The Hollowed Room Inside the Cave

The entranced had walls on both sides with a sign "National Museum" by the side of the tunnel, which had a small map of the trail that leads to the petroglyph. The tunnel was three meters tall and two meters wide. As for its distance, it could easily reach forty meters easily from the entrance to the exit.

Jun used a flashlight to illuminate the area, which shone onto several bats hanging at the middle of the tunnel. Whether they were initially sleeping or waiting in ambush, no one knows. 

The bats screeched and numerous overlapping flapping of wings echoed inside the tunnel. Some flew to the entrance while the others to the exit.

"Let's go. Don't forget to Reinforce your bodies. We can't get bitten by these things. We don't know what they've sunken their fangs into." Jun said while cautiously moving forward.

"Brother Jun, I heard there are new interesting people in the fish port town. Are we going to visit them today?" Edward asked innocently.