Killing the Rank 3 Hunter

Backtracking a couple of minutes earlier...

The Rank 3 Hunter who was slowly climbing down the wall like a spiderman smelled a familiar scent in the air. After recognizing the smell, it immediately ignored the Destroyer that stole its prey while scuttling away on the rooftops.

Several seconds later, a figure vaulted over the edge and scrutinized the area. The man had fierce eyebrows and was armed and clothed pretty well. His attire wasn't entirely for cosmetics because they were enchanted items with hidden effects.

The combat boots had a minor-noise cancellation effect. The leather pants and jacket had increased tenacity with bite and claw resistance. These were simple improvements that help a lot when fighting common carriers.

After taking a sweeping sense, Jun felt the survivors from below but decided not to peep on them. King and the First Army would be there to do that.