The Hunting List

Military trucks were used to shuttle captured Halfdeads and Jun sat together with them as he was brought back to the outpost. He had no time to test whether the item works as intended but the thought of someone giving him a mystery gift surprised him. Though he knew who gave him the gift, he doesn't understand how and why.

What he doesn't know was his mother made a deal with Yetu. Since she knew that Jun would never be able to accept her decision, and Yetu appears to dislikes her son, she bargained to get the most possible outcome.

She did her best and even made sure that Jun wouldn't be able to chance upon her. After some time, Yetu confirmed that Jun stopped looking and their part of the deal had to commence.

Jun looked daze and kept staring down the truck's aisle. Fortunately, none of the Halfdeads in the truck new him but his skin color was making him the center of attraction.