Chapter 150: Blissful day (4)

 Oh, I'm so sorry about that, I just can't help it, I get so excited the moment that I set my eyes on her. Anyway, as I said before, Morgana, you are very welcome in our family and... I hope that your sister will like my husband's nephew too. Glenard's wife said to Morgana; " on the other hand, Arriane who is listening to them frowned when she heard Glenard's mother mention her name, just what is it with uncle Glenard's nephew that her name should be dragged into in it?

Ahem, ahm... Sis, I think we need to head back now, mom is waiting for us. See you tonight at the house dad, uncle Glenard, Auntie; Arriane said to her sister as she bid them goodbye promptly stopping Mrs. Etnomas from saying another word

Ah, okay, see you tonight girls!!! Mrs. Etnomas said as her gaze followed the Twins who are leaving in a hurry.