At Pablo's with the Boys Part 1

River Cruz

He and his friend, Charlie Dalton arrived first in their favorite restaurant. They had the same last subject today, therefore, they went there together. They were waiting for Patrick and Liam. He invited the boys for dinner since he wants them to meet Zach, his new buddy and he wanted him to be part of their group.

He looked over at Charlie with a serious face and asked, "Bro, do you still have a thing for Andi?"

They all knew he has a crush on her. But he never confessed.

Charlie just shrugged off his shoulders.

'Oh, man. Looks like he still does. I hope he and Zach will be in good terms.' He thought as he nervously waits for Zach and the others to arrive.

River began to be friends with Andi and some of her friends as well when they had the same team last year when they ran as officers to the Student Council. Andi wanted to run even the lowest position however, during the Meeting de Avance where they presented all their platforms, students were amazed at her so they cheered for her to run for the President position which is a first time for a Freshmen and made history when she won. The running president at the time agreed so she could focus on her thesis and remaining year before graduating. Plus, she trusted Andi the most, and she didn't fail. Last year was a blast for everyone. It was like the entire campus was one. Andi made it possible for everyone to work together. There were a few flaws, but nothing that can't be solved by Andi and the hardworking members of the Council. Not to overwork the members, she created a sub-Committee wherein in acts as an extension of the Student Council and implements programs and activities as instructed to them.

He was amazed by her big time. He actually had a crush on her at first but when he realized it, she feels like a sister to him. So, somehow, he feels protective over her. One of the reasons that he keeps an eye on Charlie and planning too, with Zach. He wouldn't let anybody mess with her feelings. Even the guys that he treats as friends can't harm her. He just wouldn't allow it.

Charlie Dalton

Charlie Dalton is one of Andi's closest and few guy friends. They went to the same middle school where their family started being friends. With Charlie's quiet and cold composure, he is not one to make friends easily, especially with a girl. At middle school, he often gets scolded by the principal because of his mischievousness. He was one to always prank around their classmates. He was not a bully but only pranks his classmates. He finds so much joy in seeing the other kids faces when he pranks them. One time, there was a girl seating in front of him. The girl has an awfully long hair. It always slaps Charlie in the face every time she moves, which is all the time. He can't remember who it was since he doesn't care about them. He just cares about himself, his own little happiness.

One day, he woke up and didn't wanted to go to school but his parents forced him to even he pretended to be sick. So, he really got annoyed at the girl's hair on that day. When the homeroom teacher gave them seatwork, he waited for the girl to be become busy and then he tied her hair into the chair she was seating.

After the class, he hastily packed his things and wanted to leave the classroom fast. However, before he can even reach for the door, they heard a scream. He looked to see if it was the girl she pranked, and his eyes got wide when he saw the girl fell on the floor. Their classmates ran to help her, and he followed closely behind the other students.

"Andi, are you alright?" Asked one of their girl classmates.

When she didn't respond, someone asked again," What happened?"

He looked over the girl and she still could not move. After a few seconds, she tried moving again but to no avail. She looked up to them and smiled.

"I'm alright. But can someone help me?" She politely asked, still smiling.

He was surprised. How can she still smile at her position? She should be embarrassed right now. The other kids who he pranked in the past couldn't help but cry at their helplessness. But this girl is different. Her beautiful face covered with her disheveled hair. Her cheeks were also blushing, maybe she felt shy a little or something. Her voice was as sweet as a lollipop.

"I tried to stand up, but I guess my hair got stuck." Said the girl named Andi, scratching her head as if apologizing for the commotion she caused.

One of the kids helped her untie her hair and she was able to stand up.

"Are you sure you just got stuck?" The boy who helped her asked.

"I think so," she muttered in a small voice.

"Anyway, thanks a lot," she faced her savior and shook his hands. The boy blushed at her gesture.

Their classmates teased them before dispersing. He remains rooted at his place. He couldn't move. All of a sudden he felt ashamed for what he have done for the first time. Most importantly, he wondered why did she lie about getting stuck in her chair? Did she know someone did it? He desperately wanted to change seats and felt nervous about her knowing that it was him who did it. All he could think of is how he badly do not want to go to school the next day.

Should he feign illness again so his parents wouldn't send him to school? He should put his best act tomorrow.

However, his parents knew his pretending to feel sick to escape school again, so he failed.

He purposely went late so all of them are busy already when he got inside the classroom. He was consciously observing the girl's back the entire time and wasn't able to concentrate, which is pretty normal everyday. Eversince he saw the face of the girl with annoying hair, he couldn't focus more than the times when she's slapping him with her hair.

He felt his heart went up his throat when the girl of her thoughts turned to him and smiled.

"Hi, Charlie. Is anything wrong? Why did you come so late?" She gently asked.

He couldn't find his voice. Is she alright? How can she smile at me? Is she really that dumb, not knowing I was the one who tied her hair?

"I really wanted to be friends with you for a long time. I noticed you are always alone. Would you mind eating together at recess?" Asked little Andi.

He tried to clear his throat but ended up coughing.

"Sorry, Urm..are you sure?" He asked, deep inside something's telling him to accept her offer.

"Yeah. Sure." Her cute voice filled his ears.

"Um. Okay." He agreed and the girl return her attention in front.

After a few days of eating together. Andi confessed that she knew he pranked her. He thought his going to choke when he heard her. However, what amazed him is what she said that day. "I knew you were the one who tied my hair. You were the only one who pranks our classmate, so I figured you did the same to me. I wondered why but realized you must be so bored so you did what you did." Said Andi, chuckling when she was reminded of the incident. He was listening to her attentively the entire time. Observing how beautiful she talks, and her reactions are.

"But it was painful when I hit the floor. However, its not my nature to sulk nor cry over petty situation. No harm done; you see. If I got bruised, however, that's a different matter. My parents would have been mad at me if I got any scratches, so I would've scratched your face in return. Not that I don't want a scar or something, I just don't want my parents getting mad or worried." She said giggling while continuing to eat her food.

From that day, they became close friends. Until now, he still likes Andi more than a friend. But after six years, he can't still confess to her. He looked at her from where they're seating. He smiled as she saw her beautiful face.