Exploring and Surprise..?

"well then kid are you ready for a tour around the capital?" Searcher says to me with a wide grin. "I guess let me just get my coat" I reply to him. After wearing my coat and exiting the apartment I look around seeing the same faces as all ways. the happy little district still going on as usual.

He takes me on a walk around the district and we arrive at Hellademy 5th district. According to searcher the 5th district is the most peaceful of all the districts with the almost no conflicts other than the occasional drunk here and there. "so in other words the weakest district?" I say. "in a sense yes, it is the weakest district" he replies. "well then lets take a tour around all the districts then" I suggest to Searcher. He agreed and we walked towards the portal to the 4th district. After paying a small fee we teleported to the 4th district.

It was not as different as the 5th district just a bit more modern? it looked more like a small town city. According to searcher 4th district is a science haven for demons that were scientists. understandable considering they would still want to evolve tech using the resources here. moving on to the 3rd district which was an entire mess with brawls happening everywhere."I'm gonna guess this is where all the athletes and hotblooded ones will com from" I say to Searcher to what he replies with "you guessed right, lets quickly go to the 2nd and 1st districts".

I nod and we set off to the 2nd district. Unlike the other 3 districts 2nd district was quite unique. It had a bit of a calming feel to it like the 5th district but something else was there. A bit of elegance in a way. I asked Searcher bout it and he replied "the 2nd and 1st district are unique, that's because in the 2nd district only exists elite class demons to special class demons, meanwhile in the 1st district you have the nobles and royalty. These two districts are well known for it's equipment and merchant shops. Since its a bit quiet here do you want to go look around?".

I nod and we start walking. after visiting a few merchants I noticed a face I haven't seen in a while. In a red and black uniform with some sort of emblem on the pocket she looked back at me and approached me. I approached her as well. We both came to a stand still in front of each other. I look at her teary eyes and she hugged me. I started caressing her head "I missed you too Mistra..". She looked back up at me pouting and says "hmph its not like I've been searching for you ever since I arrived here, but out of curiosity which district did the Narrator assign you to?". I raised up my hand with my palm open. "aiyaa..5th district? well its not that bad nor is it that great as this district..wanna move in with me?". "I'm afraid I have to decline, tho it sounds pretty great living here I kinda enjoy it back at 5th. I can visit once a week if you want" I say to her as I pat her head. She clings on to my coat "pls..pls dont leave.."she said in a quiet voice.

Worried I take her to a nearby alley "whats wrong Mistra? are you hurt? did someone do someth-" before I can finish my sentence she hugs me and started crying into my coat while nodding. I hug her back and start caressing her head "shh its alright..big bro is here..big bro is here..how bout you move in with me? its much safer and quiet back at 5th, the people are nice as well". She looked at me shaking her head with teary eyes and says "I-I cant..h-he will get mad". "who?" I said. "...". "I said who?" I repeated. "the dukes son..Averal" she said in a weak voice.

Still caressing her head "I'll be starting hellademy tomorrow, can you stay safe till then..?". She nods her head and hugs me tightly for a few minutes. She then leaves when she hears someone started calling for her. I peeked at where she went and she stood there docile completely different from her normal self. The man who was speaking to her was angry and yelling at her. She stood there shaking trying not to look at my way.

I rolled up my sleeve and pick up a rock. I aimed it at the man and threw it. I threw it in a way that it would miss him and hit the window next to him. Startled he looked around searching. I walked away joining back up with Searcher and going back home after a long day.