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The lost cat Daisy found in the woods

(Oh, no! I messed up!)

Apollo considered fixing the misunderstanding right away but seeing the happiness in the eyes of the little plant girl before him, Apollo didn't have the courage to destroy her moment, which led to him continuing the naming ceremony as if nothing was wrong.

Understanding his intention, Daisy decided to hide behind one of the Capsules without anyone noticing to not disturb the ceremony any further.

"Hime! Take the new girls to the Palace and give them a run down of the positions available right now. Once I'm back, I will accompany them in their job change, but right now I got another important job to do."

Hime appeared beside Apollo as if she was a ghost and answered, leading all the new girls out at once a second later.

"Understood, Master! Everybody, follow me!"

(As expected! It's a ninja! There is no way this is a maid! Those guys must have messed up in the naming and uniform!)

"Come out!"

Stepping out of the Capsule's shadow, Daisy appeared again, holding the bloody mess, I mean, cat girl, in her arms.

"Oh my god! Is she all right!?"

Recognizing the situation of the little girl before him, Apollo's first reaction was to worry about her health. In the reflection before he didn't notice she was hurt, or else he would have cancelled the ceremony right away to attend this little girl as fast as possible.

"Sir, I found her outside the base. She was being attacked by some crazy black birds. It happened like this..."

After hearing Daisy's story, Apollo understood the situation a bit better and started sending out orders.

"Well, done! But what is this egg she is carrying? Well, it doesn't matter! Let's treat her first! First we should clean these wounds with pure water and then bandage them... luckily it seems like she is no longer bleeding, so it should be no problem to do so in the bath. Rose! Prepare the bathroom's bathtub, fill it with hot water so that she can take a bath! Next, bring me a knife and one clean white shirt from my wardrobe. We don't have bandages, so we will have to improvise."

"Right away, Master!"

"Then again, I have to say I'm quite surprised! I never thought I would see a cat girl in all my life! I bet that fatty has something to do with this..."

Apollo accompanied Daisy to the Palace's bathroom, but just when he was going to enter, he was stopped by Rose who gave him a chilly smile and said.

"Master, let me take care of this."

Noticing right away what she meant, Apollo stepped back and decided to attend the new girls promotion while Rose and Daisy took care of washing the lost kitty, I mean, cat girl.

My the time Apollo came back after making a full round around the base promoting each of the new girls, the bath had already finished and the new girl laid asleep in the couch peacefully.

Apollo took his time inspecting her from afar, so to not disturb her. Her face was mostly human but he could see two little canine teeth lightly sprouting out of her mouth, giving her a wildish aura. Her furry ears were the same color as her hair, a dark brown. She had a heavily tanned skin, or maybe that was the natural color, Apollo wasn't sure, and her hands had pointy nails that appeared quite sharp, just like a real cat's nails.


Hearing the sound of a growling stomach, Apollo turned around, finding Daisy holding her belly. A helpless smile sprouted his face and he proposed to her.

"How about we have our lunch outside? Prepare the table, I will call the girls."

"Yes, sir! Right away, sir!"

Not waiting a single second longer, Daisy almost sprinted to the kitchen to grab the dishes and prepare the table right away.


"Yes, Master! I will take care of it!"

"Cindy, call all the girls to have lunch. I know they are excited with their jobs, but they need to rest a little or they will collapse!"

"Understood Master! I'll call them right away!"


"Daisy, you are back? Eh? Daisy?"

Apollo turned around and didn't see the Daisy he was expecting, but the cat girl laid in the crouch instead.

Seeing that he noticed her, the confused girl closed her eyes, pretending to be dead.

"Oh! You woke up! That's great! We were just about to have lunch! How about you join us?"


"Of course it's you, do you see anybody else here?"

"That's hmmm...."



"Great! Then, come!"

Extending his hand to her, Apollo pulled her up from the crouch.

Outside the Palace a huge table was being set by Daisy and some other maids... Well, more like, Daisy was making a mess, by putting the plates, knifes and forks anywhere and the other maids were neatly reorganizing it to a presentable state.

From afar, little by little, all girls started arriving from all direction to join them.

Seeing the table being filled to the brim, Apollo smiled and shook his head.

"It seems like we will need to build one more table soon..."

"Master! Here! Come sit with us!"

"Master! Who is that?"

Feeling a bit mischievous, Apollo answered vaguely.

"Oh, her? This is the lost cat Daisy found in the woods."

What he didn't expect was that her introduction would cause such a buzz among the girls.

"Eh? Daisy did?"

"What's her name?"

"Her ears are cute!"

"Can I touch her tail?"

"What's that giant egg?"

"Will it be part of our lunch?"

"I never tasted egg before!"

"Why is she wearing Master's cloths?"

"She makes me remember Hime, when she was born..."

"Oh! That's right! Hime did that too!"

"Unfair! I want to wear Master's clothes too!"

"Wow! You have such a hobby!?"

"Sh-shut up! Do you have a problem!?"

Seeing the girls energetic reaction, the cat girl instinctively hid behind this unknown Master who was not her Master but looked a bit like him.

"Hey, look! She is clinging to him!"

"Unfair! Even I never clung to master like that!"

"How nice, I want to hug master as well!"

"Hugging Master, such a dream!"

Hime appeared behind him, clinging to him from the other side, but as she saw Rose's glare, she slowly retreated her hand and straightened out his clothes.

Seeing that the situation was making such a weird turn, Apollo decided to act before it was too late.

"All right, girls! You are scaring her! Calm down for a bit! The lunch should be ready soon. Iris, Ivy, go help them bring in the dishes."

"Master, can I go as well?"

"Briony, you wait here. If we let you go grab the food, they will never arrive at the table."

Hearing this, one of the new girls curiously asked:

"Eh? Why? If the food never arrive here, where will it go?"

"Directly to Briony's stomach, that's where."

"Hey, Master! That's so cruel! Is this how you see me!?"

"Are you saying I'm lying?"

"I make use of my right to remain silent!"


The lunch party continued even as the food arrived, and finally, once everybody had their bellies filled, Apollo took the cat girl back with him to have a talk.