ch52 Meeting team 10

(Point of view of Shikamaru)


What a drag, today we got our team signups we ended being team 10. As expected because of tradition the most likely Hokage set us up with my father's other clan buddies. So it was not a surprise that I ended with Ino and Choji on my team. The only surprise was getting Guy Hatake as the medic for our team.


Guy Hatake wears what looks like an anbu kind of uniform but color green with his vest color red orange with some metal arm guards on both arms while wearing black gloves on his hands, and some red orange leg warmers on his shins. He also wears a mask covering his lower half of his face which is also a green mask. Guy Hatake's has spiky shiny white silvery hair and his skin color is light tan brown, with blue eyes, well his right eye is as his left eye he covers it with a headband. Most likely trying to imitate his father as he also wears a orange scarf around his neck. (Imagine a young Kakashi when he was in anbu but with light brown skin and blue eyes)


Guy is a serious guy but sometime just flips and becomes really energetic and outgoing doing weird poses and weird exercises. He surely as energy to spare, even though he took the medic courses which is for potential medic ninja candidates, he surely is an all-rounder excelling in taijutsu, ninjutsu and chakra control thanks to being a medic. I overheard they take chakra control as their main course, which I assume allot consider boring, but necessary for the medic ninja profession.


I really am curious about this Guy Hatake since they rarely interact with the normal courses of the academy. So I only had seen him when they integrate classes together like Bukijustsu (shuriken and kunai throwing), and sparring combat lessons.  I heard the courses for medics is actually harder, allot of studying involve, which I see as a big drag on my napping time. Either way for being a medic nin Guy Hatake is a monster. Not even our class prodigy Sasuke Uchiha is a match on a pure taijutsu match, but who can blame him. Guy Hatake is the son of the Lighting Sword, Lighting Fang, a.k.a. Copy Cat Kakashi who is a master swordsman and also a prodigy who has copy over 1000 jutsus.


Well enough with their squabbles or rivalries, It doesn't concern me much but what worries me was the teacher assigned to my team.  Asuma Sarutobi, I have always seen him as a nuance of shorts, he sometimes drops by to talk to my dad about shinobi business as training for the Sword Order corps facility which is renown in Konoha and also on the other countries as one of the best at teaching swordsmanship, even if you don't have chakra with their intense, insane training the graduates surpass even common gennin by a big margin. Obviously age differs but none the less they show results. My dad had been nagging me about joining but I just find an excuse to dodge all that bothersome training.


My mom also been kind of pushing me, why are women such a bother. Because of that I had to put some kind of effort as I was working on my chakra, ninjutsu foundation. I been meditating and doing chakra control exercises as my main focus. Only to avoid the hard work of taijustu or my mom nagging me to join the medic ninja department. I used the clan secret techniques as an excuse to avoid that thought, so now I actually need to put some kind of effort on training the Nara shadow bind techniques, while also expanding my chakra reserves.


Now back to Asuma, he always as the habit of smoking or drinking alcohol as he brings with him always a pack of cigarettes and a bottle gourd of wine next tied to his belt on his uniform.  It's annoying and bothersome. When he drops by he also sometimes challenges me to some shogi. He is annoying and throws me random questions while playing. Always asking hypothetical questions and what would I do in such situations? Some times that what makes me unfocused when playing. I see what this Asuma does on purpose to make me lose focus. I already lost some games against me, Asuma likes to use misdirection allot to not see his final goal. Annoying, but he is one of the only ones I actually enjoy playing with shogi next to my father.


I know for a fact Asuma is somebody not to mess with if he gets serious, I overheard my dad he hasn't had a mission failed, and that he is on the bingo books with a bounty on his head of over 75 million ryo as he made allot of enemies during the war against Kirikagure who him and his team at the time defeated their Legendary 7 swordsman and stealing their swords, giving him the title of Sword Master and Sword Professor Asuma. He also is a good friend of the Fire Daimyo as he is the one that sponsored the Sword Order Project on his beginning stages.


Just by being under him and being the 3rd Hokage's son puts me on the spot light big time. I know I am going to be put to work hard. For sure my dad was involve on me being under Asuma since I rejected several times to either join the Sword Order Academy when young or integrate myself to the medic ninja program that my mom wanted me to do. Now I got no way to avoid learning… forced to learn swordsmanship and be put under rigorous training. Awww, what a drag…how I am going to miss my care free days.


(Guy Hatake's point of view)

While waiting for the teacher I just did a simple introduction to my future team mates.


Guy Hatake:  "It's a pleasure to meet you, I am Guy Hatake your medic ninja and responsible to cure and heal you from injuries. I also can handle my own well in combat since I also train in the Sword Order Academy when young." I said as I glazed around my training I didn't wanted to brag that I was train by my dad and mom who are renowned as Lighting Fang Kakashi and Green Beast/Bloody Beast Gal. 


