As Morgana and her sister stayed at the house of their friend Arnie they spend their time playing with chibog and irene. there are times that they went to the farm with Betty and Lia, they were having a great time ever though Arnie is not with them.....

They wait for Jr and Peter to come back from the enchanted land so that they could go ahead with the moving plan to Olongapo, where Arnie's auntie has an apartment where they could stay for a while.

Seeing Peter and Jr back with Kabatao and Kabayuhan (both handsome centaurs on their human form ) Morgana were excited to ask Jr about Arnie...

MORGANA: uncle Peter!!! Jr!!! I'm glad you're back!!! How's Arnie doing over there in the land of enchanted people????

JR: Oh she's doing just fine!!! but she misses all of you a lot!!! Jr told her...

Where's my mother? he then asked...

MORGANA: oh !!! she's inside preparing dinner and teaching my sister Arriane how to cook...

JR: Really??? wow!!! I wonder why your sister suddenly wanted to learn how to cook??? is there any guy here who caught her attention? Jr asked jokingly...

MORGANA: A guy !?! hello??? we haven't interacted with anyone here since we could any guy caught her attention??? besides Arriane is a tomboy, she doesn't like man who's weaker than her.....

JR: ah??? oohhh... is that so? well, I just thought that maybe someone caught her attention!!! guess I'm wrong...

then Jr turned to walk into the house...

Peter gave so many precious jewels to her wife from the king and queen of centaurs, he also gave Morgana and Arriane a few precious jewels saying it's from Arnie giving it to them as a gift and remembrance.

MORGANA: Oh my!!! these precious jewels are priceless!!! holding the black and blood diamond in the palm of her hand, scrutinizing it carefully...

How are we going to take it home with us???

Then Arriane her sister took the precious stones in her hand saying.....

ARRIANE: Ohh no worries sister..... you can always put all of it in your system.... remember??? holding the two precious stones up she just grabbed from her to study the texture of the precious stones...

hmm, nice!!! this is the first time I saw a blood diamond like this!!! and it's so big!!! it probably wait for a few hundred grams???

MORGANA: hey!!! mind your own!!! you have yours too!!! she said as she took back the two precious stones from her sister...

Peter and Betty smiled, seeing their reactions to the precious stones they just gave them.

Morgana and her sister ran upstairs racing with each other like a little kid...

As Morgana reaches the landing of the stairs, she stops running. she then walked into the window and sit at the window sill.....

holding the small pouch where all the precious stones are, she opens the palm of her hand to her sister asking for her sister's pouch of precious stones so that she could put it together with her pouch...

Her sister gave her the pouch with all the precious stones inside. As she put the pouches in her system, she heard the system's notification.....

SYSTEM: ding.... host I detected lots of precious stones from the pouches do you want me to put it into the system's safe box???

MORGANA: sure please do... she answered quickly...

SYSTEM: ding..... host you still have a gift bag and reward from the system you haven't opened yet..... would you like to check and open it now??? the system notification sounded again in her brain...

MORGANA: oh yeah!!! I almost forgot!!! she said to the system..... okay open the gift first...

then the system opens the screen interface, there, she saw a big bag of Gift.

hmmm, I wonder what it is??? she mused as she opens the gift from the system package...

WOW!!! she exclaimed to herself excitedly, seeing the gift from the system...

it is a high-grade missile launcher that could target hundreds of miles away...

she then keeps the gift on the system's interface before asking the system for the reward, opening the reward she saw one ancient ways of refining different kinds of potent poison and its antidotes there are also antidotes for snake and scorpions bites...

the other one is an ancient martial arts technique that she could use in an armed combat with the enemies...

acquire it!!! she said to the system, then in a few minutes she stiffened.... seeing lots of words in front of her eyes coming down to her head, she stayed silent absorbing all the secret techniques.

Meanwhile, her sister looking at her were alarmed..... seeing her standing with all the whites of her eyes can only be seen like she was possessed or something.....

ARRIANE: Morgana??? hey!!! hey!!! what's wrong with you???

coming to herself after absorbing all the techniques from the system, she smiled at her sister.....

MORGANA: I'm alright... I just claimed the reward from the system, she said to her sister explaining...

oh??? that was quite scary!!! her sister said after being enlightened about what had happened...