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Enemy attack!

Unfortunately making chocolate was not something that could be done in a few minutes. It was a 7 steps process that required not only growing the cacao pods, but also fermenting the seeds for eight days before roasting, cracking, winnowing, grinding and conching them to create the chocolate finally add the final touches after tempering and molding them to the shape of your choice.

Alice patiently explained the whole process to Apollo who had ran to the kitchen, thinking that chocolate would take form in an hour or two, making him exit the place disappointed as his dream of obtaining chocolate was still a few days away.

"Haaa~~ It's in moments like this that one starts appreciating the little things civilization has to offer, like convenience stores..."

"Don't feel down, Master. If everything goes well, in about a week we should have a batch of chocolate prepared!"

"This feels worse than waiting for my favorite weekly manga! Talking about it, I wonder what happened in this week's chapter. Because there is no access to internet over here, I am unable to find out..."

"That's...hmmm...Master, what is a manga???"

"It's a book that tells a story through drawings and letters."

"Eh? Is that so?... Then... What is a book?"


(How the hell do I explain this to them?)

Sometimes Apollo got surprised by the knowledge of these girls. They were extremely knowledgeable in some areas and completely lacking in others that he considered common sense.

This was surely due to their artificial nature, but exactly because of this that Apollo didn't know if he was doing the right thing in teaching his own common sense.

Did they have limitations that prevented the scientist who created them adding this type of knowledge to them? Or was it just because the scientists thought it wasn't necessary as servants were only tools akin robots made of meat?

Well, sure, they were not human beings, but didn't they also had thoughts and feelings of their own? Or were they truly A.I.'s that simulated emotions to a level almost indistinguishable to humans?

Apollo remembered the scene of the massacre again. At that time the behavior of the girls turned really odd, but he couldn't really blame them. Actually behaving normally while seeing that scene would be an even stranger reactions, but as he thought of the cold eyes they displayed at that time... it was like all life had been sucked out of them...

Was it a simulation error or a protection mechanism to prevent them from being affected by fear and despair?

No. It was not like they were completely immune to fear. When Hime discovered she couldn't be a soldier, she almost broke down in despair, thinking she would be disposed by her master, Apollo.

(It's like they have some locks in their thoughts that make them completely subservient and dependents on their Master, never judging them as wrong or thinking bad about them...)

Apollo looked up in the sky, seeing a tiny bright point lost in the middle of the blue hue.

"What the hell did you create?"

"What was that, Master?"

Apollo smiled at Rose and patted her head, feeling a heavy weight in his heart.


In a well lit research station kilometers away in the middle of Space...

"How is the data collection progressing?"

"Everything is going well. In a way it's lucky for us that they started fighting on their own before the next phase start. This way it will be easy to collect quality data even before the next phase start. I'm sure the professor will be pleased!"

"She will, for sure. Maybe we will even receive a bonus from Boss."

"You think so? Well, it's not like this would be the first time he acted generous. As long as he stays in good mood, it's not hard to milk some money from him."

"Right? Cheers for the rich and generous Boss!"


"But this research... is this truly legal?"

"There are no laws protecting artificial life forms, so yes, it's all legal."

"Wouldn't they be classified as sentient aliens or something?"

"No. They fall on the same category as the artificial guinea pigs other labs use to test viruses and medicines."

"But those aren't humanoid!"

"There is no description of their shape in the law, so it doesn't matter."

"This feels morally wrong!"

"A small sacrifice you will have to make to fill your bank account."

"It's not about money, it's-"

"Look here! It's not like we are doing anything bad! All we are doing is just analyzing the received data, categorizing and sending it forward. The less you think about what is going on below or above, the better you will feel."


"ALSO! This is just a rumor, but I never heard of anyone who has quit ever again."

"You mean-"

"I DON'T MEAN ANYTHING! It's just that, have you heard the expression "riding a tiger"? No matter if you jump or fall you will be eaten, so try to hold tight for as long as you can..."

"...thank you..."

"No need to thank me. You are still young and more prone to act impulsively, but always think of your position and the possible consequences before you act. You still have a bright future ahead of you, don't waste it."

"...yes, sir..."


Back in the Planet's surface, a young woman received a report from a beautiful blue haired young man in butler suit.

"So the North base has fallen, huh? Damn! This happened faster than I thought!"

She pushes her back against her chair while crossing her arms and sigh.

"What are the chances they will strike us next?"

"Considering their expansion pattern, it's highly probable that they will strike us in two or three days, after absorbing their gains."

"Right? There is no way they will leave us alone! Is it possible to negotiate with them?"

"That's exactly why the North base has fallen this fast."


"They faked cease of fire and sneak attacked them as soon as they lowered their guards, defeating them in a single move."

"So the damn bastard is not only greedy but also a liar! That's great to know! Great job!"

"We are happy to serve, madam!"

"Our forces alone won't be enough to stop them. We need to form an alliance with someone else if we want to survive... Who are the candidates available?"

"The base on south has been destroyed in the tutorial, so our only options are the ones on the East and West. The one in the East is weaker than us, he has been lazing around after the tutorial and didn't expand at all, while the one in the West has recently assimilated a ruined camp near him, along with all surviving servants."

"Is he stronger than us?"

"Right now? Yes."

"That's not good as well... It would be perfect if there was someone just as strong as us, but reality is never that sweet. Seems like we have no choice but to gamble here..."

"Then, who are we betting on?"

"Let's try to eat the East and shake hands with the West. Can you do it in two days?"

"As you wish!"

The young man bowed once and disappeared from her sight.

"I'm counting on you, Hayate! Please bring me good news!"


Next morning.

Apollo was peacefully sleeping in his room when a sudden alarm sound wakes him up with a scare.

Wee~~! Wee~~! Wee~~! Wee~~!

Seconds later, Cindy's voice is heard from his bracer.

"Master! Enemy attack! We are under attack!"