35 Chunnin Finals Exam Fights part 5

Mei Terumi( Hidden Mist Ninja) vs Asuma Sarutobi


Shikaku: "Get ready! ...Get set…..Go!!!"

Mei started with releasing shurinken at my direction at the start of the fight. I immediately release a earth style: earth wall. Creating a wall of earth rising about 3 meter tall and 1 meter in thickness.  I follow up with doing the summoning jutsu to summon Uloong.( I was not planning on using him to fight my battle but more like a disrupter to her Boil Release and Lava Release techniques. At the same time he could learn her Blood Line limit techniques acquiring Boil release and Lava release for himself.


Asuma: "Uloong I summon you to assist me on disrupting her deathly area of effect poison related to her Boil release and Magma release also giving you the chance to copy all her moves. Just intervene if I can't handle it. Or I give you a signal that would be the bird hand sign for ninjutsu. Got it? If you want you can act like distraction once in a while." I affirm to him.


Uloong:  "Got it, I will learn the most I can from the opponents jutsus." He re-affirms as he jumped all the way to the back hiding around one of the trees on the edges of the arena.


All of this happened fast since Mei then follow her barrage of shurinkens with a follow up of her Lava Release: Melting Apparition Technique. Where she  changes chakra inside her body into a powerful acidic fluid that will melt anything and spits out the viscous fluid from her mouth. Both the shape and the amount are determined by her. By spitting it out at short-range the technique's speed increases. By distributing the liquid across a vast range, she creates an acid wall. Anything that touches it will crumble and lose its shape. Should her initial attack miss, a great deal of smoke is created by the effects of the acid, so a follow-up attack can be conducted while the enemy's vision remains obscured. It can even melt chakra-based defences such as the Susanoo.


Meaning that my earth wall crumbled in an instant after being hit by her Lava jutsu.  Now the surrounding was fill with allot of mist which was corrosive. I made my bird hand signal to inform Uloong to stop or neutralize it.  While I started doing my own hand signs creating a show case creating Ice Dome protecting me from the corrosive mist vapor on the air.


Looks like my ice release was more resistance than the earth wall since my dome was still intact as Mei release another Lava jutsu smashing at it. Only managing to scrape about 1/4th of the thickness of my Ice Release Dome.(which I made about 3 meters thick and was constantly reinforcing with my Ice chakra.)


People were shock at the display of jutsus from both of us. Uloong follow my signal and use a Wind style release Great Breakthrough from one of the blind spot sending the whole gas/mist upward since we didn't want the public get hit by any residues.


Mei got alerted since it's the first time she seen my summon Uloong. She previously had a wall blocking so she didn't see me summon him. I used Earth style hiding like a mole while also leaving a Kage Bushin when she got distracted by Uloongs attack. Escaping underground to behind some of the big boulders on the field's arena.


Uloong then got attacked by Mei as she release her Boil Release Jutsu, creating corrosive vapor mist that is as dangerous  all aim at the direction of Uloong. Seeing this Uloong then did the same making the mist collide which each other. It looks like Uloong figure out how to do it the moment it was release.  The mist dissipated, Mei with a shock face that the White Monkey could copy her move. Mei being aware of the dangers of the jutsu started changing  the properties of the mist making it harmless an not corrosive as it was filling the entire place. Uloong then follow along doing the same, as he was learning her moves.


My Kage Bushin was doing some hand signs at this moment alerting her as the  Ice dome started creating spikes than later got release at the speed of bullets toward Mei. She being distracted by both by Uloong and my Clone who attacked with ice spikes had no time to think creating a earth wall to protect her self from the attack. She manage to block them but then I got out of my hiding spot releasing 3 Sonic Blade slashes from my Sword God style moves.

The first attack she by pure reflex manage to evade but part of her dress was shredded. The second slash hit her square on but that move was not meant to be deadly as it only impact her sending her flying backwards towards one of the trees on the edge of the arena. While the third slash was not aimed for the kill but to one or her thighs, slashing ¼ of her muscle thigh making her bleed profusely.


At this time my clone didn't had the ice dome no more and was rushing at Mei's direction with sword in hand. Mei no having time spit some of her mist at her leg stopping the bleeding  but it look like it hurt her allot. She then with her other leg got out of the way from my clone slashing her. And release severeal shurinkens at his direction. Which my clone block with ease, seeing this she then follow it up doing a fire release Great fireball towards him now that he was to close not giving him time to dodge. My clone just had a smile on his face as he cut the distance fast and then upon impact of the fire ball. A giant explosion happened sending poor Mei flying again but his time to the middle of the arena. Mei looks worse for were, but she had a determined look that she didn't wanted to lose.


