Black Haven Scavengers

The next day.

The sun has barely risen up but the town's folk were already busy with their own agenda the day. On the western residential's outskirts. a group of people were gathered. Everyone stood on the same side of the bridge doing exercises to warm their bodies up.

At that moment. a six person group stood infront of the bridge and gathered everyone's attention. Their iconic black masks and uniformed black jackets made it known to everyone that they were from Black Haven.

Nik clapped his hands to gather everyone's attention. There were atleast twenty people gathered infront of him. Surprisingly, the ratio of men and women was 1:3 making the group appear imbalance.

"Thank you for waiting everyone. Just to make it clear, so that we won't have any problems later—You came here because you are not affiliated with the current powers in town and knew beforehand that your life might be at risk with today's event. Is that clear?"