Every Problem Has Different Solutions

At first, Jun shrugged the idea off. What do kids know about fighting, right? Then he realized it. It's because kids don't have much exposure to the outside threat. That's why they could think clearly and simply.

They're hunting fish. Why not just catch them? Even if they evolved or mutated, unless they have dagger-teeth or blades as fins, it would still be possible to fish them out of water. 

"That's actually a good idea." Jun praised the two girls and they joyfully accepted it. 

He continued. "Now if we take Teresa and Baras, we can have the whole region for us. We can filter people who enter our controlled areas. But we won't do that. We'll focus on stabilizing our control over our towns and increase our defenses. We also have to set up an outpost at Taytay, to deter the army from rushing in our controlled areas. Overall, we will focus on increasing our food production, resource collection, and fighting power."