Calvary Hill

Jun led the group as they traversed the parking lot.

Though he hated it, he swapped his bonehammer for a short sword since he needed to kill quickly and quietly. With the roaming threats of Hunters, they needed to get out of here as quick as possible.

Jun leaned on the wall and peeked around the corner. Nik stood behind him and watched his back while the others were looting the bodies.

At the moment, the group decided that a ten second delay compared to chopping noises was of a better choice.

Jun surveyed the area.

There were atleast twenty carriers spread over the street but it should pose no threat to them. What he was thinking was if there were other carriers around the street corners.

Since they're downtown, where most of the populace lived, you could expect that there are numerous carriers on every turn. He was contemplating whether this guys were the remnants or the slow runners of the horde that got attracted by the church's bell.