Chapter 191: The most awaited moment (12)

" Hey, Edward long time no see, it's been a long while since we last saw each other, looks like you have been very busy lately? 

Glenard greeted his classmate and friend, Edward Cassidy, and then led him inside the house as Ethan follow them

Not long after Edward arrived, the housemaid brought them a tea as Rosette, Glenard's wife ask the servant to prepare for them before she joined Glenard and Ethan in the living room

" Hi Eddie, it's been a while, oh I am glad that you came over, we are only inviting our close friends and family for our son's wedding, and since you are here now I may as well give the wedding invitation

I am sorry that you didn't make it to their engagement party but I do hope that you can make it to the wedding this time " 

Rosette smile as she passed the wedding invitation to Edward. Rosette and Edward are somehow related as Edward is Rosette's cousin from a distant relative