
[ Fifteen minutes before Clifford and Bianca received the emergency signal… ]

~ At Andrew's Place ~

After leaving the Sy Corp Building, Andrew and Alveena dropped by the supermarket to buy some groceries before heading home.

They only bought some snacks, drinks, and ingredients for tomorrow's breakfast. Andrew planned to cook a meal for Alveena. It's been a long time since Alveena stayed in his place.

Before, she was occupying the guest room. But now, Andrew felt so happy since she would sleep with him in his own room. 

The first person he would last see before closing his eyes every night would be Alveena and the first person he would see upon waking up was still her.

They bought things very quickly and soon they went back inside the car and left the supermarket. While they were on the way, Alveena and Andrew couldn't help but talk about her brother, Clifford.