He Regained His Memory Back!

Zu Wan teleported to Mt. Satari. Upon his arrival at the peak, he saw Titania and Ella lying unconscious on a big rock. Two figures were standing beside the rock, guarding them.

Zu Wan couldn't recognize them as they were wearing black robes with masks covering their faces.

He narrowed his eyes while grinding his teeth. "Who are you? What do you want from me?"

"Release them now!" Zu Wan commanded them in his authoritative voice. 

They couldn't see any hint of fear even though he had no magical power as of now. He was too conceited and confident about himself, thinking they would listen to him just because he told them so.

"You are not in a position to demand something from us. You are here to follow and obey us. If you don't, then this woman and this child will suffer the consequences." Riyu warned Zu Wan.

Zu Wan frowned when he recognized that voice.

"I knew it! You had ill-intention the moment you approached us… Riyu and Shiba…"