Badly Beaten Up

Tristan and Matthew were brought by the Bermuda Gang inside an abandoned warehouse at the outskirt of the City of Empire.

This was a perfect place to do something illegal and no one would know. Tristan and Matthew were facing a serious problem right now.

Their hands were tied by rope. It would not be easy to fight several men without using their hands. The members of the Bermuda Gang looked bulky and strong. And they were outnumbered.

They wondered if there was a way to escape this troublesome situation they were in. Tristan and Matthew understood the danger and risk but they would try their best to negotiate with them.

Aside from that, the two men agreed that they would try to gather information with these men regarding the person behind this.

One man removed their blindfolds. Tristan and Matthew blinked their eyes, clearing their visions. They were still surrounded by members of the Bermuda Gang.