Searcher part 1

As we wait for Searcher to come find us at the district square, I start looking around the place. The square was full of vibrant energy and happy faces. Totally the opposite atmosphere from what I had expected. The different demons walking around. Now that I looks at it more they look more human rather than demons depicted in stories, just they had different colors of hair or extra appendages but they still stayed in humanoid form.

I look into the fountain of boiling water to see my hair turned grey with red tips and saw horns? I didn't see any 'huh' "I thought all demons had horns, why don't I have any?" I asked Guider. "the demon you killed didn't have any so why assume it was just a variant?" he replied. "hm okay". I start looking around and notice the buildings aren't that different from modern day buildings with some of them having old tavern and bar styles.

We waited for another hour and in the distance we heard someone shouting for Guider and approaching us. Guider gets up and approaches the person. "Searcher, we've been waiting for hours now" Guider exclaims. "sorry sorry, I got held up with Narrators lectures for going into the wrong part of the castle" Searcher apologizes. "well I'll leave you two at it then. Searcher get this man some good equipment and other things by selling the thing in the caravan. You can use this flier as its bounty." Guider says before leaving and hands me a flier,"well then I'm off". With that we say good bye to Guider.

Searcher then speaks up "well then kid lets go sell this bounty and get you some proper equipment and a place to live and admit you to hellademy." "hellademy?" I asked. "I'll tell you later but first selling the bounty and getting equipment" he countered. So Searcher guided me to a so called district guild office to submit the bounty. I picked the giant purple demon and put it on the counter with the flier. The receptionist looks at me and says "you did this?" I nod and she hands me the credits for the bounty without asking further questions as Searcher was glaring at her.

Searcher then takes me to a nearby smithery and calls for the smith to make me weapons and armor. "well I already have weapons but it would be good to have some bullets and light armor" I request the smith and he says the order will be done in a week or few days. After taking measurements for the light weight armor we go real estate shopping.

We find a good apartment with 5 rooms all furnished up and ready to occupy. After buying all that under the budget of the purple demons bounty we still had a couple hundred thousand gold left.