37 Decisions and stuff that happened

Kakashi bets where all fruit full, he even bet that Ibiki would forfeit the match since he was the only participant left to fight, but after's Asuma peformance Ibiki knew he had no chance and gave up.

At the moment Kakashi was getting a knacking for gambling since all bet were close already. He ended winning about up to 3 million ryo by using his accumulated money. No body stop him or bother him since he was a experience shinobi and using the alias "Lord Third" gave him a protection since people thought he was betting for the Hokage.

It was all thanks to him encountering Gekko before the finals. Gekko didn't feel well today and admitted he was planning on giving up the match but not before he show some of his skills to the public. Riding this Kakashi did heavy betting and put all his money on Gekko losing or giving up multiplying his earnings exponentionally.

Indeed Gekko did try but not hard enough since Kakashi notice that Gekko even thought he use his skills. He never used the hidden gates, which show how bad he felt today. Most likely  he didn't wanted to push his luck with them since the recoil could hit Gekko much harder because of his chronic disease.

Once Kakashi saw the match ups, even thought he wanted to bet on Alvin something in his gut told him not to bet on him. Since he saw how Lluvia was most likely well verse on water ninjutsu the bane of fire justsus. For this match he bet on the Sarutobi girl there was more to the eye that could be caught.

Lucky for him his guts guide him well. Lluvia floor Alvin, it looks like Lluvia couldn't been taken down. All her water jutsus felt never ending. Like if water was part of her, this did shock Kakashi seeing that all injuries/slashes/blows were innefective. Only ninjutsu looked like it did any type of hurt on her as her chakra reserve drop every time she recovered from ninjutsu attacks.

Finally the final match arrived Asuma vs Lluvia. Kakashi knowing well what Lluvia was capable, felt he wanted to bet on her. At the same time he knew Asuma must have hidden cards. After all recently he just learn some of Kakashi's Lighting jutsus and he even knew the Ligthning Cloak of the Raikage. So he was confident he would be able to put on some damage to this Lluvia and win...or at least he hoped as he bet all his money from his previous winnings.

Kakashi was not wrong in the end Asuma did won, but half way it look like he was going to lose making Kakashi panic since all his winnings where going down the drain with also his life savings. Asuma surprise every one with is Kekkei Gekkai of Ice Release. The audience as well every ninja was shock at Asuma's display of his power. If before he was shocking with his previous fight against Mei Terumi, now he show how much he was holding back his Ice Release techniques. The whole place started snowing and it didn't stop till about 3 hrs later after the whole finals were over.

Because of this allot of people actually were buying clothes on the store for cover up. The open food stands that sell spicy and hot warm soups and meals were the most bombarded after the finals.

 Kakashi didn't waste time and headed to the hokage office affair bureau were they handle missions and request such as money exchange for ninjas. Kakashi just transfer his new earnings to his bank account and stay with about 100,000 ryo. He decided he needed to buy stuff for his friends after that.

Stopping first to visit Might Gal at the hospital ward were she was recovering taking some flowers and some snacks on a basket to wish her well.


(with the Hokage the Fire Daimyo and other clan elders  and the council)

Hokage: "So we agree already who are going to be Chunnins then?"

Danzo: "Yes, Asuma for sure is chunnin material, also Kusei."

Fire Daimyo: "Oh...don't forget that Lluvia she seem pretty powerful."

Shikaku: " Ibiki...can be chunnin material, is determination and steel like focus is to be noted."

Danzo: "I would like to recommend the Might Gal, but I think she may need more nurturing for her to be a exceptional chunnin. She does have the power even most likely capable to face Jounnin but since she is only Tai Jutsu I feel it would be to early to deploy her as a chunnin." he said in a firm tone.

Hokage: "Agree even thought she was impressive, it would be better if she stay gennin alittle while longer so Might Gal could grow in power."

Shikaku:" Agree, as for the other village contestants from Hidden Mist and Hidden Sand they had decided also. Their finalist will be chunnin too. Standard wise they do fit the bill so not complains on our part or theirs."

Hokage: "Any more elections for chunnin?"

Minato: " Alvin Uchiha and Po Hyuga should also be nominated for  chunnin. Their power is beyond gennin level and they are well capable of handling any normal chunnins by themselves. Alvin demostrated a high level of control on his fire techniques and Po's versatility  is good enough to show since he doesn't only depend on the Hyuga's Tai Jutsu only. Something necessary as being flexible is necessary for such position."

Danzo: "I approve the motion. Looks like this year is one of the biggest we have ever had in chunnin promotion. It is not that our standards are low. But that this year the candidates were outstanding."

Fire Daimyo: "Indeed this year Konoha gennins were very impressive."

Minato: "Are we not going to discuss the rewards? Asuma won so the money should be added on his ninja account with the village. The question is does he decide the ninjutsu A-rank reward or do we choose instead?"

Hokage: "Well, I did over heard my son was interested in medicine, bad luck Tsunade no longer resides in the village. I could recommend him to learn under her. We could give him the [Chakra Scapel Jutsu] is consider a A-rank jutsu because of the expertise one must have on chakra control."

