Enemies Within (3)

"This is Squad Leader Alpha, Squad Leader Beta please respond. Over," said a soldier to his communications radio. Ahead of him were four uniformed army in fatigues and three people in civilian clothings. They're walking up the dirt road in 3:2:2:1 formation.

Receiving no response from the other side, the team leader decided to investigate the matter. He didn't believe that five trained soldiers would lose to civilians. Every information about Jun's group was already gathered and based on that, there were only few people they should look out for.

Jun Reyes, a self-made warlord trying to oppose the government. His right hand man, a trained killer who specializes in stealth, Adrian Santos. It was also reported that he was training an energy user who will guard him with his life and recruited a nurse for his personal health. These four are their targets for this operation including his private army.