She then looked at me and at Uloong that was hiding behind the trees moving not staying on one spot. Just  looking at her giving her uncomfortable stares. (Using  those red eyes to put her on edge)


Mei Terumi: " I am shock I didn't knew you had a powerful summon and that you were a Ice Release Blood line limit like the Yuki clan from our land of water." She said as she was analyzing me.


Asuma: "I haven't shown you all my moves yet I will end this fight with my next jutsu which is an original" I said as I did the signature hand sign for the Demonic Ice Mirrors but instead I release allot of ash from my mouth which surrounded me blocking her view. Then a gust of cold chilling wind was felt around the whole arena reaching even the audience.


When the ash disappeared the floor on the arena was covered on gloss black floor that look like polished onix. While in the air you could see giant black swords made of the same material looks as the floor all looking like different types of swords with inscription on them with the word sword on them polished enough to give a mirror reflection me still standing in the middle of the field. Mei was already to close so she was within the dome of flying black swords.


Asuma: "I call this the Demonic Black Sword Domain!!!!" I said to her while having chakra blade surrounded by Ice release chakra making it look like a sword encased on Ice. (Well only the blade was surrounded by ice all smooth and sharp as the ice glowed blue.


Mei got shock at the beautiful display of my jutsu but got alerted since she could feel the temperature on the surrounding drop fast. She was already having frost bites on her skin. She couldn't let me attack so she released  a Lava jutsu toward me but at the moment of impact. I submerge into the darkness of the black ice floor, managing to escape the attack.  Mei was getting nervous seeing I disappear in an instant watching her surroundings.


Mei wanted to leave the sword dome but notice she wouldn't have a chance since on the outskirts she could see a white blur who was Uloong. Keeping a eye on her while emanating killing intent scaring her form even getting out of the place. So the best she could do was attack but she didn't or couldn't locate me.


I then appeared from a angle coming at insane speed passing next by her slashing her at her other leg. This got her on her knees and alert. She as I looked like I fuse or melted into another black sword  that was flying on the mid-air. Mei still on her knees started to do some hand signs and release her  lava jutsu at the sword I went into. But the sword moved to the side evading the technique.


After this the sword started flying toward Mei at the speed of a bullet. Mei release another lava release blast toward it but at the moment of contact the sword glow golden and exploded sending ice shrapnel. Most got disintegrated by the lava release but some manage to pass by and injuring Mei as some Ice  pieces were stuck on her legs and some on her arms, looks like she manage to dodge the ones aiming at her head and vitals.


The other swords then all pointed at Mei emanating blood lust making the temperature drop faster around Mei. Her breathing becoming harder, at this moment in time the sword just blurred and disappeared and reappeared next to Mei aiming at vital spots but not penetrating yet.  I then I reappeared coming out from one of the swords now taking my sword and pointing it at her neck.


Asuma: "Are you giving up, will you surrender?"


Mei: "I am no match for you, I give up. " She said has her green eyes had a defeated look.


Shikaku: "The Winner is Asuma!!!!! " he yelled making the public go crazy at the display of skills.


Since I was already announce the winner I release my technique making the swords to dissolve and disappear just leaving nothing like if my swords never existed. The temperature also started to regulate but you could still feel the fresh cool air, like if there was air conditioning on the whole arena. 


Medical ninjas then arrive at the scene and help Mei to get on a stretcher since she had several injuries, cuts and gashes everywhere, she couldn't totally stand up since I did harm her less to stop her mobility.


Uloong then just appeared next to me, nodding that he got the gist of Lava Release and Boil Release. I was happy then I gave him a fist bump and then I canceled the summon. Uloong disappearing in a ball of smoke.


Then I just went back to my booth were I saw Kusei, Gekko and everyone else looking as If they couldn't recognize me. I most likely let them shock and couldn't believe how strong I was, that and that I was a Blood line limit. I actually never showed these techniques to nobody this was their first time seeing them.


I then got bombarded by questions by Kusei, which I barely answering since I could end up fighting him and I didn't want to reveal all my cards. So he just shut up but I promise I would tell him all about it in the near future.

(15 minutes after the fight )

Shikaku: " The next fight wil be...…)


(By: Author, well this was his fight….now I got a option for you guys. Do you want to see the next fight which the remainder contestants are Baki, who most likely won't fight..he lost a finger so he won't participate any more and the rest which are....Alvin Uchiha, Lluvia Sarutobi, Kusei  Yuhi and Asuma…Or I could just give a brief of who won and what happen in short description.  Its all up to you readers!)