Danzo: "Indeed that should be the reward then, but i feel is a bit short. If you really want to expand his knowledge you can send Asuma to learn Medical knowledge under the current head of the medical department. Also you could send him to learn from the Interrogation department since they also do medical procedures there."

Hokage: "Danzo! He is to young for such things and he will not be anbu so it is not necessary for him to learn from there. Since  Tsunade is no longer in Konoha and Asuma is so outstanding on his studies. What about we give him access to the medical research that Tsunade left. He could even maybe be able to figure out the [Strength of 100 seals] that made Tsunade a legend. I believe in my son and he could be as formidable as Tsunade. At this point we need somebody of such caliber to guide our medical squad."

Danzo: "That sound like a good idea, the problem is that I believe Asuma wanted to be re-known for his swordsmanship. We have seen it already and I got to admit I would love to integrate his sword style to my anbu. If possible even create a brand new branch base on swordmanship revolving on Asuma's SwordGod style. We have seen several contestant use it since they train with Asuma together."

Fire Daimyo: "That sounds like a great idea!!!! Creating a new branch for outstanding gennins seeking the path of the sword. Do you guys have an idea what it should be name?"

Hokage: "Is not so simple Lord of Fire. First we need permission and willingness of Asuma to share his knowledge of  his Sword God Style and the second would be to get enough funding to open a new branch to back up this project."

Fire Daimyo: "If is monetary backing, I am all in! I have seen Asuma grow. I remember when I first saw him on his 5th birthday party. I remember his goal to be recognized because of his sword skill. Which better way but to open a branch program based on his develop sword styles? I would help with the funding if that needs to be! It would be awesome to have Konoha have his own swordsmanship ninjas."

Hokage: " Are you sure Lord Daimyo? It would be a big expenditure since is a new project."

Fire Daimyo: " I am setting my foot in, I totally want Little Asuma goal dream to be achieve. Even though he is just going to turn 12 he shown incredible skill with the sword. I believe he can totally be a good instructor too. Doesn't he have a nickname for being so young already. What was it...Sword Master Asuma. If I heard it I would compare it to your self Hokage the Professor. The difference is he will be professor of the sword." he said as he laugh.

Hokage: "As you wish my Lord, but he alone teaching sound like a big leap since we barely promoting him to chunnin."

Danzo: "What about Might Gal? She may have not become a chunnin but we can grant her C-rank to B-rank missions base on teaching Asuma's sword style. If I get my sources correct she was also teach Asuma's sword styles, Sword God and Water God. Plus I believe she could teach better Tai Jutsu training for the reclutes for the program."

Minato: "Actually that sounds like a good idea, and if possible also integrate others that know the style. Asuma did propagate it with some of his classmates. They were known as the SwordClub team when they were in the ninja academy."

Hokage: "Okay since everything is in order, this meeting is over. We got all the chunnin promotions the rewards and future path we taking for the future shinobi of this village."

Civilan Representatives: "Are we not going to discuss about Asuma's bloodline and possible new clan?!"

Hokage: "I know where you want to go, but 1st Asuma belongs to a clan already. 2nd he is no orphan or civilian ninja. 3rd he is not the last member of the clan. So don't speak up about the Clan Restoration act!!! This does not apply to Asuma at all. Meeting over!" he yelled out loud to shut up the civilian representative.


(hospital recovery ward room 11)

Kakashi: "Soo...how are you doing Gal? Feeling any better now? I brought you some snacks in a basket and some get well flowers. I also added some oranges, bananas, grapes and apples, fruits can help you recover faster or I have been told." Kakashi said with a little smile and sarcasm.

Might Gal: "Damn you Kakashi! You will see I will be much stronger next time. I will for sure caught up to you eventually. I am also glad you still think of your rival. This shows how much youth you got in you. Thanks for the gifts, I will make sure to eat them all but not in one sitting." she said as she gave a sincere smile to Kakashi.

Kakashi: "It was not much, I actually impress how powerful you become, but also shock on how Kusei perform on the arena."

Gal: "Yeah, me too, I couldn't believe how strong Kusei as gotten over the years. His genjutsu was almost impossible to break. It look like he attack not only me but the whole audience  with a type of sound or vibration genjutsu and with his hallucingenic  sakura smelling perfume. He literally was attacking from all fronts with his genjutsu."

Kakashi: "Yeah, Kusei been hanging allot with Raido most likely there is where he pick up his poisons to mess with the senses. He also gotten really good at chakra control since he was actually controlling mutiple shurinkens/sebons/kunais with chakra strings."

Gal: "Kakashi, tell who else fought after my match, who won? Also I notice the weather being weird, did you notice it snow? I saw it by the window. The wind was really cold and chilly."

After that Kakashi passed the after noon explaining to Gal what happened shocking Gal about the results of the match. Kakashi obviously omitted the bets he made. For the next 2 weeks Kakashi would visit Gal and help her recover, which she did. A little sad she didn't manage to become chunnin but not dispirited since she knew she tried her best.


(By: Author, thanks for reading, would love your opinions to discuss instead of thanks. So what did you think of the chapter?)