey! That is not fair!" I shouted as I ran after her.