41 Becoming 12th years old, Chunnin missions, Teaching recruits

Well finally my 12th birthday arrived. My dad wanted a party similar to the one I had on my 5th birthday making it a open party to the village. I know is a little bit childish since I was now a official adult. (Chunnin having a kids birthday party)

Puberty had hit me a little earlier though since I was about 5'7"ft tall, the same height as Lluvia even thought she was 15yrs old. I also started to see some hairs protruding out of my face, small but still there. I was planning on letting it grow, I wanted to look like Solid Snake from the Metal Gear game series.

The party was done on the same place we they did my 5th birthday party. Only difference this time is that the Pinata was of a giant white ape....resembling Uloong and it was aim for the little kids that were going to come for the party. That pinata was not meant for me. It was going more to feel like a open picknick party intended to just invite visitors to enjoy themselves and nothing more.

The buffet look amazing thought, looks like dad got to reserve chefs from the Akimichi all you could eat buffet and also saw Teuchi and her wife working on a special stand preparing the supplies for the ramen soups that they were going to prepare for the visitors.

Overall it looked more like a party also meant for adults since I also saw some guys delivering barrels of sake. Looks like dad hire some alchohol drink specialist to tend to a open bar situation. As I also saw allot of limes and salty snacks being display near the bar.

I wondered were did dad got all this money to waste for my party? Did he also venture on the bets of the chunnin exams? Well either way on this party my engagement was going to be announce to the public and to the other clans, affirming Lluvia's position on the family and her status as a Sarutobi.

My attire for the party was my official ninja uniform with my green flank chunnin jacket. Instead of using the navy dark blue for my uniform I was using a type of greyish white, similar to the uniform Sasuke used on a filler episode when he stay in konoha and was part of the military police. So basically it look the same except that my jacket is green and I was not wearing the skirt like sash.

Lluvia for the party was wearing a one piece dress with some sunflower patterns on the edges of the skirt which reach near her knees. She also wear some white sandals that resemble the regular ones we use as ninjas. Her hair was brush up neatly in a bun as her front hair frame her face with nice bangs. She was wearing a silver pendant I had previously gifted her with the Sarutobi clan's logo.(unknown to her I mark it with my Hirashin, like this I could reach her no matter how far we were apart.)   

Just like previous my dad invited allot of people including his council members and old team mates including Danzo. Since this was more available party for adults because of the open bar. I saw allot off duty shinobi ninjas who were with their chunnin uniforms still on. Looks like my dad invited any one who was off duty so I could socialize with my future co-workers. What surprise me was that I actually also saw some Military Police Uchiha on the party led by Fugaku as they tried to socialize with the regular chunnins and Jounnins that came to the party while sharing alchoholic drinks.

There was also allot of kids on the party all enjoying eating from the buffet and also playing the games on the playground that was set up for them to have fun. Most of the members from the Sword Club were here, except for Kakashi, Gekko and Po Hyuga, I over heard they were out on mission delivering goods for some merchants so they were out of town. Looks like Alvin Uchiha was also busy with his new Anbu training so he also was not around.

Might Gal did manage to come to the party along with his dad Might Duy. They came and congratulate me on my Engagement that was announce on the party and also gave me a pair of new ankle weights which were 2 times heavier than the ones I was actually now wearing as a gift.

I still use the ankle weights but recently I been reinforcing them and added some gravity seals on them, like this I didn't need to make them bulkier. Recently I also use this gravity seals and put them around my body when ever I am going to have a intense workout since it also a type of chakra drain seals added into the gravity seals to make me even more exashted giving me better work out results. This type of training not only helps with my body but also trains my chakra reserves, expanding them more little by little.

Raido also drop by while I was talking with Gal and Duy. He got into a conversation with both Duy, Gal and Me since we were going to work together on the Sword Order branch. We discuss about the requiremets and stuff for the new recruits. This party basically turn to a work meeting with this group.

While were discussing some chunnins came to present to us since some of them were intructors at the academy that were assign to the project too. They came and were asking for tips to improve since they will also be guiding even potential academy students that fit the bill for the Sword Order project. I had fun discussing about work...Yeah crazy right, but it was because it was something I like, which was training and how to better one self.

I did receive presents from some of the visitors (chunnins), which most of them were red envelops(this are envelops with cash). It was a tradition were they give such gifts on weddings, anniversaries, and on occasion like of the celebration of a new born baby.

So I had myself some extra cash which was not little since there were allot of visitors.