Shikamaru: "Nice to meet you, I am Shikamaru Nara but you can call me Shika for short. It's good to know you can handle yourself, less work for me. Either way my strong suite is to be support and I can bind my opponent with my shadows ninjutsu that is passed down by my clan."  He said as he gave a hand shake.


Guy:  "Good to know, my strong suit apart from medical, is swordmanship, taijutsu and some lighting ninjutsu I learn from my father. Usually I use this chakra knuckle blade to use my swordmanship." He said while taking out the knuckle blade with a logo of the Sarutobi on it but with Hatake inscription.


Shikamaru: "Isn't it that the Sarutobi Clan logo? Are you by anyway from the Sarutobi's?" with a inquiring look.


Guy: "No! This chakra knuckle blade was gifted to my dad when he was young from a friend from the Sarutobi clan. Since my dad uses my grandpa's Tanto blade which he left for my dad he gifted this chakra knuckle to me." He said explaining about it.

(in this timeline Kakashi didn't lost his Dads sword tanto since he was more proficient in swordsmanship, knowing how to handle the blade better saving it from breaking.)


Shikamaru: "Oh, no wonder the logo. You sure are lucky anything made of chakra metal is expensive and rare. I really don't mind not having one but for sure if I was a collector I'll have my decent amount of blades too."


Ino: "Well, enough of blade ogling. Kid's and their bragging about items, well hello there Guy! I am Ino Yamanaka. My family techniques revolve around intelligence gathering, so we have some plenty mind techniques. So my strong suit is scouting and information gathering. I know your basic jutsus nothing else at the moment, I tend to give the orders around this guy's so don't get surprise, and it's nice to meet you." She said as she flipped her hair to the side.


Guy: "Same here, it's a pleasure to meet you." He said with a sweat dripping out of his fore head.


Choji: "Well, hi, I am Choji Akimichi, I am the heavy hitter of the team. My clan specializes in strong physical attacks, incorporating our clan's expansion jutsus allowing us to change sizes, partial part of our bodies or all of it in the advance later stages of my clan jutsus. We usually have some big chakra reserves but we used it along with burning calories for my expansion jutsus. That is one of the reasons you will see me eat allot since I burn calories fast and are a necessity for my techniques. So when traveling try to take some extra snacks like BBQ potato chips with you. I may need some back up snacks too." He said with a smile.


Guy: "Got it! I'll have some extra BBQ potato chip snacks on reserve whenever we are on missions." He said with an enthusiastic voice.


Ino: "So any idea who this teacher looks like? I only heard about his name and his reputation since he is the son of the 3rd Hokage."  She said as she was sitting on one of the empty desks.


Shikamaru: "I don't know and I don't care let me just take a nap while we wait for the teacher to pick us up." He said as he positions himself on a desk while using his arms as pillows.


Choji: "Dad told me he is the one who inspired the project of creating the Sword Order Academy. He also is one of the one that created the SwordGod and WaterGod Sword styles." Said as he kept on munching on his BBQ potato chips.


(3rd point of view)


Soon most of the teams were picked up by their teachers. Leaving team 10 as last since Kakashi came by as Kakashi glimpse and gave a nod at them before taking the only 3 man squad with him. Most likely he only turn to look at them since Guy Hatake was on their team and he only gave a small wave before taking team 7 with him.


Look like Sakura from team 7 would turn once in a while to look at Guy and then at Sasuke who has been glaring at him since the beginning they were waiting. Looks like he wanted a rematch from their last sparring when they were still in the academy, but had to hold back himself since he was waiting for his teacher who he knew had a sharingan and made a name for himself with it.  His father warned him to not look down upon him just because he was not an Uchiha as Fugaku also praise him on his proficiency with the Sharingan.


Naruto also didn't prank Kakashi like in the Original but was none the less nagging a lot about the teacher being late. The only reason he didn't prank him was because her mother warn him to be in his best behavior since it look like her mom knew his teacher Kakashi. Naruto compared to his team was the one with the barely manageable grades and the worst at chakra control. Naruto had to pass the final exam of the shadow clone using the Kage Bushin the B-rank jutsu instead of the regular shadow clone.


(This was approved by the 3rd since Kushina knew Uzumaki's had it hard to control their ever growing chakra reserves not capable too caught up with control when young, also don't forget being the jinjuriki made that even harder.)


Ino was getting irritated as she waited seen his Sasuke leave with Sakura, but notice Sakura was not looking at her when she turn to look her way. She was watching at Guy, she figure maybe she had some feelings for him since he was kind of mysterious and from what she could see from guy he at least look good and decent for most part since he was mostly cover up with his mask and headband. Since Sakura and Guy were on the medic program, most likely they interacted together a lot.


Finally after about some 4 hours of waiting, who by the way Shikamaru didn't mind since he was napping. The door opens revealing Asuma who was smoking one of his medicinal cigars.


Asuma: "Team 10 follow me we will meet on training ground 13." He said as he looks at them with a serious look. (Like he was a little mad at them or in general)