Little Girl's Request

After passing out on the sidewalk, Zu Wan woke up and found himself in a strange environment once again.

Compared to the room he had seen before, this time he was in a plain room with a white ceiling and no furniture inside aside from his sickbed, bedside table, and one vacant long plastic bench near the entrance door.

Zu Wan frowned upon seeing an object inserted in his left arm. IV DRIP. He was about to remove it when two small hands grabbed his arm, thus stopping him.

When he turned to his side, he saw a young girl smiling at him sweetly.

"Mr. Handsome, you are now awake. How do you feel?" the little girl asked Zu Wan with her exhilarated voice.

She was glad to see him awake. She had been watching over him the moment he was transferred to this hospital ward.

The frown on Zu Wan's forehead deepened after seeing this cute little stranger who talked like an adult.

"Who are you?" He asked her with his cold tone.