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Tournament Arc??

Apollo new fairly well how strong his soldiers were, but as for the newly made rangers, he honestly had no idea.

In a peaceful world the word ranger could mean the keeper of a park, forest or countryside area, but this definition changed quite a bit if mixed with the context of an army, becoming the elite forces that moved about in hostile territory hitting strategic points and assassinating important targets.

Looking at the camp and the girls before him, Apollo thought neither of those meanings could correctly describe these girls. Maybe rangers was simply the stupid way the organizers of this crazy game named the ranged specialist units like archers and spear throwers.

Apollo still remember the fight of those rangers with his own soldiers. Those girls were all carrying bows and had a really hard time dealing with his soldiers' melee attacks, which would end up in their complete defeat if their soldiers didn't arrive at that timely manner. Luckily Paula was just as fast dealing with that door, or else the battle results could have turned really ugly...

Just thinking about the possibility made Apollo shiver in fear. He didn't know if he acted correctly or was just lucky. Sure, this victory brought him a lot of advantages but there was nothing assuring him that he would succeed as well in the future...

"Since I already got an advantage, maybe I should strike early other bases and try to capture as many crystal core and servants as possible. Since they didn't stop me before, it could be said they tacitly approve this kind of actions, so I should take advantage of it as much as possible!"

"Master, what are you talking about?"

"Oh! Sorry, I was just thinking out loud! All right, you three come with me, as for the others, you are free to do whatever you want until I call you again."

""Yes, sir!"" ""All right!""

Accompanied by Yuu, Penny and Nyau, Apollo led the group to the factory where they were ordered to get the weapons they felt they could handle, and after all three were armed, Apollo led them to where Paula's team were located, in the middle of the forest, next to the barracks.

"Haa~ Haa~ Haa~ Haa~ I'm sure that I must have lost a few pounds just from walking all around these mountains in the last few days..."

"Master, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, don't worry. I need to train myself as well. While I won't be battling like you, I need to at least be able to run on my own..."

Suddenly a voice from above objected to his plan.

"There is no need for that. We can always have Lumina carry you if you are out of breath."

"Paula, shut up! I don't want to remember that! Get down to the ground, I got a task for you."

"Yes, sir..."

Jumping off the tree branch, Paula quickly landed in front of Apollo.

"Where are the other girls? Bea, Iris and Ivy."

"Oh! They are just ahead. Because of your orders from before, they are playing cat and mouse instead."

"Hmm... Can you call them to me? I need their help."

"Right away, sir."

Saying so, Paula lazily walked a few steps, took a deep breath, and shouted out loud.


Apollo was quite surprised by Paula's loud voice but nothing compared to the three cat girls behind him, whose tails and fur were standing completely still almost as if they had been shocked.

Inelegant or not, Paula's method were surely effective and in less than 10 seconds all three of them were standing before the group.

"Hello again girls."

"Eh? Master!? You are here!?"

"Hello Sir!"


"I know you like to fight so you may like the task I have for you..."

Hearing his first words, the three didn't hide the excitement from showing in their eyes, they stepped closer, wishing to hear more, and at the same time, the three cat girls behind Apollo stepped back, feeling a strange sense of danger.

"Right now, while unarmed, I want you to fight one on one against our new ranger girls."

""Yes, sir!""

The energy emanating from the three battle hungry plant girls made the three cat girls cower in fear.

"Yuu, Penny, Nyau. If you win your matches, you will get an extra beef tonight."


But as they heard Apollo's next words, the momentum reverted, making even the battle maniacs before them to break into a cold sweat.

"Sir, I think it's better if they battle in a wider place without trees."

"Do you have any place in mind?"

"How about near the farm? That way we can eat some watermelons while watching the show."


"Yeah! I saw a farmer girl planting them in the automated fields. They should have already matured by the time we got there."

"Sure, why not? Let's do this!"

Before Apollo could answer, Nyau answered first.

"You know that you will be the one fighting, right?"

"Of course! But there is always break time and time in between my matches!"


(This girl should get along pretty well with Briony...)

From behind one of the trees Lumina was listening to everything, ready to serve her Master if he ever had the need of her services. Now that a chance had appeared, there was no way she would let it be wasted! Quickly calling Rose and reporting everything, the maids group started to move in the shadows, transforming what would be a simple mock battle into the great event of the day that nobody could miss!


In the third monitoring station, things were heating up as Players started to fight among themselves.

"So, anything new?"

"Nothing much. But there are a few Players who started to move... Is it really all right to let them fight like this?"

"Boss sent the word to let them do as they please for now. As long as we rescue the Players, there will be no problem!"

"Eh? But this will heavily influence the starting point of the Players in the next Round!"

"Yeah, but when I asked him, he simply quoted "times of peace are just times to prepare for the next war." or something and didn't say anything else..."

"But if this keeps going, before we notice there will be an all out war down there!"

"Well, yeah, but isn't this exactly what's going to happen in the next Round?"


"True! I know! And that's why it's fine. If they can't even survive before the Round start, they are not worthy participating it anyway."

"Haaa~~~ Well, it's your choice. I will just do my job, stay quiet and obey."