Internet & Trolls

[Let him worry for a bit. If he comes to you for help, then show him the footage. I think he should get punished, but he's the only real farmer we've got. We can't have him feeling out, so let's just make this be a lesson for him.]

Evo sent the reply to the chatbox on his smartwatch's hologram screen. He received a report from Tatang Robin that Felipe was frantically looking around for the watering-can.

Last night, Evo randomly tried to connect to the internet, and to his surprise, it worked! He managed to connect to the world wide web. Though he doesn't know whether each country's power grid could last for months or years, he knew that this was the only time he could surf the web. 

The first thing he did was to open social platforms only to find them not working. Then he tried online forums and successfully found people at 4chan.

The first time the internet was accessed by people was from the first day after the 'Town Siege.'