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You name shall be...

It's been three days since the end of the tutorial.

Apollo's base is growing steady, each day new things were built, new technologies were researched and more and more resources were being gathered, there was just one little problem...

"Gah!!!! Why is it so hard to think of new names!?"

When Apollo adopted the policy of naming every one of his servants with individual names he never thought that such a supposed easy task could turn out to be so hard!

As the number of his servants increased, the list of unused names he knew decreased, and it was just a matter of time for it to run out.

The problem didn't stop there! After naming the girls, he needed to recognize them!

When there were only 5, it was easy. Even if they looked like a copy of each other, because each one used a different uniform, it was easy to tell who was who.

But as the second group of servants arrived, most of them started using the same soldier uniform, making it hard to tell who was who, aside from Daisy who refused to wear her helmet.

Then, as the third group arrived, two girls turned into farmers, other two, scientists, and one engineer, making only Rose the only girl from the first group without subordinates.

It was clear that as more and more servants were created, it would be harder and harder for Apollo to name and identify them. Funny enough, the girls themselves didn't have any problem.

Now, as their number reached 32 girls, there were no professions with a single worker and Apollo's confusion had reached it's peak. Maybe the only saving grace is that because the girl's recipe changed after the end of the tutorial, it became way harder to produce more girls, or else their numbers would have already reached over fifty.


"Master, the new servants' construction is complete. They are waiting your arrival at the lab."

"Thank you, Hime. I will be there in a second."

"I'm happy to serve! If you need anything, you may call me at any time."

After doing a polite curtsy, Hime disappeared from Apollo's sight as if she was an illusion.

(Hime's resembling Rose more and more with each passing day...)

Hime was the spoiled little girl from the second group who refused being anything but a soldier. After the fourth group was born and choose their profession, seeing that Hime had not taken a profession yet, Rose decided to act. She took Hime somewhere unknown to Apollo and by the time they got back Hime had turned into a maid and her whole attitude had complete changed, making Apollo too afraid to ask what happened.

As the second maid of the Palace, Hime was responsible for cleaning the Lab and Barracks, as well as to pass any message that was related to these two places, hence why she had come at this time.

Exiting the Palace, Apollo saw Briony and her subordinates taking care of the farm.

(They look all the same... they act all the same... they dress all the same... it's hard to tell which one is Briony...Oh! There she is! Briony is the only one who is glutton enough to eat an apple in a single bite. Dear heavens, how the heck is she able to chew that much at the same time!?)

"Hey Briony! The food won't run away! Eat them slowly!"

"Hehehe, Master, do you want some as well?"

"Maybe later. Now I'm busy!"

"All right, I will save one for you!"

(Is this her strategy to eat all but one?)

"Save a few for each of your sisters as well!"

"Eh!?...Then, only one!"

Apollo looked at the pile of apples beside Briony and shook his head.

(How can a body that small be able to eat so much?? Where does all that food goes?)

Apollo's honest impressions was that it all went to that bumpy place below the neck, tough he would never admit it, which was why he could only ask and never answer this question.

Reaching the start of the mountain path, Apollo takes a deep breath and lets out a sigh, then he looks at his destiny which is mostly hidden by the trees and starts walking again.

"Haaa... here we go again..."

Climbing the path to the lab, Apollo saw three people fighting in the middle of the forest. Two of them used big stone axes while the third one used two swords at the same time.

"Iris! Ivy! Bea! Stop fighting before any of you get hurt!"

"Master, unless you prohibit them, they won't stop. At most they will stay quiet until you pass and resume once you are out of sight."

"Eh? Paula!? What are you doing over the tree!?"

"The wind here feels good. It's the perfect place to take an afternoon nap."

"But it's still morning!"

"Don't mind the little details!"

Beatrice (a.k.a. Bea) and Paula were the names of the two girls from Alpha team, and, as you probably guessed, Iris and Ivy were the two from the Beta team. Now that the battle was over, they had little to do beside regular patrols around the perimeter to detect and intercept any enemy that may come too close to the base, that's why they had the most freedom to waste their time as they pleased.

"You know I don't like limiting them too much. I'm just worried they will get too excited and end up committing an accident."

"Master, you are too soft on them..."

Apollo showed a troubled smiled and continued on his way.

Reaching the lab, Apollo said in a loud voice:

"Hime, bring some temporary clothes for the new girls."

"I have already prepared them, Master. They are over here."


After patting Hime's head for 13 seconds, Apollo approached each capsule and registered his ownership one by one, leaving the task of dressing the new girls to Hime.

Then, just as he went in front of them and started the naming ceremony...

"Your name shall be... Catears!?"