Chapter : 35 : Birthday Celebration

Together Morgana and her twin sister Arriane enjoyed the surprise birthday celebration, Arriane actually didn't know their exact birthday, since she grew up in the care of her adopted father. She isn't really aware until they got home and Martin gave her a big box for her presents.

As for Morgana, she is very much aware of their birthdate, but it totally slip her mind because she is not used to celebrating her birthday .

Since young, she never experienced celebrating, all she did is work and work and work in order to have something to eat in their table and money for her mother's medicine .

That is why, it's been a shock to her to finally experience celebrating her birthday..... and it feels good!!!

Simone hug both her daughters , I'm so sorry sweeties I've been such a failure to both of you as a mother.

Now i am very happy that you're both back home with me, during your special day..... Simone gave her gift to both her daughter and hug them both again...

Morgana : Mom..... even if i am already walking in a diamond studded highway (taking from a song photograph and letters) . I would still prefer to come home and be in your arms.... and don't say that you're a failure as a mother... for me.... you're the best!!!

Arriane : awww please ....... stop all this drama let's just celebrate .......

Everyone laughed at Arriane's antics they were all more than happy to celebrate and they will make sure that it will be a grand one.....

As the sky started to get dark and filled with lots of bright little stars Morgana sat near the window looking out, thinking of the man that she still love and long for.....

Morgana : i wonder how he is, right now..... it's been so long since i last saw him..... is he still living with his evil wife???? i hope not.....

one day, I'm going to take my revenge on her and I'll make her pay for everything she'd done to us........