The Long Awaited Father-Daughter Reunion.

The private booth was engulfed with silence. Both Tristan and Zu Wan were looking at each other with disbelief.

This was so much for just a coincidence. Zu Wan had the same name as FaMo's alias when he was in his human form- same name and same face. 

And now, this Zu Wan in front of him also had a daughter named Zhen-Zhen. However, he believed that Zhen-Zhen was still a kid, not a grown woman.

Zu Wan had no idea that a hundred years had passed already from the time he disappeared. Furthermore, Zhen-Zhen was no longer in the world where guardian warriors were living. But Zu Wan was still thinking that Zhen-Zhen and Eva were left in the other world.

"Are you telling the truth? Lillie's real name is also Zhen-Zhen?" Zu Wan stood up, tossing Tristan a serious look. The confusion was resurfacing in his eyes.

'How can this happen? Is this just pure coincidence or Lillie Davis has a connection to my daughter, Zhen-Zhen?'