Orochimaru also came to my party just to drop by and discuss about the projects. He gave me a set of tea bags from different parts of the elemental nations, including allot of tea bags from the land of tea. Which I was very grateful since they were of the best quality. After he did his greetings he headed to the Uchihas near Fugaku, looks like he wanted to see if there were anyone from the M.Police interested to switch to the Med department.

 Minato and Kushina also came to the party but for a brief moment since Minato had some duties he needed to do. Kushina did end up staying bothering me about my engagement and mad that she just heard about it. She also was surprise that I had Ichiraku Ramen shop install at the party, she totally dragging me with her to eat some of it. I did inform her that all of it was free since it was a open bar situation. Man I couldn't believe how many giant bowls of ramen she manage to eat. Even I had to hold back, I didn't wanted to get full and not enjoy the other food stall and buffet table.

Eventually I got away from her grasps all thanks to Lluvia. Looks like she was feeling jealous of me having female company nearby. So I spend most of the party with Lluvia in hand (close by).

Danzo who also came to the party just came to congratulate me on my birthday and engagement. He also pass me a manual to learn which had all of the new curriculum for the Anbu and Root members, he said as a possible future Hokage candidate I should have at least some kind of Anbu training, he also told me to burn the manual once I learn/memorize the material. After that he headed to the open bar guided by my father and went to have some alchoholic drinks together.

I saw Kusei and Anko together on the party hanging aroud the Dango stall. Once I caught him he got surprise since I scare jump him, making him drop his dangos. He got mad at me but I redirected the conversation about he being together with Anko. Which Anko confirm she was actually dating Kusei since a while now. Kusei had a weird face plastered on. Looks like he wanted to keep it a secret but Anko didn't knew as she just spew the soup out.

Once this got discovered Kusei now had to face the wrath of bullying of both me and Anko. It was fun poking at his love life, he gave in admitted one of the reason was because of exactly a moment like this. I affirm him it was going to happen either way, and if prolonged it would make it worse. Either way once all the fun passed, Kusei gifted me some special seals he developed.

He gave me 3 seals all specialized on genjutsu, this was what he gave me:

Seal of Ghost: As long has you infuse chakra on the seal and paste it on your body. You will be covered by a type of refraction around you making your body invisible.

Seal of Enviroment: This seal can be installed in front of a base camp entrance. This seal will camouflage the entire camp with the surroundings, making the base visually not there(invisible). This is perfect to have open hidden bases. This seal is pretty big about 5 feet long and 3 foot wide.

Seal of Fake Base: This seal can be install anywhere, depending of how much chakra use it can create a visual illusion of a military base, tents, barracks, etc. This can be use as a decoy to distract enemies while hidding the real base camp. Or can be use to lure the enemy to a trap.

I actually was impress, I told Kusei to integrate this as contribution to Konoha. So I called my father who was with Danzo and presented what I got from Kusei. Both got shock at such seals, they promised a big reward to him in exchange for the production of the seals. Kusei ended talking with them for a while agreeing to the request, integrating the seals to the scroll of secrets and also got a reward of a S-rank mission along with access to learn any 2 jutsus he wanted below S-rank.

After that I passed all the rest of the party with Lluvia as we talk about her future goals, which reveal that Lluvia actually was interested on being a Medical ninja since she didn't wanted to get in more future blood shed as she did while living in the land of rain.

I understood and told her that maybe she could learn under Orochimaru now that he was the new co-head on the Medical Department and when he was not around she could learn from the former and still head of the Medical department Kotaro Uchiha, the reason he took the medical path was because he never awoke his Sharingan, but now thanks to the Bloodline Amp seal he finally had his sharingan, still he decided to stick with what he knew, he like his medical profession allot.( Kotaro Uchiha is actually the future adopted father of Kabuto, he has a nickname, Surgeon of Death)

So from now on Lluvia was going to study medicine and we made arrangements with the people involve since Orochimaru was still in the party, I inform him of my plans, he accepted to have Lluvia as a assistant on the hospital and that he would inform Kotaro Uchiha as well. My dad once inform was happy, well I think it was mostly because he was drinking but he got the message told me to not to worry as he will make the changes in the paperwork for her transfer to the medical department.

We had a good time at the party, which lasted till 11pm.


(3 months later)

During this 3 months after my birthday party, I have been busy with allot of C-rank mission escorting merchants. I notice that allot of the cargo involve with food supplies and weapon supplies. I have been teaming up with several chunnins that I was not associated with. Standard wise they were chunnins but not as impressive as most of my Sword Club members. If anything I ended up giving tips to them on how to improve their tai jutsu, swordmanship and even teach some of them some ninjutsu that fitted their style of figthing.

