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A man of culture.

It was a brand new day, full of new options on what to do, but for Apollo only 2 options mattered.

(Should I keep building or should I check the servants first?)




(Why am I even thinking about this!? Let's just grab the SoW and go meet the girls!)

Finally reaching the lab after passing through the HQ to grab the SoW, Apollo saw that all life tanks had the message "Ready" written in green in their doors.

"Great, now how do I open?"

Looking around, Apollo saw beside each tank a palm reader shinning, waiting for his blood, I mean, waiting for his hand to be pressed against it.

(Okay, this seems obvious enough.)

Without any more delays, Apollo pressed his hand against the first palm reader, which in turn sprouted 5 needles at once, one for each finger.

"Ouch! Damn needles! Who the hell designed this shit!?"

Apollo retracted his hand just in time to see the palm reader absorb the drops of blood from his fingers and a message appear "Registry Confirmed". The Life Tank's fluid was slowly drained revealing a naked green little girl looking exactly like the model designed by Apollo.

"Wow! Incredible!! This is almost like a dream! Are these really real??"

Not being able to hold back his curiosity, Apollo slowly reached out the girl cheek and poked his finger against it.

Puny puny...

Puny puny...


As if conscience had finally dawned over him, Apollo woke up from his dazed state slapping his own hand.

"What are you doing!? Are you pervert!? Yes Lolita! NO TOUCH!!!!"

The drone blinked twice at the odd behavior of her new Master, as if trying to make sense of the senseless, and finally went back to her drone like behavior waiting for his new orders.

(After all this, I expected more reaction even from a drone, but it seems like no personality was installed on her.... such a let down...)

"Follow me."

The drone lightly nodded and got out of the life tank, and standing behind Apollo.

Apollo looked at the other palm readers...

"Damn! Fucking vampiric system. Just waiting for my blood...."

(Maybe I can just drop the blood instead of putting my whole palm in there? Unfortunately the holes in my finger have already stopped bleeding...No, wait, that's a good thing! It's a sign I'm healthy! But it still sucks that I will have to feel pain again...)

A few minutes later, after Apollo stopped acting like a kid in the queue for vaccine, all 4 other girls were also taken out but there was little a problem, they still had no clothes.

(Well, we can solve that later, for now let's build the Barrack!)

Stepping outside the lab, Apollo and the 5 drones walked for a bit, taking some distance from the lab, and Apollo finally Activated the SoW(Barrack). The construction was the same as ever, so Apollo wasn't impressed at all, but the same could be not said for the five behind him as their eyes sparkled seeing the construction process. Unfortunately the dull Apollo didn't notice this as he was too busy staring at the sky while waiting the construction to be finished.

The barrack building looked like a giant soft drink can cut in the middle. It was completely made of metal, it had a few small windows and a single door. Inside it there were five beds, each accompanied by 1 wardrobe and a single chest.

(Maybe I can find some clothes in those wardrobes?)

Apollo approached one of those wardrobes and tried opening it, but it seemed stuck and no matter how much strength he used, it was impossible to open it. Seeing the girls behind him, Apollo thought (Why not?) and asked the one closest to him.

"Do you want to give it a try?"

The drone nodded its head in answer.

"Then go ahead."

Stepping aside, Apollo gave some space for the girl. The girl walked in tiny steps toward the wardrobe and on the moment she touched it a screen popped up from Apollo's bracer asking the question: [Confirm Promotion? Yes / No]

As Apollo thoughtlessly clicked [Yes], the girl was suddenly covered by light and as the light disappeared, it was possible to see the girl was now wearing a green soldier armor that perfectly fit her body and a green bucket helmet.

Feeling the weight over her head, the girl frowned, took out the helmet and threw it aside.

(Hehehe, it seems like she doesn't like it...)

As for the other girls, they stared enviously at the soldier's costume, wishing for one themselves. The desire in their eyes was so explicit that even Apollo noticed it, making him say.

"I know you girls also want some clothes, but one soldier is enough for now, so you will have to wait."

Hearing this, the four girls lost a bit of the light in their eyes and started looking at the ground in defeat.

Seeing their sad look, Apollo couldn't help but add one more phrase.

"Don't worry, I will soon give all of you cute clothes as well."

This phrase was enough to restore their energy as they eagerly waited their own turn.

"Come on, let's go!"

Having his business here finished, Apollo and the girls went back to the HQ, where 3 new SoWs were waiting for him. Seeing the scene, Apollo had an idea.

"Can I ask you girls to build these SoWs for me?"

The 4 naked girls nodded, while the one in soldier clothes shook her head in denial.

(So I can ask Servants to build but I can't ask Soldiers...Understood!)

"Then the three of you find a suitable place not far from here and build those SoWs. After you are done, wait for me here."

The three girls, each followed by a SoW, disappeared in different directions.

(If I remember it right, there was a servant's bedroom in the "Palace"...)

"Little soldier, stay here and wait for them. As for you, follow me."

Apollo headed to the Palace and reached the servant's room and just as he was half step from entering, he stopped himself and stepped back, knocking the girl behind him. The girl fell down and, confused, tilted her head inquiring him why did he stop.

"Oh...sorry. I just thought it was not right for me to invade your personal space. This is your room, go ahead and change your clothes in there."

Apollo helped the little girl get up and stepped aside to give her passage to the room. Not even a minute later, the girl came back wearing a cute frilly maid uniform worth a prize in an anime convention.


Forcibly stopping himself from further degenerate acts, Apollo wiped the blood from his nose and said with a shameless try hard confident smile.

"N-now that we have confirmed it, let's go back to the HQ so your sisters can also come get some clothes."

Back in the HQ, as Apollo arrived, he saw that the girls he send to build the SoWs had all kind of different costumes. It was like Animecon all over again! And for the first time since all this whole mess had started, Apollo prized Golden Fang from the bottom of his heart.

(He may be a narcissist, an asshole, and many other things, but there is no doubt he is a man of culture!)