Woo Her Father

Tristan and Zhen-Zhen stayed with Zu Wan, Titania, and Ella until dinner. They also invited Thomas and Alice. 

Alice and Titania were the ones who cooked the delicious food. While waiting for them to finish,  Thomas, Zu Wan, and Tristan got the opportunity to talk. 

They even played chess alternately. Zu Wan watched Tristan and Thomas play first. He easily learned the rules and how to play them.

Later on, Zu Wan started defeating Tristan and Thomas. They couldn't believe that the first-timer would be able to defeat them. Thomas and Tristan admired Zu Wan for his skill.

Meanwhile, Zhen-Zhen was also able to bond with Ella who seemed to be her younger sister.

"Sister Lillie, do you like Liam?" The innocent Ella asked Zhen-Zhen directly.

She was caught off guard by Ella's direct question. She didn't expect that. She was also wondering why Ella suddenly asked her.