Its not like I didn't learn anything from them. I was learning leadership skills and also how to follow orders if I was not the one in charge. Also they were veteran chunnins and pass on their stories about their mission and the risks they went. I learn allot since they also speak about their mistakes when they were rookies, inexperience chunnins. I learn skills like how to caught when something is off behavior or enviromental  wise.

Also I been practicing/training on the manual I got from Danzo. I got shock when I saw the information on it. The techniques on that were there resemble allot the ones from the Rukokishi martial arts from the Navy from the One Piece anime. There were some differences but the results were the same. What I found funny was that the Iron Instant Body was a rip off of my Nature chakra reinforcement technique Tenkai. The difference is that this was the chakra version and didn't use nature chakra to use also the color was opposite and was more to the original One Piece Tenkai and turning more like armor haki version turning the affected area metallic black.

Either way this was a big boost to my arsenal. Specially the Air walk/Air jump, this technique alone was gold. With this integrated with my Wind Owl Cloak, I could now literally fly at the speed of the characters of DBZ. I was not floating, but flying fast now. I decided to keep this under wraps since this was going to be a trump card or more like a bragging reserved card kind of move.

The other technique I benefited allot was the Paper Dodge, this technique help me be really flexible. Now I could bend in different ways. Now I could imitate Orochimarus way of dodging too, since he moves like a snake or a person without bones, well you get the jist. This combine with my sensor abilities I could dodge at any distance or at any angle.

I notice that it even gave reference about the King's Gun move if you mastered the 6 techniques. I was interested/curious of who came with the moves since this was genius. It didn't contain intructions for King's Gun but just a short description about the goal of it. (most likely this move was still being in development)

So I train on the 6 techniques in secret since this was only moves meant for Anbu's and the training was to be a secret to anyone not being part of it, or at least at the moment till they make any more future changes.

One of the things they give you when you become a chunnin is a bingo book of bounties of rouge ninjas or criminals. They have a limit on the one for chunnins since they only had criminal up to the B-rank threat. There was another book but that was only available to Jounnins and Anbu members which contain C-rank to SS-rank threats. The SS-rank threats could only be taken by a mix of Jounnin with other chunnin members or Anbu that consisted of 7 or more ninjas. Sadly I couldn't get that book thought since I was brand new chunnin and I was not planning to be Anbu.


I also been doing allot of B-rank missions all surrounding the Sword Order program. Every time I was on the village and not away on a C-rank mission. I would drop by to help Gal and Raido on teaching recruits, when ever I was around they put me in charge of the more advance students which involve chunnins that were interested on the way of the sword and had some kind of previous training with sword related weapons.

Raido would get to teach the intermediate students and Gal would take in the brand new ones that needed the physical training to start using the Sword God style, which included academy students and some Gennins that wanted to learn how to use a sword.

 This classes was mostly done in the evening after school ended on the academy making this more like a extra curriculum and fitted well since most gennins were busy during the mornings doing missions but had free time by the evening.

Might Duy also got commission C-rank missions in the way of teaching Tai Jutsu conditioning. They also put him to teach academy students only thought. Since he was a Gennin  and a adult who raise a kid by himself he was perfect for the job to handle kids.(also we didn't want gennins get offended being teach by the eternal gennin.)

Well I was not the only teaching since we would rotate the teaching missions also with Gekko and Kusei who once in a while would drop by giving me free time as they would take over teaching the Advance students. I also notice that Gekko choosed a direct student he pick up under his wings, her name was Yugao and she was 7yrs old. He was teaching her his own original Moonlight style to her. I ask him about it and Gekko told me that the Hokage saw potential on Yugao and had plans to later integrate her into the Hokages anbu so Gekko got the mission to train her to be good enough to mach the Anbu units.

Lluvia had taken liking to the medical ninja department as she made some friends with the nurses on the facilities while learning there. She really focus hard on learning too since she didn't wanted to be a burden to the research Orochi was working on or to be a mediocre medic.

So Lluvia approach me to learn the Kage Bushin to improve on her studies. I had no problem and gave her the jutsu, I did warn her about the draw backs so I told her to time it correctly when dispelling her clones.

 Lluvia also started picking calligraphy since she needed it to improve if she wanted to learn how to make seals. My dad Hiruzen commision Kushina again to teach her about seals in private lessons at home. So Kushina would pass by the house every 2 days in between to teach about seals to Lluvia.


(By: Author, thanks are not needed and prefer comments about the chapter. What do you think about the decision of Lluvia being Orochimaru's assistant?)